The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1386: Daddy, you can’t forget your favorite person

   Chapter 1386 Daddy, you can’t forget your favorite person!

   "Be careful!" Hei Ye pushed Leng Rongrong, and then a bullet flew over and hit the wall directly.

   "Woo?" Storm turned suspiciously.

  Several mercenaries suddenly jumped off the surrounding wall, and then these mercenaries suddenly launched an attack towards Leng Rongrong and Heiye.

  Hei Ye: "...Isn't it just fans chasing you, what is this?"

  Leng Rongrong leaned against the wall with her arms folded, "Looks like a mercenary from a certain organization, it looks like someone knows that I don’t have any kung fu, and want to kill me, Hei Ye, rely on you!"

  Hei Ye: "...I'm a bodyguard by your side, don't you often encounter such things?"

  Rong Ye: "I’m not sure. There are quite a few people who want to kill me. I am usually annoying. I guess many people want to take the opportunity to kill me!"

  Hei Ye: "Suddenly regretted agreeing to be your bodyguard!"

  Rong Ye: "I regret it's too late, so accept your fate and be your bodyguard!"

  Hei Ye immediately fought with a few mercenaries, and those few mercenaries didn't talk much, and directly attacked Hei Ye.

  The remaining few people have anesthesia guns in their hands to attack Storm.

  A few others jumped out to besiege Leng Rongrong.

  "Hold them, give this woman to us!" The few mercenaries who jumped out at the end directly attacked Leng Rongrong.

  Both Storm and Lord Hei were besieged, so they couldn't get out for a while. Seeing that Lord Rong was about to be attacked, Storm screamed anxiously.

  Leng Rongrong frowned and looked at these mercenaries, "Who sent you here?"

  Although she expected someone to trouble herself after she lost her kung fu, there were quite a lot of people who wanted to trouble her, and she didn’t know who sent it.

  "Do you think we would say it?" A few mercenaries laughed, "We have professional ethics, and we will never reveal the information of the employer who hired us."

   "Really?" Rong Ye shrugged, "Then I hope you have always had some professional ethics."

  A few mercenaries looked at Leng Rongrong and knew that she had no kung fu, so they were not afraid at all, and leaned directly towards Rong Ye.

  Master Rong raised her eyebrows and looked at these mercenaries. She smiled and said, "If you get close to me, you will die miserably!"

   "Joke, you don't have any kung fu, do you think it is useful to deter us like this?"

   "Don't talk nonsense with her, she is delaying time and waiting for someone to help her, we will solve her directly, and we can get the money when we go back!"

  A few mercenaries directly attacked Leng Rongrong.

  Leng Rongrong just stood there motionless, just as they approached, a few silver lights flashed, and suddenly several mercenaries screamed.

   And there was a mercenary who reached out and grabbed Rong Ye’s shoulder directly, and jumped up sharply. He made a screaming sound and shook his hand frantically.

  The mercenary’s hands are full of blood, as if he had caught a hedgehog directly.

   "Huhuhu——" The mercenary kept blowing his hands, painfully and hotly, "You, what are you wearing?"

"Wearing a piece of armor, once someone touches me, I will be pierced. Moreover, there is poison in these needles!" Rong Ye chuckled lightly, "I don't have much effort anymore, and I don't have much strength. But I am more than enough to deal with you. When my sister was a mercenary, you were still drinking milk. Have you heard of Blood Raksha?"

  When the group of mercenaries heard this name, their hairs started to frighten.

   "You, wouldn't you be..."

   "Yes, I am Blood Raksha!"

   "But you have no time!"

   "I don't have any effort to let you die several times!" Rong Ye said calmly.

  A silver needle in her hand, with a light flick, stuck directly on the wrists of a few mercenaries surrounded by the storm.

  The mercenaries screamed as if they were electrocuted.

  But for a moment, this large group of mercenaries all fell to the ground at random, and Lord Rong said condescendingly, “I don’t have any kung fu, but I still have brains and weapons! Who sent you?”

   "We won't say anything!" The mercenary captain gritted his teeth and said, "We must keep it secret!"

   "Oh, is it confidential?" Leng Rongrong laughed, "Want to know how I interrogate others?"

  Master Rong took a step forward and looked at Master Hei, "Help him take off his shoes!"

  He took off the man’s shoes and socks, Leng Rongrong pulled a dog’s tail over and started scratching the soles of the mercenary’s feet.

"a ha ha ha!"

   "No, itchy!"

  "Don’t tickle me, hahaha, I’m not working anymore, I’m going to laugh to death! Ahahahaha!"


   "Hahaha, smelly girl, you let me go! Hahahaha..."

Leng Rongrong continued to play with the dog's tail grass in her hand interestingly, "Well, if you don't say it, I can make you happier! I don't know what it feels like to laugh to death, do you want to laugh to death? "

   "I said, I said!" It didn't take long for the mercenary to stand it anymore, and finally he told the truth.

   "It turned out to be deserted." Leng Rongrong nodded, "That's not surprising, she should have dreamed of wanting me to die. Go back and tell her that she wants me to die, it's not that simple."

   "Just let them go like this?" Heiye looked at the mercenaries who left, in disbelief.

   "Otherwise, why do you keep it? I don't want to kill, it's so dirty." Rong Ye looked disgusted.

   "...convinced, Lord Rong!" Hei Ye rolled his eyes.


   "Daddy, I am Xiao Yuer!"

  In a certain restaurant, Xiao Nanyu finally found Mo Linyuan by his own means.

The little guy told Ye Rong that he was going to film. In fact, he came to his father. He knew that he had forgotten Mommy and Mommy would be sad, so he wanted to find a way to restore his memory. .

  Mo Linyuan was eating, and suddenly a small milk bag made of pink jade appeared in front of him, and he shouted daddy directly at him, which directly surprised him.

   Fourth Master Mo's hand holding the food stiffened, and he stopped in mid-air, just looking at the little milk bag in front of him.

   "Daddy, it doesn't matter if you forget me, I will leave one day, but you can't forget Mommy!"

  Xiao Yuer looked at Mo Linyuan anxiously, “Daddy, you must not be controlled by Qiao Wu! You can’t forget your favorite person!”

  Mo Linyuan paused for a while and put down the fork in his hand, "Are you my son? I have a son?"

  Xiao Nanyu: "..."

  It's a bit complicated to explain!

   "That's it!" After a moment of silence, Xiao Nanyu raised a face that was somewhat similar to Mo Linyuan, and said seriously, "This is not the point, the point is that you can't forget Mommy!"

  (End of this chapter)

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