The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 160 150 The real good show is about to begin

Chapter 160 150. The real show is about to be released

Gray looked at the dying Alder in front of him, turned around and left, or rather disappeared. After all, he just created a clone to talk to these pointed ears, so there was no need to use his real body to come.

Alder lay on the floor like this for a long time. It wasn't until the second day of the Ark that the Supreme Chancellor, who had been awake all night, got up again.

He went to the bathroom in his room to wash away the blood on his face last night. The horrible pressure made him still have trouble breathing. The other party was like a ghost, coming to his room without anyone noticing, and leaving so many words behind.

What would the Old Ones think if they really took revenge on humanity? The other party clearly stated that they came to support this time just because they did not want the situation to escalate. If they invaded the home planet of the invader group, would the Kalai protoss also support those apes? Although unlikely, the character of God's eldest son is equally mysterious.

And even if the other party won't go to support those apes because of this, will they fall out with them because of this matter? You must know that the entire Arkworld is extremely weak now, and their expressions cannot stay here forever. Once the Kalai Protoss attacks them, the outcome waiting for them will probably not be better than being captured by humans this time.

Alder was constantly thinking in his mind, and the movements of his hands did not stop. He changed into a pair of brand new clothes, took a deep breath and walked out. She didn't listen to what the followers on the road and the other envoys from the Arkworld said. He only understood one thing now, and that was...

"Are you kidding me?! We have to take revenge on those apes!!"

When Heldhe heard Alder say this with extremely calm words, his whole body was about to collapse. As a Phoenix warrior, he was unable to avenge his people, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable. Heldhe looked at the silent old man in front of him and continued to ask

"Who made you make such a ridiculous decision?! Is it those prophets who are possessed by gods and ghosts? Or is it the words from other relatives of the Ark Eldar?

I guess, it must be that old bastard from Uthwe Ark! Is he that mysterious old guy from Eldra? "

Alder took the trouble to listen to the complaints of the Phoenix Warrior in front of him, and waited until he was almost dry with saliva before replying.

"He is a great elder..."

Heldhe, who had just swallowed a sip of saliva and was about to continue asking, suddenly stood there, not knowing what to say. Great elder! Teacher of all things! The ancient saints who only existed in myths actually came to talk to Alder and warned them not to engage in war.

After hearing this, Heldhe stopped complaining and began to think. Two minutes later, the proud general said unusually:

"If this is the will of the elders, then we have nothing to say against it."

Although the Phoenix Warriors are full of honor, it doesn't mean that they will really get angry because of it. Word has been conveyed to them by the Supreme Elders, who, although not gods in Eldar belief, are respected teachers and their advice must be carefully considered.

And he also has his own ideas. If the entire Arkworld has been reduced to ashes due to human invasion, then he, who is angry and unintentional, will definitely take revenge on humans. But now, although the Ark has been greatly damaged, it still exists and its foundation has not been shaken. If humans are unwilling to give up on the entire Ark World because of this incident, can the entire Idhar Ark accept such a powerful challenge?

Alder looked at the thoughtful warrior in front of him and suddenly smiled. From the other person's expression, he could understand that he was thinking, so Alder was very happy that the other person could understand his difficulties. When Heldhe raised his head again, Alder stared at the Phoenix Warrior in front of him with his own pair of golden pupils, and said softly

"Please explain to those clan warriors, Heldhe."

"For Kane's Fire, I won't take no for an answer."


Soon, when Alder told everyone his decision at the beginning of the meeting, all the Eldar present were shocked. They never expected that the leader of Ada's most magnificent Cultural Ark would directly announce at the beginning of the meeting that he would give up the opportunity to take revenge on those barbarians. Only the representative of Uthwe Ark seemed particularly calm. Although the Kalai Star Spirit was a little surprised, he didn't say anything.

Almost all Ark representatives expressed their positions in various ways, and even some very conservative Ada would probably have scolded them directly if there were no foreigners present.

During the meeting, Alder walked out of the meeting room exhausted physically and mentally. It was still very difficult to convince those arrogant compatriots. Even if there was another highly respected Arkworld, Uswe persuaded him together, but after the meeting, At the end, less than 1/3 of the people agreed with his point of view.

"Please wait a moment, Speaker Alder."

Just when he walked into the corridor, a shout suddenly came from behind him. Looking back, it turned out that a representative in a golden robe was standing behind him and chasing him. Her clothing and hair color suggest that she is a compatriot from their ally Iyanden.

The young representative hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out his hand, and Alder took her hand smoothly. The young senior asked immediately the moment he held his hand

"Why should we give up revenge? My respected elder, if we give up our hatred, what will we have left?"

Alder sighed after hearing this, and then said after a long time

"It's far from time, my child. In a sense, the war has come to an end temporarily, and we must recuperate and recuperate."

"How can we go to the future! We can take revenge when we recover! Why should we give up revenge now?"

Alder, who had no choice but to be interrogated, could only tell what happened last night. After hearing this, the young man showed a shocked expression, and at the same time, his face showed no trace of confusion.

"Why should the Ancient Sage sympathize with those damn monkeys? We are his students!"

“But we are also his treacherous sons, and in its view, everything we have done before has led to today’s tragedy. If we don’t want the tragedy to happen again, the best way is not to let this tragedy continue to cycle. "

"But humans killed so many of us!"

"Then how many of them did we kill?"

Alder said softly in a very tired tone, he closed his eyes slightly and said

"Maybe we should read the classics of ancient times again. We don't need to copy them, but we should remember the lessons of those precious stories."

"You are too pedantic. The mythical pastoral era in this dark galaxy has long passed. What every race does is just to continue to perpetuate itself."

After hearing what the young man opposite said, Alder calmly asked:

"So kid, if we continue to fight, what will happen to the relationship between humans and us? Will the conflict between us continue to intensify? If it happens again, like the 12th Black Crusade, can we continue Trust each other for support once? If we don't listen to the elders' advice and move forward decisively, what will the Kalai protoss think of us? Will their allies, the space dwarves, consider their relationship with us because of this situation?

Young man, have you thought so much? "

The young representative was stunned by the large number of questions from the other party and was speechless. He really did not consider so many possibilities after revenge. Looking at the silent representative in front of him, Alder continued:

"As you said, in this dark galaxy, everything is a choice made for the survival of the race. Just like what the Kalai Protoss did, they chose to accept different alien races for the sake of survival. What? Is it really just to fulfill their seemingly ridiculous promise? Or is it another route they chose to survive in this dark galaxy? "

"In this galaxy, every step must have its own considerations..."

After saying this, the old man left. He needs to take a rest. After all, he hasn't slept a wink since last night. If this continues, even the Eldar Tribe will not be able to hold on.

The young man walked back to the conference room silently after the conversation. Representatives of various Arks who were originally discussing immediately came up to ask Alder for his opinion. After the young man finished speaking, everyone also began to think. What Alder said is very reasonable. Although they are not the same Ark, they are the same race. If you do this, you must also consider the subsequent consequences of revenge.

Finally after some discussion, they made a decision. Although there are still some hard-liners who believe in the need for revenge against the Invader Chapter's homeworld, many more have decided to come to their senses. Although the hatred between the Invaders Chapter and Idhar Ark is destined to be irreconcilable in the future, it has also prevented the situation from further expanding.

As for the Kalai protoss, they also got what they wanted. Arkworld kept its promise and gave them more than a dozen books about the era of the Ancient Saints and about soul forging, which will greatly help Gray prepare for the future. It may only take more than 100 years to develop the fragmented weapons of the Ancient Saints. target can be achieved.

Gray watched the elated Netat and the equally interested Erda flip through the precious books in front of them. Although there was happiness and joy in his heart, he was more worried.

Now the 800th year of the 41st millennium is coming to an end, followed by the 900th year of the 41st millennium, and in the next nearly 100 years, it is Warhammer 40k that he is familiar with.

From the 900th year to the 999th year, the Milky Way has experienced too much, from the resurrection of the Necron in the 900th year to the final Dark Crusade in the 999th year, with a large number of historical events mixed in between. Darkness, despair, war, and hope are constantly intertwined with each other, and the real show in the galaxy has just begun.

For Gray and Kalai Protoss, the road is still long...

(Chapter 1, end.)

Okay, that ends the first chapter. This is the first time I have written so many words, and I am very touched. But I am still very touched that readers have always supported me and have been with me until now. There are many people who support me, and I now have plenty of time. Naturally, I will not give up anymore. I will definitely finish writing this book.

As a newcomer, I know that my articles still have many shortcomings, such as too many typos, poor sentences, etc. I will try to fix these problems in the future, and I hope everyone can help.

Anyway, let's end it here tonight! Please look forward to the next chapter tomorrow: Bloody Hundred Days, which is about to begin.

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