The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1405: Men's desire to win

   Chapter 1405 Men's desire to win

   "Are you sure you are cooking?" Rong Ye looked at Mo Linyuan who was sitting on the other side of the sofa with a complicated expression.

  "Don't you want to eat the food I cooked?" Fourth Master Mo glanced at Master Rong.

  He didn't like to cook, but Jun Ye and the others had already gone to cook. He didn't want Rongrong to eat the food they cooked.

   Xiao Nanyu sat on the sofa on the other side, slightly satisfied with Daddy's reaction.

  Jealousy is a normal reaction. It is good to cook because you are jealous.

  Although his father’s cooking skills are a disaster, at least he is struggling to compete for Mommy.

Leng Rongrong looked very complicated and wanted to say that she really didn't want to eat, but seeing Fourth Master Mo’s serious expression, she couldn’t bear to interrupt him, "...It's not that she doesn't want to eat, but if she wants to eat. It also depends on what you cook."

   "I made it naturally and delicious." Fourth Master Mo was confident, with a proud face.

  Xiao Nanyu: " it delicious..."

  Daddy’s cooking is not something human can eat, right?

   "Of course." Fourth Master Mo stood up coldly, and then went into the kitchen to cook.

  Master Rong and Xiao Nanyu were sitting together, and the expressions of both mother and son were very complicated.

Xiao Yuer: "Mummy, although it is a good thing for Daddy to cook for you, it means that he may still love you very much in his heart. Although he refuses to admit it, his actions have proved everything. , He doesn't want you to be snatched away."

   "But, he cooked, won't you force us to eat?" Rong Ye asked sadly.

   "We can make excuses not to eat." Xiao Nanyu said.

   "If you don't eat it, isn't it good?" Rong Ye frowned.

   "Maybe Daddy who has lost his memory will cook deliciously." Xiao Nanyu said with a smile.

  In the kitchen, several men take turns cooking.

Xiao Nanyu and Leng Rongrong ran to the door to take a peek, and when they saw Jun Ye cooking, Ye Rong's eyes were cold, "This one will cook at the first glance, it will definitely be delicious, and it will make it even better! "

  Xiao Nanyu nodded in agreement, "The scent of the vegetables is coming out, oooo, I'm hungry!"

  Bai Jiuying, Lu Wuhua and Mo Linyuan looked back at the two small heads protruding from the door at the same time, and they seemed to look excitedly in the direction of Jun Ye.

  Lu Wuhua: "!!!"

  I feel excited about winning!

  Lu Wuhua, holding a scalpel, was dealing with a fish on the chopping board. The speed in his hand became faster and faster. It seemed that he was trying to attract the attention of the mother and the son and made a lot of movement.

   "My God, Uncle Lu is also very good. It's the first time I saw a fish killer with a scalpel!" Xiao Nanyu said exaggeratedly.

  Bai Jiuying:? ? ? ?

  It seems that he is a little weak.

  After thinking about it, Bai Jiuying decided to cook seriously, but when he cut vegetables, he cut his fingers and screamed, "Ahhhh, did I cut my fingers!"

  Rong Ye: "..."

  Xiao Nanyu: "..."

   "Wait a minute, you show me!" Lu Wuhua immediately leaned over and took a look, "Oh, it's okay, you didn't cut your finger, you scared yourself! That's not blood, that's pepper peel."

  Bai Jiuying looked down, and laughed suddenly, "Fuck me, I was scared to death, and thought I really cut my hand! It's okay, great, I'm alive!"

   Fourth Master Mo looked at Bai Jiuying like a neuropathy.

  He was very serious and started holding a knife with a few radishes and various carvings.

  On the side, Lu Wuhua said with a look of admiration, “Four masters are so amazing, did you go to any cooking training school? This carving technique is so powerful, it is so lifelike. This person, is this person Huahua?

   Fourth Master Mo nodded blankly, and then he frowned as he looked at his carved flower.

  There is a feeling of deja vu.

  He seems to have carved Li Ruhua?

  Why don’t you feel like you’re sculpting?

  Leng Rongrong: "...I guess the fourth master carved another flower!"

  Xiao Nanyu nodded, “I can see that Daddy’s cooking skills should not have improved, and there should be no changes because of his loss of memory.”

  Leng Rongrong: "...Should we think about it, how can we refuse to eat what he made?"

  "Why grandpa and the others are not coming back, should we call them quickly, we are blessed, and we can share the same difficulties!" Xiao Nanyu took Rongye's hand and rushed to the sofa and started calling.

  One hour later, Xuanyuan Nantian came back.

  The table is full of dishes made by four people.

  Siye’s dishes were only served last. He brought out a large crock pot. It was very difficult to see at first glance.

   "It's time to eat." Fourth Master Mo said, and then took a seat at the table.

  "Siye, this one is very powerful at first sight." Lu Wuhua said, "Is this any soup stewed?"

   "Turtle soup." Mo Siye said with a confident expression.

   "Wow, that's very good." Lu Wuhua nodded, "I'll serve the meal!"

  There are many dishes on the big round table, and Jun Ye’s cooking looks the best, with all-in-one color, fragrance and flavor.

  The others who made it didn't look very delicious. It was either burnt or ugly in color. The good prawns were also made into green, which gave me an unbelievable feeling.

  In addition, this dish made by Lu Wuhua is also a bit scary.

  A good fish, boil it and cook it. Dr. Lu sewed all the wounds on his injured area... I don’t know how he did it. The eyes are still like live fish, which is scary.

  Xuanyuan Nantian and others saw something on the table, their first reaction was to ask, "Has this kid Mo Linyuan cooked?"

   "Done!" Lu Wuhua said enthusiastically, "The things in this big earthen jar are made by Si Ye. Si Ye's cooking skills are really wonderful, and the carvings are really great!"

  Lu Wuhua was full of praise, and the expressions of the people in Xuanyuan Nantian had instantly turned ugly.

  A few people, look at me, and I look at you, looking at this crock pot as if I saw some poison.

  Everyone started to eat, and the most popular items were naturally made by Jun Ye.

  Everyone was full of praise after they tasted it.

  Mo Linyuan looked at everyone, frowning, "Isn't it delicious? No one wants to try it?"

   "I want to try!" Lu Wuhua stood up excitedly, as if he was Mo Linyuan's little fan.

   Fourth Master Mo did not react to Master Rong, only Lu Wuhua reacted, with an unhappy expression on his face, but he nodded, "Try it."

Lu Wuhua opened the earthen jar enthusiastically and took a long spoon to get some turtle pieces to eat. When he craned his neck and looked into the jar, his face became very strange. He seemed to be frightened. Threw the spoon at once.

   "What are you doing?" Fourth Master Mo glanced at Lu Wuhua.

   "No, nothing, I suddenly don't want to drink soup. I suddenly remembered that I can't eat turtle!" After speaking, Lu Wuhua held his own bowl and lowered his head to chop white rice.

  (End of this chapter)

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