The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1434: They are coming

   Chapter 1434 They are here

   "Qing Le, is that door really going to open?"

  "Can we really take advantage of this opportunity to catch Leng Rongrong and let her die?"

"Let me tell you, Leng Rongrong killed our parents, we must not let her go easily, because of her, now you and I have lived like a mouse on the street, can only follow this Qiao Wu, so we must revenge !"

   "Only when this **** dies, we can live peacefully."

  Deadly thinking about the door opening, she couldn't help being very happy. She knew that Leng Rongrong had also made careful preparations to deal with them.

   But what about it, the people on Qiao Wu's side are even more powerful, and the whole world knows that Leng Rongrong is pregnant, and the whole world knows that she lost her kung fu.

  She had already thought about it, and when everyone was in chaos, she could take the opportunity to control Leng Rongrong.

  She recently learned a lot of kung fu with Leng Qingle. She may not be able to deal with a kung fu Leng Rongrong, but it is definitely easy to deal with a pot belly who has lost her kung fu.

  Leng Rongrong and the child in her belly are dead.

  She can finally let out a sigh.

  Since Leng Rongrong appeared in her life, everything about her has been taken away, and everything about her has been destroyed by her.

  She could marry Fourth Master Mo, she could have become a big star, she originally had parents and wealth, she was very happy...

  But because of Leng Rongrong, everything about her is gone.

  Her parents died, her family property was robbed by Leng Rongrong, and she couldn't even get in the entertainment circle.

  Thinking of this, the deserted eyes are full of viciousness.

  Leng Qingle looked a little more calm than deserted, but his eyes also contained a touch of viciousness, "She will die, and the revenge will be paid back!"

   "We must destroy her this time!" Leng Qingqing looked at Leng Qingle.

  Leng Qingle sneered, "Don't worry, she will die miserably."

   Both brothers and sisters have a vicious light in their eyes.

  Since their parents passed away, they have been forced into desperation by Leng Rongrong. Had it not been for Qiao Wu behind them, they would have been caught by Leng Rongrong's people.

  Leng Rongrong's godfathers have been looking for their whereabouts, fearing that they will become a hidden danger for Leng Rongrong.

Leng Qingle also had a bit of madness in his eyes when he thought of it. He wanted to tear up Leng Rongrong. Maybe he didn’t hate Leng Rongrong so much before, but in the past two years they were forced to desperate by Leng Rongrong’s godfathers, so they I hate Leng Rongrong.


  Less than three days.

  Everyone has gathered on the island.

  Storm, torrential rain, crit, and a few big white tigers also came to the island, to contribute to this battle.

  The time for the door to open was getting closer, and Ye Rong could not feel that the door was about to open in three days.

  In the past few days, people take turns to guard the door every day.

  Once there is movement at the door, once Qiao Wu and the others appear, they will fight hard.

  They know that Qiao Wu and his people have made the same preparations, so everyone has a twelve-point spirit and is ready to fight hard.

  Nothing happened a few days ago.

  Until one night, Ye Rong suddenly woke up. She was sweating all over her head until the door was really about to open, and Qiao Wu and others were afraid that they had already arrived.

   "Lolo, Huahua, they are here!"

  Rong Ye ran out of the room.

  Tang Luo and others immediately got up when they heard the movement, Su Wei and Xiao Nanyu also rushed out of the room.

   "It's open, the door really opened!" Xiao Nanyu exclaimed.

   "The door did open, I feel it!" Nie Sa's eyes lighted up, and he clearly felt that his strength was recovering. The door really opened, and his cultivation level should be back soon.

   "Hurry up, Qiao Wu and the others must have come too, they will definitely find a way to close the door!" Rong Ye said.

  "Mommy, if you give me the ring, Master and I should be able to control the ring. You still stay here, it must be very dangerous over there." Xiao Nanyu gave Leng Rongrong a worried look.

  Leng Rongrong shook her head, "I will go with you."

  It is impossible for her to hide here alone. Although she is pregnant and has a big belly, she can also stand there and direct.

  And if she is there, she can better control the door, which is still good for this war.

   "Don't worry about me, I will hide away a little bit later." Leng Rongrong said to Xiao Nanyu and others, "You beat you, and I protect myself is not a problem."

   "It's okay, let Lord Rong follow, I will protect Lord Rong even if Huahua is desperate!" Li Ruhua said, patted her chest.

  "Young lady, we will also protect you." Tang Luo and others also said.

   "Godfathers stay there, let's go and help right now!" Ye Rong said, while asking Tang Luo to gather the rest of the people and set off immediately.

  A few minutes later, everyone was there, and then set off directly to the mountain.

  The mountain is not very high, and the distance is not very far. Fighting sounds have been heard over there.

  When I heard the fighting sound, I knew that the fighting should be very intense.

  Along the way, Leng Rongrong was thinking that Fourth Master Mo didn't know if she was there. If Mo Linyuan saw her pregnant, he didn't know how he would react.

  If you tell him that she is pregnant with his child, you don’t know how he will react.

  Perhaps pregnancy is more fragile and sensitive, but Ye Rong actually misses Si Ye very much.

  Although there are so many people at home with her, she always misses the Fourth Master in her heart, hoping to reunite with him sooner, hoping that he can remember everything about herself sooner.

   Although she didn't show it in front of the godfathers, she missed this man every day.

  Obviously, we will meet soon, but Ye Rong couldn't help but feel a little worried. The children in her stomach seemed to have a premonition and moved a lot.

  It was very difficult to climb up the mountain, and the group of people continued to run to the cliff where the fighting sound came from.

  Master Rong knew that she could not help much, and was afraid that she would accidentally injure her child, so she did not move on when she reached the same place.

   "I will leave it to you in advance, I won't pass."

  Rong Ye said to a group of people.

   "Master Rong, rest assured, we will send them all back!"

   and others are almost moving forward, even Li Ruhua and Tang Luo went up to help, Xiao Nanyu followed Rong Ye, the little guy sighed, and smiled at Rong Ye with a complicated expression.

  "Xiao Yu'er, don't go there, let me be here." Leng Rongrong said to Xiao Nanyu with some worry.

  After all, Xiao Nanyu is still a child.

  (End of this chapter)

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