The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1458: Chasing stars?

   Chapter 1458 Chasing stars?

   "Stop, stop, stop, stop!"

  The little darling suddenly yelled, "Goddaddy, stop!"

  Song Junlin heard the little darling yelling loudly, and suddenly braked.

  Hu Xin all looked at the little darling at the same time, and everyone worriedly asked what happened to the little darling, suddenly so anxious.

  The little guy blinked his eyes and looked at the billboard, then stretched out his little finger and pointed at the billboard.

  On the huge billboard, there is a very handsome man.

   looks like a big star.

  Song Junlin and several people looked at the huge billboard and the extremely handsome man on the billboard. The corners of the four men's mouth twitched.

  They understood that the little darling was born by Rong Ye, and he was exactly the same as Rong Ye, who likes to look good.

  The boy on the billboard is now 18 years old, his name is Bo Xiujin, he has been out for a while, and with his superb acting skills, he has just won the Golden Flower Award for Best Actor.

   is the youngest actor.

  In the recent period, he has been in a mess, and many people say that he is the number one beautiful man in the entertainment industry. He is indeed very long and beautiful. Even in the eyes of Song Junlin, he thinks that this child is indeed a good long.

  It’s not surprising that the little darling stares at others. After all, if it were Rong Ye, his eyes would be straight.

  Gene is still very powerful. Yan control is Yan control, and Yan control’s daughter is still Yan control.

   "Does the little darling think this little brother is particularly good-looking?" Song Junlin said with a smile, "His name is Bo Xiujin, he seems to be a signed artist of Feitian Entertainment. I just took the actor recently."

   "Good-looking." The little darling said thoughtfully, "I seem to know him!"

   "??? Then you may have seen it on TV." Song Junlin smiled, "He is quite productive!"

   "No, I seem to have known him a long time ago!" The little darling's eyes narrowed, "Godfather, I want to see him!"

  "See him?" Song Junlin thoughtfully, "I'm afraid it's not easy to handle. Junlin Media has a bad relationship with Feitian Entertainment... If I ask him, he will probably not see me."

  The little darling's cheeks bulged, and he glared at Song Junlin, his little face was full of dissatisfaction, "Goddaddy, can't you do this?"

"Little darling, what did you see him doing? It's not that you can't do it. You want to sign something. Godfather will get it for you. It's not a problem, but what do you see him doing?" Song Junlin frowned, "Little girl, should you? Would you like to chase stars at such a young age?"

  Thinking that the little darling is going to chase stars, Song Junlin's few people are frowning.

  The little girl is surrounded by godfathers like them, so many **** grandpas, they are very powerful, but they still want to chase stars?

  What's so good about these stars? Isn't it just that their faces are a little longer? They are all beautiful!

  Following stars, why not chase them!

  Are they bad?

  They are so handsome?

  The little darling did not speak, pouting her mouth and looking at the billboard, not knowing what she was thinking.

  Song Junlin: "..."

"Little darling, I actually don’t think it’s necessary for you to chase stars. Don’t you think that your mommy is surrounded by big stars? There are so many big star uncles, you don’t have to chase stars. This kind of young people grow up like that. It’s boring. When you grow up, you will feel that they are actually not good-looking at all."

  Qin Xiong muttered beside him, feeling that this Bo Xiujin threatened their status.

  The little darling will have a favorite idol in the future, shouldn’t they forget all of them, godfathers?

  Think of this, everyone is a little bit dark.

  At the same time, the little darling's heart was wondering why she looked so familiar with Bo Xiujin, and looked like someone she knew.

  Who is he?

  Why do you feel more familiar as you look at it? Is he the one who wakes her sleeping?

  If so, then she must find him and ask clearly.

"Godfather, just say, are you incapable of finding him? If you are incapable, then don't make any excuses, I can understand." The little darling sighed, "Don't make your face fat. No, it's okay, I'll find it myself!"

  The little guy is more than two years old, he speaks very slippery, and a lot of babbles, and he uses the radical technique in the middle.

  Song Junlin's mouth twitched, and then she was fooled, "Who said that I can't do it, don't you just want to see Bo Xiujin, I will find it for you in minutes!"

"Really?" The little darling's eyes lit up, "Godfather, that's what you said, then if you say you want to do it, otherwise it would be too embarrassing! I will ask Huahua to publicize it, and you will make a small repair. Jin can't even see it!"

   "Little guy, you cheated me!" Song Junlin couldn't smile.

  This kid, like Rong Ye, is shrewd and powerful.

   "I'm gone, what's so good about the dummy, I will show you the real person to show you!" Song Junlin sighed, hey, what else can the goddaughter want to see the star.

  Tie must be tied up, after all, she is a goddaughter, she must be spoiled!

  After returning home, Grandpa Gan, who was walking in front with Xiao Ting'er, looked at Song Junlin and others at the same time, "Why are you so slow?"

   "Oh, just now the little darling saw her favorite star, so I looked at that billboard." Hu Xin said, "our little darling already knows how to chase stars!",

  Grandpas:? ? ? ?

  How old is this, you are going to chase stars?

  Tang Ziyi: "Little darling, chasing stars is not fun, you chase grandpa, grandpa is your idol, grandpa is better than those stars!"

  Chen Lan: "That's right, what's so amazing about those stars, don't like stars, just like us!"

  Jiang nodded frantically, "Yes."

  Xuanyuan Nantian: "That is to say, little darling, those stars are not good, they are matte, but they have no strength and are boring. If you like us, you still like us!"

  The little darling swept to the grandpas, "I don’t chase stars!"


  Everyone looked at Hu Xin suspiciously.

  "Are you not a star chaser?" Song Junlin looked surprised, and wanted to meet a popular star, not for the star, but for what?

   "No." The little darling said cutely, "I just think he is familiar, I want to see him!"

  The little guy has a sweet mouth. After he finished speaking, he looked at the rest of the people and said, “Where is the celebrity godfather and godfather who are handsome and powerful? Little darlings don’t chase stars."

  When I heard the little darling's words, everyone burst into laughter.

   is their little darling after all, with a sweet mouth, smart and cute.

  After that day, Song Junlin began to find a way to contact Bo Xiujin.

After all,    is a popular entertainer in the entertainment industry and is in a rival company, so Song Junlin still has a little trouble contacting him.

  Of course, with Xiao Song's ability, he still saw Bo Xiujin.

  (End of this chapter)

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