The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 104 104 Turns out to be such a scholar

Wei Guangde didn't remember many poems that had not yet been published. He had silently calculated them before. Except for the poem "If Life Is Just Like the First Meeting" which is a must-have for time travellers, it seemed that there were only poems by great men left.

But that thing can't be used, it's in a different location, and it will cause trouble if it is released.

Of course there are others, but they are all famous sentences, and he cannot recite the entire poem.

For example, he knows that there is a saying: "I urge God to cheer up and send talents of any kind."

Another thing he can remember is the opening song of CCTV's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". He couldn't remember it at first, but he remembered it when he sang it. However, he can't use it now because the lyrics of the song have already been published and circulated. It's blatant Plagiarism is definitely not allowed and you will be beaten to death.

Another song is "Farewell". It is also because it has a tune that can be sung, and the melody is melodious, so Wei Guangde can still remember the green grass beside the ancient road outside the Changting Pavilion.

There is also a poem called "Li Du's Poems Translated by Thousands of Mouths" which he can remember completely, but it is too grand. If he writes it out and people ask him for advice on two more poems, he will be a little blind, so he can only put it aside.

To be honest, Wei Guangde felt that he was quite miserable.

How can those time-travelers in the novel remember so many poems?

I write one song after another at random without repeating the same thing.

In addition to poetry, Wei Guangde actually also practiced a unique skill. He secretly practiced the four characters "rarely confused" countless times. He knew that the person who wrote this character was named Zheng Banqiao, and he was probably also a master of poetry writing, but His poems don't contain a single sentence of their own, but I only know these four words from watching TV dramas. They are said to be very insightful.

I have seen this saying somewhere in my mind, saying that if you can do stereotyped writing, you can do whatever you want. If you want poetry, then poetry, if you want poetry, then poetry.

But when he arrived at Wei Guangde's place, he found that it seemed a bit unreliable.

The person who said this must not be very good at it, or he may be too good at it, and he is just talking nonsense.

In the Ming Dynasty, Wei Guangde studied the Four Books and Five Classics in private and wrote eight-legged essays. However, he tried to compose a poem, but he couldn't finish a sentence after holding it for a long time.

As for imitating Gao E and completing one or two poems in his memory, Wei Guangde tried hard, but he didn't know the author's original environment, so naturally he couldn't suppress it.

After participating in a not-so-good "Poetry Recital", everyone returned to Nanchang City in the evening.

That night, Wu Dong fulfilled his promise to Wei Guangde and actually took Wei Guangde to the famous Xinxiang Tower in Nanchang Mansion.

However, what disappointed Wei Guangde was that Wu Dong and the others only took Wei Guangde to Xinxiang Tower to drink wine, which was not the stay Wei Guangde had imagined.

When Wu Dong slipped him downstairs, Wu Dong still said in Wei Guangde's ear: "One time is enough. If my aunt finds out, she doesn't know how to beat me up.

Besides, you are still too young and your hair has not even grown yet. You have to wait another two years. There is no rush now. "

Zeng Yuanshu and Lao Kan, who came together, looked at the two of them with smiles. It was obvious that Wei Guangde was still a little reluctant, but Wu Dong forced him to come out.

After walking out of Xinxiang Building, he still couldn't forget to joke a few words, "Wu Dong, Guangde is a romantic and talented person. He has the natural and unrestrained style of a talented person. There is a saying, oh, by the way, talented people have been romantic since ancient times." "


Zeng Yuanrui, who was standing behind, had just opened his mouth to join in the fun, when his second brother Zeng Yuanshu slapped him on the head. With a "swish" sound, he opened the paper fan and fanned it rather coolly before saying: "You are too impatient. Ge La, you are right to come down. You are fifteen or sixteen years old, so why don't you imitate other famous people's style? You can't be such a little prostitute."

In fact, Wei Guangde followed him here because he was curious.

There are no brothels in later generations. They have all been turned into entertainment cities and nightclubs. It seems that only the Japanese country still retains custom shops. Wei Guangde was just curious about the brothels in ancient times. He didn't actually want to do anything.

The group of people walked along the long street and soon parted ways due to different accommodation in the inn.

A few days passed in a flash. Just like the previous time, everyone was very relaxed when the exam was over. As the date for the results of the college exam approached, everyone's hearts were again in suspense, and their nervousness was also increasing. The day is better than the day.

There is no fixed date for the results to be released for the college examination, that is to say, it is fixed on how many days after the college examination the results will be released. There is only an approximate time, usually between five and ten days.

So after spending the first few carefree days, everyone naturally lost the mood to go out for fun and stayed in Nanchang City. They wanted to go to Gongyuan if they had nothing to do.

Even though I know I won’t see any results if I go there, people just want to go that way.

"Min Wenqing, Li Chun, Wan Hongmo, Li Gui, and Yan Yingxian, I didn't expect that these five people have become the popular candidates for the first trial of the Academy of Sciences."

Zeng Yuanshu and Wu Dong were standing at the entrance of a gambling hall, looking at the odds of the hospital trial case posted on the curtain outside and pointing.

Wei Guangde carefully looked at the opening odds for the trial case in the casinos in Nanchang. Although there were more than 20 people on the list, it could be seen from the odds.

Although the handicap offered by each casino is slightly different, in general, the judgments on the dispute over the case of this hospital examination are similar, mainly the five people they mentioned just now Yes, the odds are the smallest.

Selecting dozens of people on the list from thousands of people, you can imagine that the owner of the casino also has great powers.

Wei Guangde estimated that the main judgment should be based on the prestige and popularity among the scholars. After all, if there is really no literary talent, there will be no prestige and popularity among the scholars.

Wu Dong and Zeng Yuanshu both placed bets on the subject of the current Academy of Sciences examination, but one bet was on Li Gui and the other was on Yan Yingxian. Although the odds were not high, it was just for fun.

As for the other candidates, they all seemed to be betting that he would "keep himself clean". In fact, the main reason was that most of the family's money was given to Wu Dong, who didn't have much in his hands.

In fact, in the next few days, Wei Guangde followed him to the brothels several times. Students and candidates gathered together to drink and then gamble a few more times.

Only then did Wei Guangde understand that later generations would say that people were "eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling" when they said they had bad conduct. However, it seems that in ancient times, at least in the Ming Dynasty, scholars and talents did not reject it, but rather enjoyed it.

During this time in Nanchang, Wei Guangde finally understood how ancient scholars lived. Dancing, writing, playing chess, calligraphy and painting were just one of their pastimes. Gambling and brothels seemed to be their favorites as well.

It is also in this era that the most harmful drug in future generations has not yet been developed. If someone really develops it in this era, I don’t know if it will become the new favorite of these people.

It’s no wonder that the Ming Dynasty later developed like this, with pornography, gambling and drugs. If it weren’t for the fact that no one knew how to make drugs, the scholars would have taken over them all. The only way the country would not fall in the hands of the civil servants was that it was a ghost.

Although he thought so, Wei Guangde did not dare to say it.

Just kidding, he is going to take the civil service route next, but he can't undermine himself.

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