The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1425: The local tyrant master wants to send a suite every day?

  Chapter 1425 The local tyrant master wants to send a suite every day?

  Tang Luo imagined for a moment, he hooked Li Ruhua's shoulder, and then whispered, “Huahua, don’t you worry about being a young lady like Rong Ye, are you being abused badly?”

  With the personality of Lord Rong, he is still stable now. If he was a child, it would be terrible, right?

   may catch people and abuse...

  I feel that Baofeng was bullied when he was a child, otherwise, can Baofeng be so embarrassed when he sees Lord Rong now?

  Others are afraid of storms, young ladies are not afraid, and beasts are afraid of young ladies!

  And the young lady seems to understand animal language. If two little milk dumplings understand animal language in a lifetime, wouldn’t it be terrifying to summon all the beasts to the house for a meeting?

  Hua Hua squeezed her chin, thinking of the little milk dumplings like Rong Ye, a small twitch on her head, milky voice called him Hua Hua, raising her hand can summon a group of animals.

   Before he can walk, he will lie on the back of the storm and abuse the storm. Is that scary?

  It doesn’t seem to be scary, but suddenly I feel so cute!

   And the young lady and the young master have such high looks, the little guy born is absolutely very cute.

  If you are cute, do you like anything?

   "I think it's cute!" Huahua said excitedly, "I'm going to prepare skirts for the little ladies, and I don't want to repeat the same every day!"

   "Cute?" Tang Luo twitched his brows. Why did he think he liked boys more? He felt that it would be terrible if it was a girl, and it is not easy to bully a little girl as a man!

  If it’s a young master, then it’s certainly possible to abuse it casually.

  Little girls have to be spoiled, but Ye Rong is also very scary.

  And if there are two...

  Damn, it feels horrible no matter what, can’t you tear down your home while wearing diapers?

  Tang Luo glanced at Lord Rong’s stomach, at this moment, it seemed that he was carrying two demons in his stomach.

   "Tang Luo, what do you mean by that look? Why do you feel that you are a little dissatisfied with my stomach?" Rong Ye raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang Luo.

"No, I'm very satisfied, very satisfied, I'm very satisfied. Both boys and girls are good. Ye Rong and Si Ye's children are definitely very awesome." Tang Luo said immediately, "Well, I will prepare to pee. Not wet!"

  Rong Ye:? ? ?

  I just got pregnant, so I need to prepare for diapers?

  She suddenly felt that this child had not been born yet, she didn't need to prepare anything. It was estimated that someone would contract them from birth to the future.

   "What should I prepare?" Su Wei looked at Ye Rong's belly enthusiastically, "Little Rongrong, what gift do you want?"

  "Master, this is not yet born, what kind of gift do you prepare!" Rong Ye shrugged, "No need."

   "Need!" Su Wei hummed, "Gifts must be prepared from now on, and I have to give a gift every day... Or I will give a house every day?"

   "Master... are you sure?"

"However, I don't have so many houses now...I'll go back to filming, so that if I buy a house every day, they will have a lot of houses?" Su Wei suddenly got serious, she took out a mobile phone, and then Start calling.

   "Ji Chengyu, I want to come back, I want to make money, I want to make money to buy a house, one set a day!"

  Rong Ye:? ? ? ?

  Damn, do you want to be so exaggerated?

  She thought she was a group pet, but now she suddenly feels like she is out of favor?

   Then, Ye Rong heard that his master began to discuss with Ji Chengyu various issues such as coming back, what TV to make, and then what movie to invest in, and to contact a Hollywood film company to make what movie...

  Master is really going to do what he says. He doesn’t really plan to set up a house a day, right?

  This is too scary.

  Isn’t this bad? The children have everything when they are born, will they be as boring as her in the future?

  Master Rong frowned.

  Slightly worried.

   On the other hand, Su Wei missed his words, and told Ji Chengyu about Ye Rong's pregnancy. On the other side of the phone, Ji Chengyu was also very happy, and asked Su Wei to help congratulate Rong Ye, and then said what gift he would give.

  Rong Ye: "..."

  I have never seen all kinds of gifts before getting pregnant.

  At this moment, Lord Rong hadn't predicted what would happen after her godfathers knew about this.

  Of course there are others.

  When Tang Luo and Li Ruhua hid their mouths in the kitchen to discuss the boy and girl, they had already released the news in the group.

  Tang Luo directly talked about Rong Ye’s pregnancy in the housekeeper group.

  Then the butlers of the Mingyuan Empire were very excited and expressed that they would raise funds to give the children two islands. Then the butlers released the news in other high-level groups of the Mingyuan Empire, and all of a sudden everyone was boiling.

  Especially the group of elders, these old guys are even more excited when they see this news.

   "Master Rong has a child? Or twins? Then we have someone to succeed in the Mingyuan Empire!"

   "When Xiao Yuer said that I didn't want to inherit the Mingyuan Empire, I was almost depressed to death, I am so happy now!"

   "Hahaha, there are two children!"

   "We have to expand the power of the Mingyuan Empire!"

   "Great, everyone is ready to prepare, let's go see Master Rong!"

   "But isn't our fourth master still where, what should we do if the fourth master is not there?"

   "You still care about Si Ye, where Si Ye likes to go, now Rong Ye is the most important thing, okay?"

   "Yes, young masters are our people in power, the fourth master is not important!"

  Everyone is talking about it.

  Then it spread ten to ten, and then began to spread to the ears of Xiao Yan, Xu Shiting and others. In the blink of an eye, everyone knew that Rong Ye was pregnant.

  No one cares about the Fourth Master, and at this moment, I am very happy because of this incident.

  Rong Ye has been with Si Ye for a long time, but there is only one adopted little milk bag, and there is no child born by him. At this moment, Rong Ye is finally pregnant. No matter what the Si Ye is, everyone is very happy anyway.

  At this moment, the Fourth Master, who was beside Qiao Wu, didn’t even know this.

  He didn’t know at all, everyone thought he was unimportant, and he would always come back when he should come back. What’s important is the children in Rong Ye’s stomach...

  Everyone was worried about when the Fourth Master would come back and how was the Fourth Master.

  But after the news of Rong Ye’s pregnancy came out, no one cared about the Fourth Master. Everyone’s attention was focused on Rong Ye, and they were imagining how powerful Rong Ye and Si Ye’s children would be.

  Huahua also sent the news in her group. Li Chenle and others learned of the news, and the Mo family father also received the news, all of them were very excited.

   嘤嘤嘤, I suddenly look forward to the birth of a majestic young lady wearing a small skirt, diapers, holding a bottle, riding a storm, and majestic.



  (End of this chapter)

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