Emperor Jiajing asked about Feng Bao, and Huang Jin hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, Feng Bao is still in the palace for the time being. Due to the palace confinement these days, although the Chief of Ceremony is here, he cannot leave yet."

"Send someone to take him to Prince Yu's Mansion."

Emperor Jiajing ordered.

Emperor Jiajing had arranged for Feng Bao early, so it was naturally impossible for Huang Jin and Gao Zhong to forget this matter.

It's just that the palace is now strictly forbidden. Neither Zhu Xizhong nor Zhu Xixiao will let any eunuch leave the palace without the decree of Emperor Jiajing.


Huang Jin agreed.

"Send all the memorials from the past two days. It has been delayed for a long time. First find out the memorials that need to be processed as soon as possible. Today, we will deal with the ones that need to be approved immediately."

Emperor Jiajing ordered again calmly.

Huang Jin went out to give some instructions, and not long after, Gao Zhong walked into Yuxi Palace with a few servants and a slow memorial in his arms.

At this time, a carriage slowly drove towards the palace gate, but was quickly stopped by the imperial guards and imperial guards in front of the gate.

"Who is in the car? Why are you leaving the palace?"

The palace guard on duty stood in front of the car and shouted loudly.

The young chamberlain driving the car glanced at him and said calmly: "In the car is Eunuch Feng Baofeng, the eunuch and eunuch of ceremonies, who is going to Prince Yu's Mansion on the emperor's order."

While he was talking, the little chamberlain took out a token of the Supervisor of Ceremonies from his arms and handed it over.

When he heard that the person in the car was the Supervisor of Ceremonies, the officer on duty became more respectful. He took the token with both hands and looked at it. Then he turned to the person who looked like a scribe next to him and asked, "Is there any record?"

"My lord, wait a moment."

The scribe quickly opened a book and quickly found a line of records, which was confirmed by the previous conversation with the two people. He then nodded and said: "If there is a record, it can be released."

Soon, the carriage moved forward slowly, left the palace gate, and drove along Chang'an Street in the direction of Prince Yu's Mansion.

"The Ministry of Rites has sent a memorial to the Jiao Temple and Sheji. It's accurate."

In the Yuxi Palace, a young chamberlain read a memorial in his hand and handed it to Gao Zhong, while Emperor Jiajing on the imperial couch just said a few words and stopped talking.

Immediately, another memorial was opened, and the chamberlain read aloud: "Yang Bo, the Minister of the Ministry of War, has selected 12,000 officers and soldiers from the fifth army camp general Yin Bingheng to garrison in the Juyong and Zhenbian districts in early spring. .”

This time, Emperor Jiajing did not give his attitude immediately. He seemed to be deep in thought. After a while, he said: "Record, the camp troops guarding the border and the original proposal to reduce the number of troops on the border are too large. We should send them back to see if they can get a better plan."

Gao Zhong took the memorial at this time, quickly recorded Emperor Jiajing's words after the memorial, and then put it aside.

Yang Bo's memorial was not approved and had to be sent back to the Ministry of War for further discussion.

"Shandong patrol censor reports, Shandong Teng County robbers, robbers and injuries will be tried to raise people."

Another little chamberlain read aloud from the next memorial.


Upon hearing this news, Emperor Jiajing's face instantly became gloomy.

"Yu Bo, I heard that there are many thieves in the four directions, but there are officials who are deceived and just sit back and watch, completely ignoring their urgent needs. I urge all governors to strictly supervise those who have officials arresting and neglecting them, and they must be punished by law."

It was very rare in history for thieves to harm someone who would try to lift people, let alone happen in the Jiajing Dynasty. Emperor Jiajing always believed that the Ming Dynasty he governed was peaceful and peaceful, that is to say, Bianzhen and Jiangnan had some problems due to Japanese invasion. .

Now Shandong has reported that there are thieves and they are harming the exam candidates. This is something he cannot tolerate.

One memorial after another was processed, and the situation reported by all parties made Emperor Jiajing very unhappy today, and the joyful mood that his body was gradually recovering was gone.

At this time, a palace maid brought today's medicinal soup. When Emperor Jiajing saw it, he frowned slightly.

Long-term practice and taking elixirs made him instinctively reject the decoctions. He couldn't help himself in the first two days, and now he no longer wants to take the decoctions.

"Take it away, I don't need any soup or medicine."

Emperor Jiajing spoke, and then ordered Huang Jin: "Bring me the Wanchun Pill that I have refined."

"Your Majesty, this is"

"Go quickly."

Huang Jin was about to say more, but was directly rejected by Emperor Jiajing.


A bell rang, and at the end of the street where Prince Yu's Mansion was located, a carriage drove slowly.

The situation in the capital is unstable these days, and many people in the capital feel that they should avoid palaces like Prince Yu's Palace, so there are not many people on the street and it seems very deserted, just like the current weather that makes people feel chilly.

Feng Bao has been feeling groggy these past few days, and he has remained the same since that night.

No one would be happy if they were kicked out of the Clerk of Ceremonies and sent to Prince Yu's Mansion to run errands, even if Prince Yu was the de facto crown prince and could ascend to the supreme position of the Ninth Five-Year Plan in the future.

Don't forget that Prince Yu has Li Fang who has been with him for many years. Now that he, Feng Bao, can only be inferior to Li Fang when he goes to Prince Yu's palace, he may not be able to gain Prince Yu's trust.

"Godfather, Prince Yu's Mansion has arrived."

At this time, the carriage suddenly stopped, and then Feng Bao heard the waiter calling softly.

Not only Feng Bao was hit, but Feng Bao's godson was naturally also hit.

Many people said nothing on the surface, but secretly began to look for backers.

Feng Bao is no longer worthy of trust and reliance.

Despite this environment, there are still some servants who are loyal to Feng Bao, such as this one, who is willing to follow Feng Bao out of the palace and come to Prince Yu's Mansion.

The stubbornness he had at the palace gate was just his last pride. After all, he was once the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

However, after he called out for the first time, he did not get a reply from the car. It took a long time before he called twice more, finally bringing Feng Bao back to his senses in the car.

"We're here, okay."

Feng Bao agreed, got off the carriage slightly slowly, and glanced at the closed door.

This is the side entrance of Prince Yu's Mansion. He is not here to deliver orders. He is assigned here, so naturally he cannot enter the Prince's Mansion through the main door.

"Call the door."

Feng Bao gave an order, and the waiter immediately stepped forward and patted the door knocker, "Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

"What? Someone is coming from the palace?"

A servant came into the courtyard and informed Yin Shizhen and others about the situation outside. Knowing that a palace eunuch was going to enter the palace, Tang Ruji said with some surprise.

After holding back for a few days in Prince Yu's Mansion, the palace finally remembered this place.

Yin Shizhen, Wei Guangde and Zhang Juzheng frowned. They already knew that the visitor came to the side door of the palace instead of the main entrance. This also meant that the so-called visitor from the palace did not come to deliver an edict or for other official duties. This was a bit strange. It’s puzzling.

Although the tense atmosphere in Prince Yu's Mansion has eased over the past few days, it still has not relaxed.

"Go ahead and invite me."

Although he didn't understand it, Yin Shizhen also knew that it was impossible to leave the person outside the palace, but still wanted to invite him in to talk, so while inviting the person into the palace, he sent someone to notify Prince Yu and Li Fang in the inner courtyard.

Not long after, Wei Guangde met Feng Bao, and in a few words, they also knew the purpose of Feng Bao's visit.

Eunuch Bingbi, the Superintendent of Ceremonies, went to Prince Yu's Mansion to serve as an errand.

Wei Guangde felt that there was something wrong with his ears, but when he saw the official document that Feng Bao took out and stamped with the seal of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, he believed it.

Feng Bao was really sent to Prince Yu's Mansion on errands.

When he saw Feng Bao for the first time, he asked Chen Ju to talk. At that time, he found out that Feng Bao was actually the eunuch Bingbi. He was still puzzled because he vaguely remembered that this eunuch had an alliance with Zhang Juzheng. Because the two men controlled the power of the inner and outer courts, they were able to dominate the government and the opposition.

However, during the Jiajing Dynasty, Feng Bao had already sneaked into the position of Chief of Ceremonies Bingbi, so how did he hook up with Zhang Juzheng.

Remembering what I read before, it seemed that Feng Bao was working as an errand in Prince Yu's palace.

At that time, Wei Guangde once thought that there were two Feng Baos, one in the palace, and another in Prince Yu's palace, and that one was the one who contacted Zhang Juzheng.

However, after being in Prince Yu's Mansion for so long, he had found out clearly that there was no eunuch named Feng Bao in Prince Yu's Mansion.

Seeing Feng Bao, Wei Guangde suddenly thought, since Feng Bao is already here, does it mean that the Wanli little emperor is about to be born?

At this time, King Yu finally arrived belatedly.

Feng Bao immediately knelt down and saluted King Yu. Eunuchs were only servants of the royal family at all times, not to mention that Feng Bao had been sent to the palace, and King Yu would be his master from now on.

Feng Bao's arrival did not bring much change to Prince Yu's Mansion, although the atmosphere became more relaxed.

Feng Bao has left the Si Li Jian these days. After Emperor Jiajing decided to assign him, Feng Bao never entered the Si Li Jian again.

Although he didn't know the situation in the prison recently, he brought certain news. Emperor Jiajing was fine. He just felt cold occasionally. He was in danger in the past two days, but he is fine now.

From this, everyone in Prince Yu's Mansion also restored the situation at that time.

Emperor Jiajing suddenly fainted due to wind and cold. Before he fainted, he made emergency arrangements. This led to a panic in the court, which led to the closure of the palace and the entry of the Beijing army into the city to control the situation in all the gates of the capital.

"Li Fang, take Eunuch Feng down to rest."

Although there was no doubt that Feng Bao was the person sent by the palace to spy on Prince Yu's mansion, Prince Yu would not trust him right away.

After Li Fang left with Feng Bao, King Yu smiled at everyone in the room and said, "It seems that the past few days were a false alarm."

"Haha, yes. In fact, we also had this speculation on the second day of the lockdown between the Zhu Xizhong brothers. Otherwise, there would be absolutely no way that there would be no movement for such a long time."

Yin Shizhen answered with a smile.

As time went by, the tense atmosphere in Prince Yu's palace had actually relaxed and was no longer what it was before.

"Shandai, what do you think, can we completely relax our guard today?"

Zhang Juzheng looked at Wei Guangde and asked.

"Maybe we were too cautious."

Wei Guangde also smiled at this time and said, "If nothing happens, everyone can go home today."

Feng Bao was sent from the palace to Prince Yu's Mansion as punishment for his mistakes. This shows that Emperor Jiajing is still in control of the situation, so it is useless for everyone to continue to guard here. It is better to return early.

"In this case, I asked someone to set up a banquet to show your appreciation for your hard work these past few days."

King Yu said loudly with a smile at this time.

I was worried a few days ago, so although everyone stayed in Prince Yu's Mansion, Prince Yu had no intention of hosting a banquet.

Today I finally relax and Prince Yu can start enjoying himself again.

Xiyuan, in Yuxi Palace.

After Emperor Jiajing reviewed a batch of memorials, he suspended official duties because of a headache.

After taking the elixir, I rested for a while and regained my energy.

However, he did not continue to ask Gao Zhong to send memorials. There was no end to the official business. After today's work was done, there would still be a pile of them tomorrow, without any end.

Picking up the book he had been reading for the past two days from the bookshelf, Emperor Jiajing leaned on the imperial couch and read carefully.

This is a Taoist classic included in the "Yongle Dadian". It is an only copy that can no longer be found on the market. That is, it was included in the "Dadian" more than a hundred years ago and was preserved.

Emperor Jiajing really liked "Yongle Dadian". Since he came to the throne, he has directly regarded it as a necessary reference classic and often quoted it in the court. Later, he discovered many lost Taoist classics and cherished it even more.

"Your Majesty, Duke Chengguo Zhu Xizhong is asking for an audience outside the palace?"

At this time, Huang Jin suddenly reported in a low voice.

"What's the matter?"

Emperor Jiajing put down the book in his hand and asked.

"Every official in the imperial court had a lot of criticisms about the isolation. The three cabinet ministers took turns coming to Xiyuan to seek an audience. Duke Cheng wanted to do this."

"I understand."

Before Huang Jin could speak, Emperor Jiajing interrupted, "The capital and the imperial court can return to normal. The three pavilion elders asked them to concentrate on their official duties. They said that my body still needs to be cultivated and I will summon you in a few days."

"According to the order."

Huang Jin agreed in a low voice and then exited the side hall to convey the order of Emperor Jiajing.

Following the conveyance of Emperor Jiajing's will, the imperial army led by Ge Jin returned to the barracks from Deshengmen. Zhu Xizhong, the Duke of Cheng, and Zhu Xixiao, the left governor, also led their troops to withdraw from the ban. The imperial horse supervisor resumed control of the emperor. The city's security was restored, everything returned to normal, and all the officials in the court breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Chen, you didn't inform my brother in advance about what happened last time, which made me worried in Prince Yu's Mansion for several days."

After the capital city returned to prosperity, Wei Guangde invited Chen Ju for a drink that day. Naturally, he had to complain about Chen Ju for not notifying Prince Yu's palace in advance.

"Hey, Eunuch Huang gave me the furthest errand that day. How could I have time to contact you?"

Chen Ju shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Just kidding, Huang Jin took out all the golden swords for mobilizing troops. He really didn't dare to delay for a moment, let alone inform others.

"Has your Majesty's dragon body recovered in the past few days? Why hasn't he summoned the cabinet ministers for so long?"

Wei Guangde finally asked the question in his heart.

The capital has returned to normal, but Xiyuan has not summoned any cabinet ministers. Officials from other dynasties have not been seen since Emperor Jiajing fell ill. Naturally, there will be no shortage of concern.

Although Prince Yu's Mansion knew a lot about the situation, he also asked Wei Guangde to contact Chen Ju, hoping to learn more.

"Your Majesty's body has been the same these past two days. He feels cold from time to time. He takes pills to practice."

"Your Majesty didn't take the decoction?"

As soon as Chen Ju told the story about Emperor Jiajing taking elixirs, he was interrupted by Wei Guangde.

"I took the decoction for the first two days, and then took the elixir. We dare not say this."

Chen Ju still smiled bitterly. Can you expect a slave to instruct his master to eat?

Wei Guangde shook his head, feeling a little incredible, hearing Chen Ju's words in his ears.

"Your Majesty spends some time every day dealing with official matters, most of which are urgent. He also spends time reading "Yongle Dadian" to pass the time."

"Your Majesty, are you watching "Yongle Dadian"?"

Wei Guangde asked in surprise.

"Yes, Your Majesty likes to see it very much."

Wei Guangde didn't know that Emperor Jiajing liked to read "Yongle Dadian", but he also knew that the set in the palace now was the only copy, and the original copy in Nanjing had been destroyed, and even the manuscript was burned.

Thinking of this, Wei Guangde suddenly felt something in his heart.

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