The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1383: Rong Ye Lost Kung Fu

   Chapter 1383 Rong Ye Who Lost Kung Fu

  Chen Lan: "No, I object!"

  Tang Ziyi: "Damn, this yellow hair is definitely not good, how can Xiao Rongrong marry this kind of person, who looks weird!"

  Xuanyuan Nantian: "Actually, it's okay. If you can give birth to a mixed-race child, it should be very cute."

   Then Xuanyuan Nantian was stared at by the three godfathers with murderous eyes.

  Xuanyuan Nantian: "Do you have any opinions on foreigners?"

   "Huh, if you don't like it, you don't like it!" Jiang Fu said coldly, "It doesn't conform to our aesthetics! Xiao Rongrong has to find a serious person to find.

  Tang Ziyi and Chen Lan nodded at the same time.

  Xuanyuan Nantian touched his chin, and said nothing.

  At the same time, Rong Ye sat in the seat and chatted with the few people around Brian.

  They haven't seen it again after the filming is over. There have been too many things about Rong Ye recently, and these things have been spread, so the crew naturally knows.

Director Pi Ed greeted Leng Rongrong with concern, while Brian said that if Mo Linyuan didn't want her, he would be happy to be her man.

  As a result, Brian’s voice did not fall, so he was knocked on the back of the head.

   "Ah!" Brian turned his head and glanced in disbelief, "Who beat me?"

  A few people in Jiangfu sat calmly and looked at the front with a look that had nothing to do with us.

  Brian turned his head suspiciously.

   "Rong, don't worry, there are many men in the world, and there is me, I am such a good man, you have it, and you won’t suffer... Aw, it hurts!"

  Brian turned his head glaringly, only to see a row of handsome-looking middle-aged men, staring straight ahead.

  Brian: "???"

   After turning his head, Bran turned around and took a look. Jiang Fu and the others were still motionless like the Bodhisattva.

  Brian tried several times and suddenly turned around, but no one hit him again.

After a sigh of relief, Brian continued, "Rong, whether you have kung fu or not, you are the goddess in my heart. This will never change. My love for you will never change. Ow—who the **** beat me again!"

  Brian jumped up in pain, feeling a huge bag swelled on the back of his head.

  He stared at the people behind, with a terribly complicated expression.

  Gods are as calm as always.

   "You guys, did you hit me?" Brian looked angrily at the godfathers and relatives behind him.

   "What if I hit you?" Chen Lan suddenly showed up a mini bazooka in his hand, facing Brian.

  On the other side, Tang Ziyi's handful of gleaming flying knives were flying around, as if they were an acrobat.

   "No, I'll admit it." Brann turned around silently, these middle-aged men are a bit scary.

   "Rong, don't turn your head, there are a few perverts behind."

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

   Click, a knife suddenly slashed between the positions of Brian and Leng Rongrong, Brian turned back in horror.

  Chen Lan: "Stop talking to our Xiao Rongrong so close!"

  Brian: "...Rong, do you know them?"

  Leng Rongrong: "Oh, it's my godfather, and my relatives and uncles, all in a row."

  Brian moved tremblingly in his direction, clasping his hands on his chest, not daring to approach Lord Rong anymore.

  He wants to know that Rong Ye has so many godfathers...and they are so terrible, so he won't provoke her!

  The award ceremony has begun, and the host is speaking on stage.

  The clips are played one after another.

  One after another winners began to take the stage to receive the prizes.

  All the people in the audience were applauding frantically, and some were secretly hurt by losing the election.

  Not long after, the host started talking about the shortlist for the best actress, and the name of Rong Ye was among them.

  Rong Ye’s face and Rong Ye’s name flashed on the big screen, and then a short clip of Rong Ye in "Super Escape" was played.

  Wearing a custom-made cheongsam, Rong Ye, who has long hair pulled up by a green hairpin, is so handsome that he is so handsome.

  A small clip made everyone boil.

   "God, so handsome!"

   "This is Lord Rong, she is really handsome when she has the skill to explode!"

   "But she has no time now..."

"that's too regretful!"

   "Although it is still very beautiful, but Lord Rong who has no kung fu is no longer the old Lord Rong. I feel that many people like Lord Rong because they like her extremely powerful kung fu."

   "I heard that Leng Rongrong has been dropping fans, but it's a pity that she is still so young!"

   "I don't know if she will win the prize today, it feels a bit suspended!"


  There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

  Leng Rongrong looked at the stage calmly, and soon the list of winners was announced, and Rong Ye was called out by her name.

  She stood up without any surprise.

  Compared with other nominees, her performance in this film is more remarkable. This award has no inside story, so the judges are not blind, basically she won the award.

   "Pop, papa!"

Behind    came the excitement and applause of **** fathers.

  Rong Ye walked slowly onto the stage.

  The light hit Ye Rong, she was wearing a red suit, and she was very beautiful and moving.

"What a beauty!"

   "It's nothing more than a fairy going down the earth!"

   "No matter what other aspects of Leng Rongrong are, her face value is really too high, how can there be women in this world that can look so good. Her temperament can kill the entire entertainment circle!"

  The host and guests were obviously surprised when they saw Lord Rong.

   "I always thought that Lord Rong in the camera was beautiful enough, but I didn't expect that Lord Rong in reality was a thousand times more beautiful than in the camera!" The host couldn't help being full of praise.

  Rong Ye smiled at the host, his clear eyes bend, and the smile seemed to make the whole venue shine.

  Everyone has a feeling of being suffocated by beauty.

   "No way, I'm suffocating!"

   "How can Lord Rong see this degree so well!"

   "She is beautiful again, she seems more beautiful!"

  "After seeing Ye Rong’s face, I only feel that the beauties in the world are not beautiful anymore. Only she is the most beautiful!"

  The host closer to Leng Rongrong station felt that he almost fainted and was stunned by the beauty in front of him.

  Obviously she is also a woman, but why, the beauty in front of me is so heart-pounding, her heartbeat seems to be about to fly out.

  Of course, the host still has the qualities of a host. She stabilized her state very well, and then chatted with Leng Rongrong for a few words, and started to ask some very hot questions.

   "Master Rong, I heard that you have lost your own kung fu, is it true?" the host asked.

  This is the first time someone mentioned this matter to Lord Rong in such a grand public place.

  All the people waited for Leng Rongrong’s answer with breathlessness, whether it was the live audience or the audience in front of the TV.

  (End of this chapter)

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