The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1455: Inherited the strength of Lord Rong

   Chapter 1455: Inherited the strength of Lord Rong

  Leng Rongrong twitched the corners of her mouth and looked at Li Jiujue in horror. Although this child is really beautiful, the question is, does this disagreement become her son-in-law?

   "Then what, kid, can you calm down? Don't you know how old you are?"

   Fourth Master Mo was about to beat someone up, if he hadn't seen a child in front of him, he might have slapped him directly.

  Li Ruhua and Tang Luo look strange.

  Xiao Chuyan glanced at Li Jiujue, and then said, "My favorite sister will not be yours."

   "She is mine." Li Jiujue glanced at Xiao Chuyan coldly, "Boy, stay away from her."

   "Who do you mean, I am older than you." Xiao Chuyan frowned.

   "You." Li Jiujue said coldly, and then he turned around and solemnly said a few words to Leng Rongrong and Mo Siye.

   Fourth Ye Mo and Ye Rong looked at the child with strange expressions.

  After a long time, Lord Rong looked at the housekeeper, "Your young master, has it always been like this?"

   "No, our Xiao Jiuye is not like this!" The steward said hurriedly, "He hasn't talked much, he is very powerful...very steady...for the first time like this."

   "I'm not mentally abnormal." Li Jiujue glanced at Lord Rong, "I will come to see the darling again. I will trouble my mother-in-law to take care of him."

  Rong Ye: "!!!"

  The little darling has not yet reached her first birthday, she has been called the mother-in-law. This feeling is really unspeakable.

  The most important thing is that this little Jiuye looks pretty good-looking, and she can’t refuse her face control, this little Jiuye.

   Fourth Master Mo's face was already green by the side, "You can go."

  Li Jiujue nodded at Fourth Master Mo, and called his father-in-law again, almost vomiting blood from Fourth Master.

   Then Li Jiujue left.

  The butler hurriedly took away Xiao Jiuye, and the young butler was almost scared to death.

"Little Jiuye, what are you doing? Do you know who it is?" The housekeeper was sitting in the co-pilot with a pale face. The richest man in the world. Besides, there are so many big men behind her. She has any grandpa, uncle, or godfather, who is the kind of big man who shocks the world."

   "I know, in the future, there will be me behind her." Li Jiujue said calmly.

  The housekeeper wiped the waterfall sweat from his forehead. Is his little Jiuye wicked today?

  A few days later, Mo Linyuan and Leng Rongrong received many gifts from Li Jiujue.

  This little nine master really fell in love with the little darling, and he sent a variety of gifts, and also sent a black card over, indicating that the little darling’s milk powder or something, he packed all.

   Fourth Master Mo's face was livid when he saw the card, "Does he think I can't afford my little darling?"

  "Fourth master, calm down." Tang Luo grabbed the fourth master who was almost furious.

   "Is my little cabbage that he can slam?" Fourth Master Mo said angrily, "Let me take care of it. If that kid dares to approach the little darling, let him know the sinister world."

"However, this kid is really weird." Tang Luo glanced at the black card after seeing the fourth master calm down a bit. "This is the black card of Mingyue Bank. I heard that there are less than ten in the world, so small. Actually there are?"

"Little nine masters of the Li family, it's not surprising." Rong Ye said, "I recently investigated and this kid is indeed in charge of the Li family. Many companies in the Li family cooperate with some of my subordinates. All of them The evaluation of Xiao Jiuye is always shocking, really a little genius..."

  Rong Ye took a sip of tea while holding his tea cup thoughtfully.

  She actually liked this stinky boy quite a bit, mainly because of the gifts this kid gave her, and she liked them all.

  The face is so good-looking and capable, she feels pretty good, but she doesn’t know if the little darling likes this little nine master.

   Fourth Master Mo looked at his wife, feeling that his wife was smiling and seemed quite satisfied with this stinky boy, and his brows frowned.

   "Mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and she likes it more!" Li Ruhua said with a smile beside him, "Rong Ye likes Xiao Jiu Ye!"

   "Little Jiu, this kid is pretty good." Rong Ye said with a smile.

   Fourth Master Mo: "Is it nice to have me?"

  Rong Ye: "...I am a child."

   Fourth Master Mo: "...I don't like him."

  Rong Ye: "..."

  In the next period of time, Master Rong will stare the little darling tightly most of the time. After being stared at, the little darling can't sneak out of the house.

  But the little guy is very powerful, and he directly summons the animals to come home.

  So, the house became very lively, and there were often many animals.

  There are all kinds of weird animals.

  The little guy can’t speak a complete sentence yet, he can’t walk yet, but he can already play with animals, and occasionally pulls the tiger’s tail and climbs up to the tiger’s god.

  And these animals are very fond of the little darling.

  The home is almost like a zoo.

  Occasionally, the godfathers squatted at the door with a little Mazha watching the little darling play with these animals, and then everyone saw the terrible strength of the little darling.

   "Let me go, did I see the little darling pull the tiger?"

   "Is this beloved girl stronger than Rongrong?"

  "...Blue is better than blue. I have a foreboding that no one can bully the little darling!"

   "She...she just dumped the tiger to the other side!"

   "I saw it, the big python shrank, and the little darling straightened it..."

  "Fortunately, the little darling doesn't play with us, otherwise we people will all suffer!"

  Song Junlin, a few people sitting at the door shivering, looked very scared, they were very worried that they were abused by the little darling, how could the little darling be so strong!

  Hu Xin hugged Xiao Ting'er, and the corners of his mouth twitched and said, "Female man, exactly like Rong Ye."

   "Although it is a female man, I heard that a little boy has already booked a little darling." Chong Hanyue said, "I was booked so young!"

   "I think that little nine master will regret it 80%!"


   "Speaking of which, the child is so old, and the wedding of Lord Rong and Si Ye hasn't been re-organized yet, are we going to do it?" Several men sat in a row and whispered to each other.

   "The Jiangfu godfathers seem to have put pressure on the Fourth Master, because the little Jiu Ye said a few days ago that he would give the little darling a grand wedding in the future, and then everyone took this matter to the Fourth Master."

   "Puff ch...Does the Fourth Master hate Xiao Jiu Ye! His own cabbage has been targeted, and he will come to harm his father-in-law!"

   "I heard that the fourth master is preparing for the wedding, but the fourth master hopes that Xiao Nanyu can also be present."

  Speaking of Xiao Nanyu, everyone fell into silence.

  It has been almost a year, but Xiao Yuer has no news at all. Even if a mysterious organization can find news about another world, but there is no news about Xiao Yuer, everyone is very worried.

  (End of this chapter)

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