Chapter 1408

  Because of the appearance of all the world's most impressive figures, Rong Ye did not need to say anything at this press conference.

  Originally, all reporters have prepared small notebooks, which have prepared many questions to ask.

  Okay, now it’s done, I was shocked by these big guys.

  Who knew that there would be so many arrogant bosses in this press conference, which shocked the whole venue.

  These people are still the kind of people that you can’t see at all on weekdays, they are all busy people, but Lord Rong has brought all the busy people together to participate in this press conference.

  There is also a president of a certain country, who never likes to appear in public, but he is actually there.

  There are also some internationally well-known organizations, and even people with the United Nations have come to support Rong Ye.

  Everyone can't help but wonder what identity Rong Ye is.

  Of course, doubt belongs to doubt, and no one dares to say anything.

  The line of people in front of me, men and women, elders and young ones, one is more powerful than one, the other is more identity, status, power, and it is impossible to fake, all are true!

  People's official website, or official blog have all posted news about the press conference.

  Whoever these people dare to really provoke, who dares to ask questions casually, it will feel like a war of the century.

Almost all the top identities in black and white are sitting here, just like some martial arts convention in ancient times, the major leaders have appeared, and the emperors of all countries have also appeared.

  No one dared to ask the scary questions, and the reporters did not prepare the questions, so the scene was a bit awkward for a while.

   "No one asks any questions?" The President of Country T looked at the reporters, "Since we are here, you are welcome to ask questions about Lord Rong. Oh, yes, I want to post something."

After    finished speaking, the president looked at Song Junlin, "Xiao Song——"

  Song Junlin nodded immediately, and he waved to the staff to switch out some slides.

"Everyone may be a little confused, what is our relationship with Xiao Rongrong. First of all, let me explain that I am a friend of Xiao Rongrong, and at the same time, she is also a fan. This is the proof that I joined her fan club. .Also, these people are all fans of Rong Ye. You should have heard that her fan support will be very powerful, right? What the world’s number one hacker, the world’s number one e-sports king... Her fans..."

  The President of Country T told Song Junlin to switch out a piece of evidence.

  Prove that these people are Rong Ye fans and have joined the Rong Ye fan club from the beginning.

  Among them, there are some people who were friends of Rong Ye from the beginning, and some people were joined by these friends to Huyou's support club. Of course, there are also people who are very capable of themselves and are attracted to Rong Ye.

  Rong Ye’s fan club has always been notoriously difficult to add. When seeing all this, everyone seemed to realize it.

   "There is a reason why Rong Ye’s fan club is difficult to add!"

   "Fuck, are you all such fans? Suddenly feel that I am not worthy of being a human being!"

   "No wonder, the fan clubs who wanted to join Lord Rong in the past have not met the conditions. There are all such big people. We ordinary people have no chance at all!"

"So this is ah……"

   "Suddenly I feel that Lord Rong is so awesome..."

"No more, I was about to cry, I don’t know why, I suddenly wanted to cry, I have always been a fan of Rongye, I have always loved Rongye, I have never given up, finally, finally Rongye can The truth is revealed!"

   "Yeah, no one finally dared to say anything!"

   "Those rumors that come from nowhere are I don’t know where they come from, it’s really annoying!"

   "Everyone has been misled. Fortunately, Lord Rong is really so powerful, so she is not afraid of being wronged."

   "There must be no cheating in the live broadcast. Does such a Rong Ye need to cheat?"

   "Of course she doesn't need it. She has enough confidence. Even if she can't get involved in the entertainment industry, any backer can make her more prosperous!"

  Some loyal fans of Ye Rong began to cry.

  I was really crying for joy. I thought that Lord Rong would always be hacked, but finally, Lord Rong’s grievances were washed away.

  The reporters are not stupid. Seeing this scene, they naturally know the truth.

  Even if you don’t believe the truth, can you still believe it when you see these people?

   "The most angry thing is that some people say that we are actors hired by Xiao Rongrong! Do we look so good?"

   "Yes, do you know who I am, is Tang Ziyi a casual actor?"

   "Also, why should she do this kind of thing again to damage her reputation?"

  "Does Chen Lan know who it is? He is a master of weapon design. People like him only know to study weapons. A weapon can be sold for hundreds of billions. Do you think he will be short of money to pretend to be a godfather?"

  Tang Ziyi's fathers were aggrieved.

   "It's a joke, the people who hacked us don't have a brain!"

   "Speaking of which, who is the culprit, Chen Lan, have you found out?"

  All eyes were focused on Chen Lan in an instant.

  Chen Lan nodded, "I found it. Let me show you a few things."

   also did not let Song Junlin do it. Chen Lan tapped on the computer in front of him, and several screenshots appeared on the big screen.

   "This is the first person who started hacking. I have found this person." Chen Lan said, tapping the keyboard, and then a photo appeared, as well as the account's IP and so on.


   someone shouted.

   "I'm going, it's deserted again, I remember this woman, the family did a lot of things to Rong Ye frantically!"

  "Yes, right, right, impersonating Rongye’s family, and then snatching everything left by Rongye’s mother, and bullying Rongye!"

  Some reporters still remember the past, so they were immediately shocked.

  Even people who have forgotten these things remembered how many things were reminded by people around them.

   "There is also this woman." Chen Lan continued, "This woman, Xuanyuan Qiongyu, everyone knows? If you don't know, you can look at it again. I have summarized everything Xuanyuan's family did to Rongye."

   Soon, several netizens’ comments and analysis appeared on the slides, almost all of which were about what happened at the Xuanyuan family.

  When they saw these things, everyone suddenly realized.

   are some people who have pretended Rong Ye’s property and have dealt with Rong Ye. Probably, Rong Ye has made all the truth clear, so these people can’t stand it anymore, and have taken grudges.

   "Let me go, these two women were so embarrassed to come out to Master Rong like that, so they want to distort the facts?"

  "They are also good enough. The memory of those on the Internet is not good. They listen to the wind and rain, and they really believe in their evil!"

  (End of this chapter)

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