The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1421: Mo Linger again

   Chapter 1421 Mo Linger Again

   "Mo Linyuan! You stop!"

  Leng Rongrong shouted loudly while chasing.

  It's just that Fourth Master Mo ran fast, he seemed to be a flash of lightning, and disappeared in three or two.

   "Damn it!" Li Ruhua ran out of breath, and asked in disbelief, "Si Ye, what is the situation, how can I run so fast, and disappear in the blink of an eye!"

   "Master Rong, what happened just now, what happened to Master Si suddenly?" Tang Luo asked with furrowed brows.

   "You guessed it at noon. He was afraid that Qiao Wu was controlling him again. He suddenly attacked me and then jumped out of the window and escaped." Leng Rongrong explained.

   "How can Daddy be controlled? Could it be the sound of the flute just now?" Xiao Nanyu said eagerly, "Could it be that Qiao Wu used that flute to control Daddy?"

  After a group of people chased them for a while, they chased them out of Tiandao Academy.

  Not long after, they stopped in a forest.

That was a bamboo forest. On that trail, Fourth Master Mo was standing next to a woman, Mo Linger was holding a small black flute, and Fourth Master Mo was standing next to her, as if she had lost Like the soul.

   "Mo Ling'er!" Leng Rongrong looked at Mo Ling'er fiercely, "Ling'er, he is your brother, you shouldn't treat her like this!"

"Sister-in-law, I actually like you, of course, I also like my brother, but we are all Master’s people, we can only listen to Master!" Mo Linger shrugged and said, "I was raised by Master. , So I will not betray Master for anyone."

   "You were raised by Qiao Wu?" Leng Rongrong looked at Mo Ling'er for a moment.

"Miss Ling'er, did you make a mistake? Didn't the fourth master raise you? The fourth master picked you up when you were young and raised you so much. You forgot what the fourth master always did when he was a child. Is it yours?"

  Tang Luo looked at Mo Ling'er in disbelief.

  In his impression, Si Ye has always treated Mo Ling'er as his own sister. Apart from Rong Ye, the person Si Ye most favors is Miss Ling'er.

  Because Miss Ling'er lost her track, Si Ye also pursued it for many years, desperately following it.

  As a result, Miss Linger actually said that she was raised by Qiao Wu?

  What did she have to do with Qiao Wu when she grew up? It was clearly raised by the Fourth Master, right?

  You can't be so ungrateful, right?

"Tang Luo, you are wrong. I was brought by Master from the beginning. Master just wanted to keep me by my brother and help monitor him, so he threw me in front of him. To put it bluntly, I am still Master. People, although my brother is good to me, I have been Master’s person from the beginning, do you understand?"

   " you have always been just a tool to monitor Fourth Master!" Tang Luo was taken aback.

  He didn't know that Qiao Wu had always let Mo Linger monitor Si Ye.

  Four masters trusted Miss Ling'er so much, and as a result, Mo Ling'er was really unhappy with him.

  Leng Rongrong was also a little surprised. She did not expect that this would be the case.

   "Mo Ling'er, even if you used to be Qiao Wu's tool, Fourth Master Mo has always treated you well. Your brother has always been your sister. Wouldn't you feel uncomfortable with him like this?"

Ye Rong looked at Mo Ling'er, she tried to move with affection and reason, "Qiao Wu is not doing a good thing, I think you should have your own ideas? I know you are not bad, you can Can't you let go of your brother? He has always treated you sincerely, but you haven't asked his opinion, should you treat him like this?"

"Sister-in-law, I like you very much, and you and my brother are quite suitable. But, I do this for my brother's good, and I want to help my master realize his great plan. So I'm sorry, I can't help you ! But you are so nice, can you help me?"

  Mo Ling'er's gaze fell on Leng Rongrong's hand.

  On Leng Rongrong’s finger, the black ring was still there.

   "Actually, if you give me the ring, there is nothing left." Mo Linger chuckled lightly.

   "I will give you nothing?" Rong Ye smiled, "Are you lying to the children? What do you want from Qiao Wu, do you think I don't know?"

   "Sister-in-law, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, if you give me the ring, I won't have to do it with you!" Mo Linger said, "Brother will not be embarrassed."

  "I won't give it to you!" Leng Rongrong narrowed her eyes, "You have the ability to grab it yourself!"

  Mo Ling'er shrugged and smiled, "I don't want to fight with you, I know, you are great!"

  After that, Mo Linger suddenly played the flute, "Brother, we are gone!"

  Mo Linyuan seemed to have recovered, he glanced at Mo Linger, and then seemed to frown again, looking a little bit painful.

   "A Yuan!" Leng Rongrong shouted toward Mo Linyuan, "Don't be controlled! You are Mo Linyuan, you are my husband, don't be controlled by them!"

  She ran towards Mo Linyuan, but Mo Linger turned around and ran away. After making a string of silver bell-like laughter, Mo Linyuan ignored Leng Rongrong and ran after him instantly.

  Rong Ye tried to chase them, but they disappeared without a trace after a while.

   "What to do?" Tang Luo frowned, "I didn't expect Miss Ling'er to be Qiao Wu's game from the beginning. How could Si Ye have such a master!"

   "We are afraid that we will not be able to catch up with them, so it seems that Ling'er may not be from this world." Xiao Nanyu frowned and said, "Go back first, at least it seems that Qiao Wu will not do anything to Daddy!"

  Leng Rongrong felt very heavy.

   Finally, the Fourth Master returned to her, but he disappeared like this again.

  If you don't deal with Qiao Wu, she is afraid that she will not be peaceful.

  Nie Sha still complained that Mo Linyuan didn't have any willpower. He was actually controlled like this. Then Xiao Nanyu gave him a few glances and bumped his arms a few times, "This world daddy is different from the previous daddy."

   "Hmph, no matter before or now, he is a weak chicken in my eyes." Nie Sha coldly snorted.

  Back to the villa, everyone was silent for a while.

   Then everyone looked at Lord Rong, "What will Lord Rong do next?"

   "Go back." Rong Ye muttered for a moment and said, "Find Qiao Wu, I will send him back to his world anyway!"

   "The door should be opened soon." Nie Sha said, "You can prepare and send the person back to you."

   No sleep all night.

  The next day, Lord Rong went to talk to the dean about the situation, and then said goodbye.

When    left, the students in the academy that had been taken by them were a little reluctant to bear them, and they were sent to the gate of the academy.

   "Okay, let's go back." Rong Ye said, "I will see you if you are destined."

  (End of this chapter)

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