The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 15 15 Revenge of the Human Fleet

Chapter 15 15. Revenge of the Human Fleet

The Empire may be corrupt, but it has never been an object of bullying.

Angry looked at the planet getting closer and closer and silently prayed to the Emperor in his heart, begging him to bless himself and his army to win the next battle.

They finally came to the first colony occupied by the aliens. They wanted to eliminate the evil and dark rule of the aliens from the property that would soon be included in the Emperor's treasury.

Soon, humans discovered some small spaceships suspended in orbit. Those elegant and sci-fi golden and orange spaceships made the Inquisitor feel uncomfortable as if someone was using a branding iron to burn his eyes.

What a dirty alien color.

Angry cursed fiercely in his heart. He was like a hound in his heart now, and he wanted to rush up and tear those warships to pieces immediately.

But the captain and Calgar obviously didn't think so. They had new plans.

After a conversation, the fleet commander asked a small fleet to leave the battleship group. This fleet is neither big nor small, with a total of 12 warships, including two main battleships. Although they may not be able to survive the battle with those floating alien warships intact, there is no problem in destroying them.

Tassadar and his fleet, hidden in the void, were suddenly caught in a dilemma. The humans did not rush to attack the merchant fleet as quickly as they imagined, but instead sent out a small group of troops to attack. If Tassadar led the fleet to go out now, they would be exposed, and their attempt to ambush the humans would fail. But if they did not go out, these dozen armed merchant ships and warships would be destroyed.

This time, they made a mistake.

A Templar looked anxiously at the Imperial Navy approaching the merchant fleet, looked at Tassadar next to him, and asked

"Archon, what should we do now?"

Tassadar was also very hesitant as he watched the distance between the two sides getting closer and closer. He did not want to give up such a good opportunity to bite the expeditionary army again. But he didn't want to break his promise to the Merchants Guild. After all, they were just bait, not really participating in the battle.

After a fierce struggle, Tassadar compromised. They were the Kalai Protoss, not the Tal'darim, and there was no way they could be so cold-blooded and ruthless.

"Purify the fleet, go out, and save our trapped compatriots."

With the Archon's order, one golden warship after another tore off their camouflage and began to attack the human warships in front of them. The same tricks and the same attacks hit those poor warships. Tassadar looked at the human warships that were resisting and comforted himself. The worst thing was that he would get less.

But at this time, the Kalai engineer next to him found something wrong.

The human fleet suddenly advanced a lot on the radar!

"What's going on?!"

It turned out that Calgar had never wanted to give up these precious warships. At the same time, he also hoped to catch the fleet that made him lose face last time, so he made adequate preparations.

After the last battle, the Chapter Master asked the Mechanical Priest to make a batch of subspace beacons that could imitate the warships of the expeditionary army. These beacons could imitate the signals of warships in long-distance radar observations, while covering up the traces of short-range subspace jumps. And now all these things are put to use.

When the Golden Fleet focused its attention on attacking the "bait" placed by the human fleet, the hunters had already hidden in the dark, ready to catch the prey.

And now, the prey has taken the bait.

The humans, who were less than a light second away from the Kalai Protoss fleet, finally ushered in the close combat they are best at.

Angri stood on the bridge of the flagship, licked his chapped lips cruelly, and shouted almost at the same time as the captain


Countless torpedoes began to be fired from the bow of the human warship, and the salvo of light spears crossed the dark night sky and hit the shields of the Protoss warships. A large number of naval bombers and fighter-bombers took off and began to drop bombs under the strong artillery fire.

The close-range attack from the side by the human fleet caught all the alien warships off guard. An unlucky aircraft carrier was targeted by a moon-class cruiser and four frigates, and was beaten to lose its combat effectiveness before it could release all its drones. The high-level Templar looked at the aircraft carrier that had completely lost its power and combat effectiveness and could only order the ship to be abandoned.

All the Protoss and Odessa activated their psychic coordinates and were transferred to the nearest ship, and almost everyone escaped. Such a secret will not be discovered by the human empire until a long time later, and by then they will finally understand why the Protoss empire seems to have an endless supply of excellent crew members.

Although a large number of crew members are safe and sound, the loss of ships is incalculable. So far, one aircraft carrier, two storm battleships and a void ship have lost their combat effectiveness. A Groot sphere made by the Groot people mixed in the fleet has also completely lost its power and can only be used as a fixed turret. As for how many drones, pirate ships, Phoenix fighters and reconnaissance aircraft have been lost, it is estimated that only post-war statistics can calculate it.

After such heavy losses, the trouble is far from over, as the Space Marine Battle Barges have reached distance to release their air-dropped torpedoes, and now they will release their deadly passengers:

Space Marines

As the flagship, the Purification naturally became the focus of attention. Hundreds of Space Marine airdrop pods passed through the battlefield of fighters fighting and the dense air defense network and smashed hard on the giant ship with thousands of holes.

Tassadar watched five or six airdropped torpedoes fiercely inserted into the place not far from the control room. The experienced him immediately sent a signal to the Templar next to him

"Close the command room hatch and warn the entire battleship, quickly!"

The hatch of the command room was quickly closed, and some people outside who did not come in were in big trouble.

In the smoke, the people who were shaken to the ground by the shock wave just looked up and saw the Space Marines wearing azure power armor jumping out of it. The display screens of these terrible blue giants' eyes emitted terrible red light, and they raised their bolt guns and fired at the aliens in front of them

"For the Emperor!!"

Listening to the screams and gunshots outside the hatch, everyone in the command room was ready. Tassadar lit his psychic blade and shouted to everyone

"Phase technicians and engineers, do your job! All armed personnel, prepare for battle!!"

The Templars lit their psychic blades, the believers had already solidified the plasma liquid in their hands, the Archon Guards clenched their solar battle axes, and even the security personnel of Odessa picked up their light plasma weapons, and everyone aimed at the door.

As the screams outside the door became less and less, everyone realized that the time was almost up.


After a loud bang, the alloy door was blown open by the thermal bomb. In the smoke, the Space Marines rushed out, waving their chainsaw swords and grenade launchers and charging forward. Tassadar rushed forward and shouted loudly

"For the Old Saints!!"

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