The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 154 146 Kane's Fury

Chapter 154 146. Kane's Fury

The huge Kane statue was like a giant Titan, advancing towards the human army in front of it. Mateo Bruscakin immediately asked all his brothers and mortal auxiliary troops to attack the statue with all the weapons in their hands.

Countless bullets and shells, even plasma, hit it, but how could these ordinary weapons hurt him? A strong shield protected the alien god.

"Damn it, why do they have shields?"

A Space Marine muttered angrily while changing his magazine. This damn monster was approaching them. Although they had not attacked yet, who knew what would happen when they got close?

However, this situation was indeed a bit too abnormal, because the Eldar Eldar could not use small-scale shield launchers in their troops, so there was only one possibility, that is, those damned Karai Protoss used an unknown shield when they cooperated with them briefly.

His guess was completely correct, because it was indeed the Purifiers who did a good job. Those powerful dragon knights switched to defense mode to protect their army.

Compared with the dragon knights of their descendants, this ancient model is more advanced and reliable. When necessary, these fortresses can quickly change their energy supply mode and become a shield launcher to protect the soldiers and armored units inside.

But this shield also has a problem. The first is that the time is not long enough, only a few hours, and as the range expands, more dragon knights are needed to join. The second is that once it is deployed, all dragon knights cannot re-enter the combat state in a short time, and this shield is also bidirectional. People outside cannot break in, and people inside cannot attack. They can only wait until they are close.

Zeratul decided to deploy the shield at this time because he understood that his long-range firepower was extremely insufficient. The only chance of winning was to quickly enter the battle after getting close, and deploy his fragments to quickly defeat the enemy with Cain's incarnation.

Just when their distance was reduced to less than two kilometers, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped the entire battlefield. The war captain looked up, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise, because she saw a huge navy frigate coming to the battlefield.

Fatu looked at the frigate that had come to his head at some point in shock. At this time, Heldher's voice mixed with electricity came to his communicator

"I'm sorry, friend, we lost the No. 12 air defense valve. Some of the human navy has come to the Ark. Our army is trying to drive them out!"

"It's too late..."

Looking at the giant ship approaching in front of him, Zeratul said solemnly. No matter how powerful the armored forces on the ground are, they still can't resist a terrible warship. Even the incarnation of the gods can hardly withstand a heavy artillery shell with a caliber of hundreds of meters.

Just as the frigate of the human empire was about to arrive at the center of the battlefield and was about to fire shells at the tortured Ark, a dazzling laser suddenly hit the shield of the frigate, causing the entire giant ship to shake.

The aircraft carrier that had been in the back and had not appeared finally appeared. The flames from the large-caliber plasma cannon at the front of the aircraft carrier quickly hit the damn frigate.

It was not easy for a warship with only one thousand meters to deal with the heavy artillery fired by the four-thousand-meter aircraft carrier. After this shot, the shield system of the entire frigate was almost about to collapse. If it were not for the super strong defense ability of the void shield, the warship would have been turned into a group of wreckage and dropped on the battlefield.

In order to suppress the enemy's navy, the other three frigates that rushed to the scene protected their comrades, and after retreating, they quickly accelerated forward to deal with the huge warship to prevent the other party from conducting orbital bombing.

After seeing this scene, the war group leader stomped his feet in frustration, but he still believed that he could still win, even without the support of the navy. Because in hundreds of years of fighting, he almost never failed, whether it was aliens or heretics, they eventually became trophies in the church.

Moreover, with the help of the Bound Legion this time, he could not fail, even if a group of notorious aliens appeared on the opposite side.

The armies of both sides were getting closer and closer. Since long-range weapons were basically useless, the Space Marines had already taken out their melee weapons.

The mortal soldiers slowed down and began to shoot from a distance. In the melee process, they had no way to play any role in the battle with the Eldar and the Khalai Protoss, and would only make things worse. Instead of doing so, it would be better to output from a distance, which would have a better effect.

Soon, the distance between the two sides was shrinking, and the dragon knights quickly lifted their defense state and turned into attack mode. When the attack mode was turned on, a large number of plasma and star darts shot forward quickly, and the humans also used explosive bombs and infrared lasers to fight back.

Zeratul felt the attack of enemy weapons on his psychic shield, especially the explosive bombs wrapped in psychic flames, which caused the most serious damage to his shield, and a large number of the Eldar Eldar who were not protected by shields were hit by the enemy and fell on the road on the way to the score.

The same was true for the humans on the opposite side. A large number of mortal soldiers struggled on the ground with screams, and some Astartes were forced to stop because of the attack.

Hundreds of corpses suddenly appeared on the entire charge road. If the soldiers were not strong enough, or not brave enough, then it is very likely that they have begun to collapse. However, they are all in this dark galaxy. The soldiers of their race are the best and there is no possibility of retreat.

Soon, the Space Marines in green power armor collided with the Eldar in blue and white armor, as well as the Dark Templars and Purifiers, and began to fight each other like two giant beasts.

The statue of Cain rushed into them first. The terrible god roared and swung his huge sword. The burning blood slid from his hand to the ground and also fell on the armor of the people he chopped, and the blood of those people mixed together.

During the battle, the powerful strength of the huge statue of Cain was simply terrifying. Every swing of that terrible giant sword can take away dozens of lives. The huge body of the Knight Titan is like a steamroller that crushes the ants on the ground.

The Chapter Master used his fine bolt gun to continuously shoot at the giant in front of him, but it was like a child using a slingshot to hit a knight, which was completely useless. What was even more frustrating was that the bullets of the Cursed Legion could not hurt the Avatar of Cain!

Zeratul had never thought that there would be such an almost one-sided situation! It seems that he does not need to transform himself at present, as if he can win the victory with the Avatar of Cain alone...

But at this moment, he suddenly found that dozens of tanks drove out from the rear. He did not understand why those armored forces suddenly rushed over. Their artillery had no way to deal with the terrible Avatar of Cain. It was not until he saw the muzzle of the other side gradually raised and aimed at the dome glass that he understood what these lunatics were going to do.

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