The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1442: Letter from Xiao Yuer

  Chapter 1442 Letter from Xiao Yuer

  Because he knew how terrible the other world was, Lord Rong was very worried about Xiao Nanyu.

  After all, in that world, no one would protect the little guy. Although Xiao Nanyu was a lot older than before, it was still worrying.

  When Lord Rong was worried about Xiao Nanyu, he would go to Xiao Nanyu's room for a while.

  Because I first met Xiao Yu'er at the old villa of the Mo family, so after the children were born, Rong Ye also took everyone to live here.

  The room here is the longest room Xiao Nanyu has lived in.

  On this day, Ye Rong carried his twin brother Mo Nanting into Xiao Nanyu’s room. Xiao Yu’er’s room was still the same. Although Rong Ye often cleaned up, he hardly touched Xiao Yu’er’s things.

  It is strange to say that after Xiao Ting'er entered Yu'er's room, he started to scream.

  The baby who is less than a month old has gained a lot of weight recently, and is very cute. She is usually peaceful and quiet. Most of the time she sleeps after eating, but this day, she has been croaking.

   "Little Ting'er, what's the matter?" Rong Ye asked suspiciously.

  Although she knows all kinds of animal languages, she really doesn't touch baby language.

   "Enwow, enwow——" Xiao Ting'er opened her eyes, her mouth closed.

"Did you feel that this is your brother's room?" Ye Rong took Xiao Ting'er a few steps forward and sat on the chair next to the desk. "This is your brother's desk. Your brother's name is Mo Nan Yu, he is also very cute, very smart, and very sensible. However, he is not here now, he is in another world."

  If possible, she really hopes that Xiao Yuer can stay in this world forever, even if she can’t stay in this world, she also wants to go to that world to reunite with Xiao Nanyu.

  She feels distressed that Xiao Nanyu has only one person, he is alone and so young.

  Although he has Nie Sha, Nie Sha seems to be very lonely. After Rong Ye was rescued by Nie Sha, she vaguely remembered a few clips of herself and Nie Sha in her previous life. She knew that Nie Sha was a very lonely person.

  People in the world call him Demon Lord and Demon Head, but he has never done harm to the world, but has always been helping mankind.

  Nie Sha in that world, many people have misunderstood him, he is very lonely.

  Perhaps because I knew he was so lonely, maybe she helped Nie Sha in the previous life, so Nie Sha saved her life, and he did not hesitate to dissipate the cultivation base that the world sees more important than life to make her reborn as a human being.

   "Enwow——" Xiao Ting'er's hand hooked the drawer without knowing why.

  It’s just that even though she used the strength of feeding, Xiao Ting'er still failed to open the drawer.

  Master Rong suddenly noticed this movement and was a little suspicious. Did the little guy accidentally hit the drawer, or did he really want to open the drawer?

   "Xiao Ting'er, do you want to see what's in your brother's drawer?" Rong Ye smiled and said, "Then Mommy will open it for you to see? My brother looks forward to you so much, and I'm sure everything will spoil you."

  She feels a little regretful that she didn't let Xiao Nanyu see her brothers and sisters.

  The drawer was opened by Lord Rong.

  Then Ye Rong saw that there was a letter with his name in the drawer.

  She shook her heart violently.

   is Xiao Yuer’s letter. Did Xiao Yuer leave her letter?

Ye Rong took out the letter immediately, and then opened the envelope. Inside the envelope was the letter Xiao Nanyu wrote to her. Xiao Yu'er's words are very beautiful. Although he is very young, those words are powerful and very powerful. It’s beautiful, unlike what such a small child can write.

  Xiao Yu'er's letter is not very long, but I can feel it, the little guy is really reluctant to them.

Several bank cards were suppressed under the envelope. Xiao Nanyu said that it was all the money she earned and spent it for her younger siblings and mom. As for Daddy, he asked Rong Ye to tell Si Ye a few words, Si Ye as a man. , Making money to support the family is justified.

  Master Rong couldn't help but smile when he saw this sentence, it was really what Xiao Yuer would say to A Yuan.

  The little guy does educate daddy occasionally. He also told the fourth master that if you don’t raise your wife, someone else will raise your wife.

  At that time, Xiao Yuer was almost beaten by Mo Linyuan.

  Xiao Yuer told her not to worry about him. Although he is still young, he knows how to protect himself in that world.

  Furthermore, Xiao Yu'er also made it clear that she will work hard to become stronger in that world. When he is strong enough, the boundary between the two worlds can be broken at will.

  Even if there is no such door, Xiao Yuer can come over as soon as she comes.

  "Mom, you have to rest assured, take good care of your younger siblings, and take more pictures, keep more videos, and record. Although I missed the birth of my younger siblings, I will come to watch these videos in the future."

  When Lord Rong saw this, his heart was warm, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

  She believes that Xiao Yuer can protect herself. He is so smart and so powerful.

It’s just that he still feels very sorry for Xiao Nanyu. He is still a child himself, but he has been thinking about the feelings of others and taking care of the feelings of others. He is very sad, but the tone in the letter left is very relaxed and he tells She wants to be happy every day.

  "Mommy, I have also left some videos in your mailbox. I record my best wishes for my brothers and sisters every month!"

  When Lord Rong saw this sentence, the tears almost came down.

  She didn't even know that Xiao Nanyu had prepared so many things.

  He not only prepared the money, but also prepared various gifts. He also personally recorded some videos of blessing his brothers and sisters. He probably hoped that his brothers and sisters would not forget themselves.

  At the end, Xiao Nanyu said something for himself. He said, Mommy, don't forget Xiao Yuer, Yuer will come back to see you.

  Seeing this, Lord Rong was already in tears.

   "Yu'er, Mommy will never forget you. Mommy will find a way to meet you. Don't worry, even if you can't come back, I will find a way to open the door and come to see you!"

   When Fourth Master Mo came in with his sister, Monan Chong, Master Rong had just finished reading the letter.

   Seeing Ye Rong cry, Fourth Master frowned, "What's wrong? Do you miss Yu'er?"

"Yu'er left us a letter. He also left a lot of money, as well as a video of gifts and blessings." Ye Rong looked up at Fourth Master Mo, completely touched, "He told us not to forget him. We are. How can I forget him? I will never forget him. If he can't come over, I will go to that world to find him! I will not leave him alone."

   Fourth Master Mo leaned over, holding the child with one hand, and holding Master Rong with the other.

   "No, he will always be our favorite child."

  (End of this chapter)

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