The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1463: Afraid? Brother holding you?

  Chapter 1463 Are you afraid? Brother holding you?

  "Can we go to the haunted house?" The little darling almost forgot about her when she saw everyone talking, a little depressed.

   It was obvious that she had to see Bo Xiujin before calling Bo Xiujin. As a result, these people all forgot about it one by one.

   "Oh, yes, live!" Huahua instantly remembered, "I have already arranged, and some shots have been prepared on the haunted house, and then, then, I will let a bolder videographer follow along."

  "What about the rest of you?" The little darling swept at the crowd, "My little brother can't go, he is very courageous, so someone has to stay and bring him."

   "The rest, you can go together if you want, but you can't go with us!"

  The little darling glanced at Bo Xiujin, then swept towards the others.

  The little guy is too big, and he is already very good at arranging things. Although he speaks milkily and a bit slurred, he looks really cute.

  After discussing, a group of people stayed at home, and the rest were planning to go to the haunted house to play.

  Anyway, the haunted house has been reserved. They are curious about how fun the haunted house is. I heard that this haunted house is very scary, so everyone wants to experience it.

After    was confirmed, a group of people set off directly.

  The little darling and Bo Xiujin were sitting in the same car. Looking at the little darling’s straight eyes, Bo Xiujin was a little at a loss.

  I originally thought that bringing a baby should be fun, but the little darling is different from what he imagined. Her eyes are too sharp, and she is obviously small and cute, but she has a particularly powerful aura.

  He looked at the little darling and was inexplicably confused.

  So, the two people stared at each other in the car, and no one spoke for a long time.

  After a long time, the little darling asked: "Do you remember me?"

   "Huh?" Bo Xiujin looked at the little darling in shock, "We, know?"

  Why doesn’t he remember seeing the little darling?

  And, isn’t this kid only less than three years old? How to say so powerful, so powerful...

  The key point is that Xiaogui is small, looking at the little guy’s eyes, he seems to know everything, his words and deeds are also very cute, but he does things very neatly.

  Unlike ordinary children, they need to coax.

  This child does not need to coax her. Once she coaxes her with something, she will look at him with a mentally handicapped look.

   "Yin Si, did you pull me up?" The little darling narrowed his eyes and looked at Bo Xiujin.

   "Huh? Pull you up?" Bo Xiujian was confused, as if he didn't understand anything.

   "It's not you? I dreamed of you when I dreamed of Yinsi. That hand is very similar to yours." The little darling glanced at Bo Xiujin's hand as he spoke.

   Then a small hand passed Bo Xiujin's hand and took a look.

  The hand that awakened herself seemed so beautiful.

  It always feels like that person is Bo Xiujin.

  "Have you dreamed of me?" Bo Xiujin still looked confused.

   "Hey, forget it, it seems that you don't remember it." The little darling shrugged, "It's not surprising, I don't remember a lot, I just remember that I seem to belong to the vagina..."

  Anyway, she felt that she was a yin-sweeper in her dream, and she was very powerful.

  Because she was too bored, she fell into a deep sleep.

   Then, she was awakened and became a little darling.

  But this is not important, she just wants to find out who awakened herself, and always felt that the person who awakened herself was very important.

  She can’t forget him.

  Is it someone you liked in a previous life?

  It is possible.

Could    be the thin Xiujin in front of me?

  If you have seen this face in your dream, maybe it is?

  Bo Xiujin looked at the little darling in confusion, completely unaware of what the girl was thinking, the little guy’s eyes also made her look a little complicated.

  Not long after, the car arrived at the haunted house.

  Although it is daytime, the haunted houses on the outskirts of the city are still full of ghosts, probably because they have been booked, so there are almost no people, only the staff.

  The little darling takes the lead and walks in the forefront. The little one looks very arrogant and excited.

  As soon as I saw the staff, I asked: "Is the scene inside realistic? Especially the part of the Yin Division? Is the ghost king and everything realistic?"

  Staff: "...This, many people who came to play have been scared, I think it should be realistic."

   "That's good." The little darling nodded, "After all, you are the hottest haunted house recently. It should be quite scary."

   "Yes, we have been very hot recently, because our facilities are very sophisticated, and the ghosts are very scary." The staff said seriously, their background music is also very scary, and you will know when you enter.

  At the same time, the staff repeatedly confirmed with Li Ruhua whether the little darling actually entered.

  "Our haunted house has never been for such a small child before." The staff glanced at the little darling, and was a little worried, feeling that these parents are a little foolish.

   "It's okay, I'll be the first one." The little darling cast a wink at the staff, which is called a cute, "Pretty sister, don't worry, if you are afraid, I will call you!"

  The staff suddenly became cute, and nodded repeatedly, "Well, if you are scared, if you want to come out, make a wave of gestures, sister knows, come to rescue you!"

   "Hmm." The little darling nodded.

  Then a group of people are ready to enter this haunted house directly.

  The little darling and Bo Xiujin enter through an entrance, and there is a camera brother behind, and Li Ruhua also follows the camera brother. After all, it is to be broadcast live.

  Huahua originally wanted to shoot by himself, but he felt that he was not big enough and his phone might fly around in the middle, so he still applied for a person who said he was very courageous to live broadcast.

  As soon as the entrance of the haunted house entered, it was relatively dark inside, with only a little light, and it was still green, very gloomy.

  At the same time, a very gloomy soundtrack sounded in my ears.

   Huahua swallowed while walking.

  As soon as he entered, he felt that his heart could not bear it anymore.

   is too scary.

   Especially this music.

   "Brother, are you afraid?" Huahua chatted with the cameraman, "You said you have been in many haunted houses, have you been in this one?"

   "I've never been in this one, but don't worry, I'm very courageous." The cameraman said as he walked.

  Before, the little darling is very calm, Bo Xiujin is already swallowing wildly.

  But as a very gentle man and a very responsible boy, although he is scared, he is still very calm. He keeps telling himself that everything here is fake and there is no need to be afraid.

   "Little darling, if you are afraid, Brother Xiu Jin will hold you." Bo Xiuji said with courage.

   "Ah, I'm not afraid. Don't hold it, the darling can walk by himself. Let's go faster, it doesn't seem to be fun here, let's go to the pubic part." The little darling said calmly.

  (End of this chapter)

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