The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1432: Painstakingly

   Chapter 1432

  When Lord Rong was undergoing the check-up, Jiang Fu and others had been discussing what to do if the child was not good-looking.

  Originally everyone imagined that the little Mengbao should be as cute as Xiao Nanyu or Xiao Chuyan, very cute.

  But after Li Ruhua and Tang Luo suddenly thought of this topic, everyone was out of control.

  I also look for information on the Internet to see if it is possible that the parents are very good-looking, but the child born is a little ugly.

  As a result, there are really many.

  Parents are not good-looking, and some children have very good-looking children.

  For a time, everyone fell into silence and began to worry about the appearance of the children.

  After all, there is a female doll among them. If the boys are ugly, that’s fine, what if the girls are ugly?

  So, when Ye Rong came back from the obstetric check-up, he saw a group of people who were not pretty.

   "What are you doing, all of them have somber faces?"

  Leng Rongrong looked inexplicable.

   Everyone was very happy before. After she became pregnant, none of the people in this group was unhappy, and they all flew up happily, especially after knowing that the children were born with phoenixes.

  But today she got the check-up, why is everyone not happy?

  She had no problems with the results of the check-up just now, and the results were pretty good.

   "No, nothing." Tang Ziyi said hurriedly, "What can we do that is unhappy, we are all very happy, haven't you seen it, we are almost happy!"

   "???" Rong Ye looked suspicious, this group of people didn't seem to have any happy expressions at all.

   "Go, go back, get hungry, go back and eat delicious!"

   Before Rong Ye asked more questions, she had been sent to the car.

   Then, she had no chance to ask more.

  In the car, Rong Ye looked at Xiao Nie and Xiao Nanyu inexplicably. These two small milk bags must know what everyone was discussing just now.

   "Yu'er, what's the matter, just now everyone was talking about something, why are you unhappy? Is there news from Qiao Wu?" Rong Ye asked.

   "No." Xiao Nanyu shook his head, "Mommy, don't worry, it won't happen."

   "What kind of thing?" When Rong Ye heard this, his face was more suspicious.

  Everyone seems to be worried about something.

  Is there a problem with her check-up result?

  "...Mommy, you still don’t want to know, you will be very anxious if you know it." Xiao Nanyu said, "As long as you know, we are all by your side, and we love you very much."

  Because of Xiao Nanyu's words, Leng Rongrong is even more curious about what these people are discussing.

  Finally, under Rong Ye’s repeated questioning, Xiao Nanyu told Nie Sao the truth.

  What everyone is worried about is the appearance of the child in the belly of Rong Ye.

  Although it will probably follow the appearance of Lord Rong or Fourth Lord Mo, there is a small probability that it may not look good, so everyone is worried about this face value problem.

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

   "It shouldn't be ugly, I and their daddy are not bad."

   Originally, Lord Rong had not considered this issue. She and the Fourth Master were a strong team, and their appearance was so high that the child born could not see where they were going.

  But after saying this, I started to worry subconsciously.

  Although there is no problem with the birth check, I can’t see the children’s looks, so I don’t know what the children look like.

  Rong Ye: "..."

  After returning home, the godfathers didn’t know where to get a lot of beautiful babies’ posters all over the house, and pictures of beautiful babies were everywhere in and outside the house.

  At the same time, everyone also asked Rong Ye to see Nie Sao and Xiao Nanyu, two beautiful little cute treasures.

  Rong Ye: "..."

   "Rong Rong, take a look at those who don't have less meat. I heard that the babies who look good every day will also be very good-looking babies." Jiang Fu said.

   "Yes, Xiao Rongrong, look at these good-looking ones. Don't look at us old guys. Although we were handsome once, we are old after all." Xuanyuan Nantian nodded in agreement.

  Master Rong has a complicated expression. He looks at the walls and the room is full of pictures of beautiful babies. Although a little speechless, he also knows that they are all for themselves and the baby in his stomach. It can be said that they are well-intentioned.

  In the following days, Ye Rong has been quietly waiting for delivery.

  The godfathers and other people who care about Rong Ye and the babies come to see Rong Ye almost every day, looking forward to the birth of the children.

  Grandpa Rong's belly grew bigger.

  On one night, Ye Rong suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, and then she felt the crazy trembling of the little black dragon ring.

  The door is about to open!

  Master Rong was awake almost instantly, she got up directly from the bed.

  When she got out of the room, the godfathers in the next room also woke up. Because of the reason that Rong Ye was about to give birth, everyone was very alert, for fear of what would happen to Rong Ye in the middle of the night.

  Because of this, Lord Rong was slightly moved, and everyone got up.

   "What's wrong, Rongrong?" Jiang Fu rushed to Leng Rongrong's face and asked worriedly.

  The others also surrounded them.

   "Mommy, are you about to give birth?" Xiao Nanyu asked hurriedly.

   "Are you going to give birth? Then go to the hospital! Where is Su Wei?" Tang Ziyi shouted nervously.

   "No, it's not about to give birth." Leng Rongrong looked at the crowd, "Qiao Wu and the others should appear soon, I know where the door is, we have to go to that place and send them back to their world."

  "Does the door open?" Xiao Nanyu and Nie Sa glanced at each other, their expressions a little weird.

   "Well, I feel it." Rong Ye said, "Contact Guen and tell him to prepare and go to the door."

   "Where does the door open?"

   "Midyuan Island."

Ye Rong swept at the crowd, "It's the island of the Mingyuan Empire, the door opens over there! Tang Luo, you prepare, take everyone to that island, and let the Mingyuan Empire and other people who want to participate in this matter go. That island."

   "Okay, I'll prepare for this!" Tang Luo nodded immediately.

   "Mommy, are you okay?" Xiao Nanyu looked at Master Rong with some worry. Seeing that Master Rong had such a big belly, the little guy would inevitably be a little worried.

"I'm okay, it's important to deal with Qiao Wu's affairs." Rong Ye said, "And your father, he is still with Qiao Wu, if I guess it is correct, Qiao Wu may let Si Ye deal with us. ."

   "No matter what, this kid will finally appear." Chen Lan said, "Little Rongrong, don't worry, although we are a little angry, we will **** your husband back."

  (End of this chapter)

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