The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 12 12 First Confrontation

Chapter 12 12. First confrontation

After a long meeting, everyone finally discussed how to deal with the next problems. After talking about it, Gray issued an eviction order. He also had to think carefully about how to complete the work he had been doing last month.

This is a redesign of an ancient warship, the Protoss carrier. After becoming a god, especially after being attached to a nanomachine, Gray felt like he was now a supercomputer. Countless data were constantly shuttled back and forth, and false cases were constructed in his mind, which eventually turned into everything above.

Gray has clearly discovered that almost all the Protoss warships have a very annoying problem, that is, the lack of broadside firepower. The experience is still based on the battles between the Yunok Orcs and the Eldar. Once they focus on fighting gangs, Fighting against humans bombarded by artillery would be a big loss, so he planned to design a new type of battleship that could rival the Hyperion-class battleship. After all, it is difficult for Protoss warships to adapt to large-scale battleship duels, and this problem is easily reflected in Eldar warships.

In the face of small-scale battles, the Eldar can usually win, but once they really fight against the empire's large-scale fleet, the Eldar usually end up being beaten all over their heads.

To give an example, just like the Eight Banners cavalry attacking the line infantry, the Eight Banners cavalry can definitely overtake the line infantry in a small-scale battle, but in a large-scale battle, don't let it go if you die.

Therefore, in order to prevent the human empire from suddenly going crazy in the future, it is best to be prepared for a big battle.

Just when he was about to consider where to install the light spear, he suddenly felt a subtle subspace fluctuation next to him. Gray turned his head to look in the direction of the fluctuations and said with a smile

"Master Zeratul, it is very impolite to peek at other people's work."

Zeratul, who was discovered, appeared in embarrassment. He looked at Gray in front of him, his green eyes flashing continuously. Gray understood that he had something to say to him

"If you have anything to say, just say it, Master Zeratul."

Zeratul looked at the enigmatic Ancient Saint in front of him. He had no doubt that if he said the wrong thing, the soul contained in the gem-like nano-metal would tear him to pieces in the next second.

But Zeratul must ask, because he is the Dark Priest and he must be responsible for his race.

Zeratul, who had gathered his courage, stared at the ancient saint in front of him and said

"Respected and kind elder, can you tell me how you were resurrected in this long time?"

Gray suddenly laughed after hearing this, and a pair of golden eyes on his pale cheeks stared at Zeratul in front of him and said

"Dark Priest, you should know why the emperor of mankind can survive until now, right?"

After hearing this, Zeratul made a tentative sound and said

"Is it those countless souls sent to that tyrant every day?"

The gem man touched his dazzling blue hair. The nano-metal imitating the hair became more and more crystal clear under his fluctuation, as if it was really made of sapphire.

"No, what allows the Emperor to live until now is faith."

"People will always forget the importance of faith to some extent. Do you know how the Four Gods were formed? They are all bursting out from the most primitive emotions of all intelligent species, especially after the War in Heaven, due to Our battle with the Necrons was so intense that the subspace ocean was destroyed, and the three evil gods were born.

And when the last Chaos God was successfully spawned by the death-seeking behavior of the Eldar Empire, our world also completely opened a terrifying door to subspace.

But this kind of emotional behavior is not always bad. For example, the human emperor finally had the ability to fight any subspace god because of the spiritual power emitted by countless followers of the imperial state religion. And I think my resurrection is very likely because your long-term belief in the ancient saints finally awakened some sleeping soul fragments, and I may be one of them. "

After hearing this, Zeratul roughly understood why the Old Saint was resurrected. At this time, he suddenly thought of something and asked excitedly

"So is it possible for the rest of the Ancient Saints to be resurrected?"

After hearing this, Gray shrugged his shoulders and said

"It's possible, but you need to wait for tens of thousands of years before it becomes possible. Moreover, no matter how powerful the power of subspace is, it is difficult to affect the physical universe. I suggest you spend your time and energy on materialism."

After saying that, Gray turned his head and continued to design a new generation of warships, while saying

"Let's go! Zeratul, you have to prepare for a big battle!"

In the vast airspace of the Gulf of Damocles, the Ultramarines Chapter Commander Calgar stood on his battleship, the Underworld-class heavy cruiser, watching the huge fleet pass through the terrifying ocean of subspace.

Facing the terrifying subspace, these 8,000-10,000-meter-long warships are as dangerous as those navigators from the primitive world who traveled across the ocean on simple sampans. Crossing the dangerous seas required highly trained sailors and devout faith to pray to the gods for protection.

Both the Space Marines and the Imperial Navy happen to have this.

Just as Calgar was pondering what kind of alien forces he would encounter and how to eliminate them, his second company commander, Severus Argyman, came to his throne.

"Dear Chapter Master, there is an upcoming meeting between the Navy and other representative members and they would like you to chair the meeting."

After hearing this, Calga woke up from his meditation and said calmly as always

"Got it, tell the Admiral and the others I'll be there right away."

Calga slowly stood up from his throne and dragged the heavy Terminator forward. The servitors standing on both sides of the door opened the door mechanically, and the little angels in the sky sang hymns and floated over his head, leading him to the conference room.

There will be Astartes representatives from six other Chapters and several admirals here, as well as the Inquisitor that Kurgar specially reminded, Angre. He is now sitting on the left side of his seat, his scarred face full of wariness and suspicion.

Just as Calgar sat in the front seat and before he could speak, he suddenly felt the fierce twitching of the battleship.

"What happened?!"

Some admirals were too late to react and fell to the ground. The Astartes also took out their weapons and became vigilant. Only the most experienced admirals understood what happened.

"Subspace navigation blocker! Those aliens placed a subspace navigation blocker here!"

Standing on his flagship, the ten-kilometer-long "Purification", Tassada watched as the human battleship slipped out of the subspace by the mothership's towing force field and space restraint. Now the human fleet has fallen into chaos and is unable to quickly reorganize its formation.

Now is the best time to attack.

Tassada ordered to the dozen warships around him

"Inform the aircraft carrier to send out a drone swarm, and the storm battleships and void battleships are ready to fire! Give humans a happy welcome ceremony!"

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