The Protagonist Wants To Show Off His Wealth At A Party? I Made Him Low On Balance

Chapter 77: It Turns Out That The Clown Is Himself (For Subscription)

After everything is ready.

Manager Huang took out the contract and put it in front of Gu Tiange.

"Please take a look Mr. Gu.

This is a contract about five million transactions~.

Gu Tiange took it, secretly happy in his heart.

You only need to sign the names of two people in the contract, and you will get five million.

This business is simply brilliant.

Gu Tiange pretended to be very cautious, picked up the contract and carefully looked at the pages one after another.

Also point out some key sentences, and then ask the professionals around you to analyze them.

After careful study for ten minutes.

Gu Tiange pretended to be relieved, and then picked up the pen.

huh huh huh.

Write your name where the contract needs to be signed.

Then hand it over to Manager Huang on the opposite side.

Seeing Gu Tiange sign the contract, Manager Huang couldn't help showing joy on his face.

Didn't expect the process to be so easy.

Just when he was about to start writing.

The phone rang suddenly.

Immediately, Manager Huang was puzzled.

Because apart from a few key people, no one else would call him during working hours.

Usually, customer contact is made to the assistant.

So the sudden call must be something important.

Manager Huang took out his mobile phone, and at first glance it was an assistant calling.

Although he was puzzled, he got up and prepared to go out to answer.

"Sorry, Mr. Gu, I have to answer the phone to delay Bai Chen."

Gu Tiange didn't care, "It's okay, pick it up as you like."

At this moment, his heart was on five million.

out of the office.

Manager Huang answered the phone, "Hi, Xiao Chen, what can I do? I'm signing a contract with Mr. Gu right now.


Came from the phone.

"Manager, wait! Don't sign yet, I've found a better partner!"

Then, the assistant quickly explained everything about it.

A few minutes later.

Manager Huang's expression changed from bewilderment at the beginning, to surprise, until now ecstasy.

He exclaimed, "Are you... are you serious?! There are 2,000 boxes, 500 flowers in each box, so that's a million flowers in total! Xiao Chen, are you sure that the on-site personnel have checked everything thoroughly?"

There was a very positive tone on the phone.

"The inspection is clear. It's very clear. What I inspected on the spot is a total of 2,000 boxes, and the quality is still excellent. It is likely that they have just been shipped from the supplier. I don't know that it is the rose industry. There is such a huge number."

Manager Huang listened very seriously, fearing not to make mistakes with any of his ministers.

After listening to it, my heart was full of waves.


what does that mean?

According to the survey of the data department, there are still about one million flowers in demand in the market today.

And if China Resources Group owns this inventory, it means that China Resources Group has almost monopolized the entire market.

It was unbelievable.

It was unbelievable to monopolize half of the original, but now it is even crazier.

In Manager Huang's view, this kind of good deed is a proper achievement.

In other words, as long as he cooperates with the partner the assistant said.

That means he must be promoted this year, and not because of the jump!

The next moment, Manager Huang asked again: "Xiao Chen, what is the price given by that gentleman?"

This issue is also crucial, related to the ultimate corporate earnings.

"The unit price is eight yuan."

The voice just fell.

Manager Huang replied immediately: "Okay, Xiao Chen, wait for me there for a while, I'll go there now!"

Then hang up the phone.

The promotion is stable.

Manager Huang returned to the office and saw Gu Tiange leaning on his seat in a good mood.

Originally, he planned to rush over to the assistant directly, but after all, there was still someone in the office, and besides, he invited him to dinner.

I saw people coming back.

Gu Tiange smiled lightly and said, "The manager is very busy. I usually spend so long on the phone, but it's okay. After all, I have nothing else to do and I'm free. Well... If there's no problem, then sign the contract. Haha, it's a great honor to cooperate with your company."

However, after Gu Tiange finished speaking.

Manager Huang calmly said something that Gu Tiange would never have thought of.

"Mr. Gu, the thing is like this, our company has decided not to cooperate with you, and the current contract has not been signed, so let's cancel this contract [wasting Mr. Gu's time.

...asking for flowers...

The voice just fell.

Gu Tiange was so confused that he froze for a moment.

what did he hear

Not cooperating.

How can this be.

The smile on Gu Tiange's face froze, but he still smirked and said, "Well... Manager, why, it's obviously beneficial for the company to cooperate with me

The reason for choosing to refuse to cooperate with Gu Tiange is very simple.

First, another, better collaborator emerged.

Not only is the unit price lower than the current one, but the quantity is more than doubled.

The second is the issue of market demand.

According to the survey, the market demand is only about one million, which is not much worse.

Then, Gu Tiange's contract is completely redundant.

If you sign the contract, you will only suffer losses, because there is no way to sell the certificate if there are hundreds of thousands more.

Besides, the buying price is also very high. After Qixi Festival, the selling price from the supplier will drop back to about 3 to 4 yuan, so wouldn’t it be a loss to buy now.

Manager Huang as a smart businessman.

Naturally figured it out quickly.

Therefore, he didn't care about Gu Tiange's mood.

Rejected again: "It's like this, the company already has a better partner, so I canceled the cooperation with Mr. Gu, but I also hope that there will be new opportunities in the future."

The words are very straightforward.

There is no undertone at all.

Because businessmen don't need to care about other people's faces and moods at all, everything is only about profit.

To this.

Gu Tiange understood.

It turns out that... there are other collaborators.

He thought he was a dispensable joke.

Fortunately, I just spent more than 50,000 yuan for dinner.

Gu Tiange smiled wryly in his heart, and on the surface said it was okay.

"Since that's the case, I have something urgent to do now, so I won't send Mr. Gu back. I hope we will cooperate again if we have a chance."

After Manager Huang spoke nicely, he left Gu Tiange alone in the office and walked out by himself.

After all, there are more important things for him to deal with right now.

While going out, he did not forget to instruct the staff below to formulate a new contract.

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