The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 191 190 Dating in the Same Year

After coming out of the principal's office, Wei Guangde was thinking about how to write this memorial.

Even though Wei Guangde was not conferred a title, as a Jinshi he also had the right to submit memorials, but no one cared.

In fact, in the Ming Dynasty, people who were elected could petition the court, but most likely no one would care about the people's petitions.

Sitting in the public room, Wei Guangde did not start writing the memorial immediately. Instead, he was thinking about how to write to express his meaning and organize his thoughts.

When he was about to leave just now, Yin Tai told Wei Guangde another major event, which Wei Guangde had heard before, that is, Hu Zongxian, the governor-general of the suppression of Japanese invaders, requested that Jiangnan land be levied an additional one and three cents per acre in military pay for the suppression of Japanese invaders in Jiangnan. In addition, he was allowed to take advantage of the situation.

Wei Guangde didn't understand what it meant to act cheaply at first, but when Yin Tai saw that he really didn't know, he realized that he didn't seem to have a close relationship with the Yan family, so he spoke up.

The additional land tax of 1.3 cents can only raise part of the army's salary, and it will also have to wait until the summer tax and autumn grain can be obtained. Far water cannot quench the near thirst.

Hu Zongxian proposed the "Tibetan Law" in his memorial, which was actually an additional tax system based on the tax system set by Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang.

After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang took matters into his own hands. He directly fixed the annual taxes and levies of all prefectures and counties in the world, and issued an edict not to increase taxes.

The promotion mentioned by Hu Zongxian was naturally to break through the prefectural and county taxes and levies set by Zhu Yuanzhang, and to allocate additional taxes and corvees to various prefectures and counties to ensure military supplies, especially the corvee part, which could be directly converted into silver and sent directly to the army.

Yin Tai also had good intentions, and was worried that he still didn't understand the situation in the court. When the time came, he would hear the news and think of the policy he wrote in the examination, and he would be frightened again.

Yin Tai had of course seen the original strategy written by Wei Guangde, but it was very general and not specific. It did not say how to raise funds at all, but only focused on levying additional taxes on the Japanese-infested areas in Jiangnan for the purpose of suppressing Japanese invaders.

Naturally, Hu Zongxian's memorial would not be so confusing. He made it clear and clear about the additional taxes, including increased taxes on land and additional taxes and levies in exchange for silver.

Wei Guangde felt that this proposal seemed to be similar to his own idea, but he wanted to collect taxes from businessmen, but did not think about increasing local taxes and levies. People suffered from Japanese disasters and had to increase taxes. This was not forcing people to death. ?

It has nothing to do with him. Wei Guangde doesn't want to get involved in this matter, so he should just mind his own affairs.

However, he also learned from Yin Tai that Hu Zongxian had implemented a strict sea ban policy during his campaign against Japanese invaders, which prevented many smugglers along the coast from shipping goods. This was also the main reason why the Yi people gathered in the shipping department of the market. They used to The channels for getting goods are completely cut off.

It’s no wonder that the Ministry of Industry is so active in trying to change the policy on rice planting and mulberry planting. The temptation of gold and silver is indeed great.

Although there were no famous quotes, Wei Guangde could also hear the meaning of Yin Tai's words. The three officials currently responsible for suppressing the Japanese in Jiangnan were the left minister of the Ministry of War and the censor of Zhejiang Province, the governor of Zhejiang, Hu Zongxian, the governor of the Japanese Suppression Bureau, and the left minister and inspector of the Ministry of Works. Zhao Wenhua, the censor of Hai, and Ruan E, the governor of Fujian, were all subordinates of Yan Song.

Wei Guangde knew in his heart that Yin Tai might have guessed what he wanted to do, so he told him everything. The water inside was very deep. It was best not to get involved, otherwise he might offend the Yan family.

Obviously, my fellow chief minister has basically controlled the officialdom in Zhejiang and Fujian. While severely suppressing Japanese pirates, he is also planning to make money by exporting silk and other goods from the Shipping Department. Some of them will be sent to the court to solve financial problems. It is estimated that most of them will be paid. their pockets.

At this time, if you use the same rhetoric that you thought of before, you are undoubtedly blocking other people's way of making money.

Even though he was distracted, time passed by in the afternoon. The piece of paper in front of Wei Guangde was still empty, and he didn't write a single word.

Remembering Yin Tai's previous instructions, Wei Guangde had no choice but to clear up the table and go out, heading to Wu Qing's apartment.

After being notified by the scribe, Wei Guangde easily entered the public house where Wu Shidu was studying.

Well, what Wei Guangde saw when he went in was Wu Qing reading miscellaneous books. As for the "Records of Xiaozong" that Yin Tai said he was responsible for proofreading and copying, he couldn't see it at all.

After seeing the ceremony, Wu Qing asked Wei Guangde to sit down on a chair and said: "Yin Zhangyuan told me that the "Records of Xiaozong" are still being checked and copied by the Procuratorate. I have sent someone over to tell them that they will make a copy. I'll take it to your office first, check it over first, and then ask me if you don't understand anything."


Wei Guangde hurriedly stood up and agreed, finally getting some work done, although it was obvious that this work would not fall on him in a short time.

He had been to the Procuratorate, where he only worked for half a day, and spent the afternoon drinking tea and chatting. If he had waited for them to send "Records of Xiaozong", he would not have known it was the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

It was also the fact that the imperial court did not care about "Records of Xiaozong" and "Records of Wuzong" at all. After all, everyone knew what happened to Emperor Jiajing, and even if it took several years to complete, no one would care.

Wei Guangde returned to his office and sat down on duty, not even thinking about whether or how to write that memorial.

Yes, Wei Guangde didn't want to offend the powerful, he also wanted to be an official and enjoy life.

When I left the Hanlin Academy on duty, a group of editors and editors from the Hanlin Academy saw me and shouted, "Guangde, let's go have a meal together."

Well, Wei Guangde had no choice but to follow them and find a nearby restaurant to eat.

At this time, most of the officials who joined the Hanlin Academy had only been in officialdom for a short time. Many of them were alone in the capital and had no family to worry about.

In fact, Wei Guangde is the same as them, he is a loner, so getting together to eat and chat after his shift has become a daily routine.

"I'm afraid Deyan will be promoted when he comes back this time."

Wen Yinglu said, "Yesterday Chen Jin left the capital and went to Shanghe, Shandong to participate in the canonization of Kangshun King Zhu Zaihuan. He was the son of Zhuang King Zhu Houxun, the grandson of Qingzhou's first Heng King, Henggong King Zhu Youyi, and the great-grandson of Xianzong Zhu Jianshen.

This time, Guangning Bo Liu Yunzhong was appointed as the chief envoy, and Hanlin Academy editor Chen Jin and others were appointed as deputy envoys. This was actually a precursor to promotion. After all, he could not be promoted without reason, he had to make some contribution.

"Go to bachelor's degree or stay part-time?"

Wei Guangde asked curiously.

"Who knows, maybe if you enter Taichang Temple, you will be the number one scholar after all."

Someone else responded and said that the importance of the terms of the imperial examination is really too important in the officialdom, just like those who have been promoted to the top three in thirty-two years, they often start with the number one scholar.

This time, Chen Jin went to confer the title of King Kangshun, just to give him the credit. It was normal for him to come back and upgrade to a higher level.

"Have you heard? On the 13th of last month, the Japanese pirates broke through the Jiangyin and Zhenjiang lines and broke into Zhenjiang, Guazhou, and Yizheng to loot. Tens of thousands of grains were burned in Cao's grain. It is estimated that the price of grain in the capital will rise soon, and everyone is worried. Grain safety."

At this time, Cao Dazhang spoke.

"The Japanese pirates are getting more and more serious. A few days ago, it was said that a group of Japanese pirates came ashore from Huai'an Prefecture in Nanzhili. Fortunately, the Huai'an guards discovered them in time and mobilized heavy troops to drive them away."

"Are the Japanese pirates attacking the Grand Canal?"

Two news in a row, one is that the Japanese pirates have arrived in Zhenjiang, not far from Nanjing. Last year, the Japanese pirates made a big fuss under the city of Nanjing.

The same goes for Huai'an. The Grand Canal must pass through it. If Japanese pirates attack Huai'an, water transportation will naturally be interrupted.

"Where did the news come from?"

Wei Guangde asked curiously. He had not yet integrated into the officialdom, and he was very curious about the source of information about Cao Dazhang and the others. On weekdays, they all came to the Hanlin Academy on time to check in the public housing just like him. Where did he get the news?

"I heard about it last night after I had a drink with someone from the same year as the Secretary of General Affairs."

Cao Dazhang said.

Wei Guangde left Chongwenmen and returned to Jiujiang Guild Hall before dark. When he came in, he saw Lao Kan and Xia Kefan sitting in the lobby drinking tea.

Wei Guangde naturally walked over and sat down, "Are you two back so early?"

"Yeah, why did you come back today? Let's go inside and play cards."

Lao Kan said with a smile when he saw Wei Guangde coming back.

"Wait a minute, you are watching the government in the Yamen of the Ministry of Justice. Have you heard that Jiangnan is going to impose additional taxes to suppress Japanese invaders?"

Wei Guangde asked.

"I heard from the principal that there is a dispute, but it has little to do with us. It is a matter for the court officials to consider."

Lao Kan smiled.

At this moment, Zhang Ke came back from outside, smelling of alcohol. He must have been drinking with people from Zhongshu and Sixth Section.

Seeing Zhang Ke, Wei Guangde's eyes lit up. The Sixth Section was the department that knew the imperial court's will the fastest. Almost all the decrees of the cabinet were conveyed through the Sixth Section, and they also had the right to refute.

Although Zhang Ke was not in the Sixth Section, the Zhongshu Section was right next to the Sixth Section, and he knew the news the fastest. Wei Guangde naturally blamed Zhang Ke as the source of the news.

"Brother Jinqing, you came back just in time. I want to ask something."

Wei Guangde saw Zhang Ke and hurriedly waved.

"Hey, Guangde, you came back early."

Zhang Ke walked over and sat down with a smile, picked up the teapot on the table, poured a glass of water, and drank it in one gulp.

After Zhang Ke put down the tea cup, Wei Guangde asked: "I heard that the Zhenjiang side was looted by Japanese pirates? The grain supply was also burned?"


"No way, Guangde, don't make such a joke."

Lao Kan and Xia Kefan both said with disbelief.

"How do you know? I only found out today. I heard that I only arrived in the capital yesterday afternoon after reporting."

Zhang Ke said in surprise.

"Really? There are Japanese pirates in Zhenjiang, so isn't Yingtian Mansion unsafe again?"

When Lao Kan heard what Zhang Ke said, the first thing he thought of was Nanjing City on the other side of Zhenjiang. The Lao family had business there, so he was naturally nervous.

"The Japanese pirates have retreated, and Nanjing City should not be in any danger. There was enough trouble last year. If the Japanese pirates can still get to Nanjing City, I guess Wei Guogong will not do it."

Zhang Ke said in a relaxed tone, "It is said that Caoliang lost tens of thousands of stones, but it has been restored. Nanjing will strengthen patrols on the Jiangyin front line to prevent Japanese pirates from breaking through the defense line again."

"That's good, that's good."

Lao Kan murmured when he heard that the Japanese pirates had retreated.

"By the way, why are you so well-informed? Where did you get the news? I only heard the Sixth Section talking about this matter this morning."

Zhang Ke was curious about Wei Guangde's well-informed information. After all, he was not in the Sixth Section or General Affairs Department, but in the Qingshui Yamen Hanlin Academy.

"Cao Dazhang said that he heard the news from the General Affairs Department in the same year."

Wei Guangde looked at Zhang Ke, then at Lao Kan and Xia Kefan, and then continued: "In the future, we will have to send news frequently between the same year, otherwise we will often find out later."

"Well, that's right. Let's invite Guangde to have a guest tomorrow. I'll call all the six ministers of the same year to watch politics."

Lao Kan joked in a relaxed mood now.

"Okay, let's talk about it. Find a place. I'll go to the Hanlin Academy tomorrow. I'll talk to Zhu Dashou and Tao Dalin. They shouldn't refuse to be the host."

After the last trip to the Ministry of Rites, Zhu Dashou and the others organized a banquet to entertain the same year. Wei Guangde knew that they also wanted to win over other people of the same year. Now that everyone has begun to observe politics, it is time to get together again.

"You are so crafty."

Lao Kan chuckled and said, "Do you think you can eat and drink for free?"

"Haha, I can't invite you alone. Three hundred people are not just talking. Two hundred taels of silver are always required."

Wei Guangde smiled.

"Don't you want to get closer to your classmates? After all, we are all second-class students, and we will all stay in Beijing in the future."

Lao Kan asked with a smile.

"What's the use of thinking about it? People get promoted much faster than I do. Do you think you can bring people together by treating them to a meal?"

Wei Guangde smiled and said: 'There is something you may not know yet. Chen Jin, the top scholar in the imperial examination, was sent to Shanghe and was conferred the title of Zhu Zaihuan, the king of Kangshun. It is said that he may be promoted when he returns. ’

"There's no comparison."

The four of them were silent for a while, and it took them a long time to say something.

"Yes, there is no comparison. We will meet in the capital for a long time in the future, so there is no need to be so formal."

Wei Guangde smiled.

The next day, Wei Guangde came to the Hanlin Academy, sat in the public room for a while, then found Jinda and Tao Dalin, and went to Zhu Dashou's public room together.

After Wei Guangde explained his purpose of coming, the three of them naturally had no objections, but it seemed that the pressure was a bit high for the four of them to be the hosts.

Wei Guangde didn't know the financial resources of Zhu Dashou and others, so he only measured them by his own.

Well, a few hundred taels of silver is a huge sum of money to ordinary people, and it used to be so to Wei Guangde, but it seems not to be the case now.

It was very puzzling to see the three people nodding in agreement at first, and then all looking confused.

Jinda was the oldest among the several people. He was nearly fifty at this time, twenty years older than Zhu Dashou and Tao Dalin, so he naturally understood what was going on.

Only then did he speak: "Guangde, you should know that Yu Chen and I both come from official families, but after being in the capital for such a long time, we don't have much money left with us, and we haven't received any money from our families yet. "

When Wei Guangde heard what Jinda said, he realized that his father was more active. In addition, Jiujiang Prefecture's big businessmen in the capital were the Lin family of Huitong Trading Company, who could give him twenty thousand taels of silver. Ordinary small businessmen must be It can't be done.

Jin Da and Tao Dalin were both from official families, so they naturally had no worries about their money. However, if they didn't get it together for a while, their family conditions would be much worse when they reached the top of the imperial examinations. This was probably why they were embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. I still have a lot of money, so I'll treat you. Let's just say it's a treat for the same year as our Hanlin Academy."

Seeing that Zhu Dashou, Jinda and others were about to speak, Wei Guangde hurriedly stopped him and said: "That's it, I'm here this time. Next time our Hanlin Academy entertains guests in the same year, you should take turns being the host. You can't do it because of my age. Little bully me."

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