The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 18 Meteorite Disaster

Chapter 18 18.Meteor disaster

Sacrifice is the cornerstone of empire.

Calga stood on the bridge, but compared to last time, some people were no longer able to stand next to him. In the last battle, although the empire successfully damaged the alien fleet, it also suffered heavy damage. Nearly 1/3 of the battleships of the expedition fleet completely lost their combat capabilities.

The Space Marines also lost a large number of outstanding angels. The Ultramarines alone lost more than 40 people in the last battle. As for the Crimson Fist, the main force of the Tiao Gang, more than 60 people died, and their entire battle group only had less than 800 people in total. Other battle groups also suffered more or less losses. In total, they lost more than 200 battle brothers this time, accounting for 1/7 of the entire expedition.

But now is not the time to be sad, a new war is still waiting for them.

They will go to the planet with a large number of subspace signals, and initially judge that it should be an important world of the other party. Occupy it and turn it into a stronghold firmly embedded in the alien flesh. Wait for the arrival of reinforcements from the Human Empire and start a new round of battle to completely eliminate this threat on the edge of the Ultramarine.

But the human expedition fleet will be very troublesome if it continues to move forward. The aliens dismantled the colony very cleanly when they evacuated, and even the mines were filled with magma. During this period, they could only replenish fuel by collecting some surface minerals. In other words, they are almost out of ammunition and food.

Admiral Francis now had two paths to take. The first is to immediately use the remaining fleet to start an attack, go deep alone, and quickly conquer the opponent's main events before the opponent has time to recover, and then obtain supplies here and wait for backup.

The second way is to wait here for another five months until the follow-up support fleet arrives, but by then they will face a completely prepared alien fleet, or even worse, before the support fleet arrives, they will be wiped out.

The Imperial Navy is definitely not a coward who just sits back and takes action, and the Astartes are the Emperor's angels of death. They would rather die gloriously in battle than sit in one place in humiliation waiting for the enemy to attack!

After the meeting, representatives from all other departments agreed to directly attack the opponent's main planet, except for the Crimson Fist, which was motivated by the Imperial Fist, who suggested moving forward one planet at a time according to the original plan.


This once bustling cargo port has now become a fortress actively preparing for war. A large number of photon and plasma cannons were erected one by one, and the once beautiful green belts and parks were torn down and transformed into anti-aircraft and anti-tank positions.

Soldiers of different groups are constantly patrolling and building here, and a large number of spaceships and battleships are constantly passing through. Everyone is preparing for the upcoming war.

A Groot scout hurriedly jumped down from a Tiger Shark-class transport boat. Because he was so anxious, he even accidentally bumped into the fanatic who was talking to a dwarf technician next to him, and hurriedly ran in the direction of a position.

As he approached, he saw two Guardsmen carrying solar battle axes standing around a short figure. He took a deep breath and said anxiously

"Dear Commander Farsight, we have received news from Tassadar Executive Officer. Their plan failed, the fleet suffered heavy losses, and we have to rely mainly on ourselves to defend Darius."

After hearing his words, the short man had turned around, his ruby-like eyes staring closely at the information that had just been sent. Vision likes to paint his armor red, so that his armor and his skin form an extremely strong contrast.

He read it carefully and said

"Commander, go and tell the Tassadar Consul later that all the soldiers and civilians of Daris are ready to resist to the death."

The main inhabitants of Darius are mostly Tau. Although they account for only a pitiful 12% of the entire empire, they are good at trade and have established a large number of trading stations here. Next are the protoss, most of which are troops transferred from some less important areas after Yuan Yuan's strong request.

Now hundreds of thousands of troops have been assembled, and more than 60 armed merchant ships and professional warships are gathering in the sky, ready to fight to the end.

Moreover, Vision has a real trump card. The Supreme Council of the Stars secretly sent over a batch of ancient weapons a week ago.


This fearsome weapon is a Titan from the days of the Old Empire.

It is said that in a previous battle, the empire originally planned to mediate the war between two civilizations. However, as the situation gradually escalated and eventually affected the empire, the parliament had no choice but to send three Ancient Saint-level colossi to fight. This terrible weapon ultimately directly pushed the civilization level of this planet back from the Industrial Age back to the Stone Age.

This incident also indirectly led to the signing of the Agreement of the Gods, and the Parliament subsequently sealed this batch of terrible weapons.

But now, at this critical juncture of life and death, perhaps some changes should be made to past agreements.

There are a total of 34 Colossi shipped this time, 26 are 15-meter-tall reconnaissance Titans, and 8 are 29-meter-tall Predator Titans. Vision believes that with this powerful fighting force, they will be indestructible on land.

Now all they have to do is continue to strengthen their defenses and wait.

Two days later, the remnants of Tassadar's fleet arrived. When Farsight witnessed the powerful damage caused by the humans to the warships, he began to understand that the opponent he faced might be much stronger than he thought.

Most of Tassadar's warships needed emergency repairs, and only a few warships could be put into battle immediately. But for Farsight, this was already a new chip on his chessboard.

A chip that made the chances of winning this gamble even greater.

A week after Tassadar arrived, the human fleet arrived.

The scouts at the ground observation station first discovered their traces. These guys did not attack the planet directly at first, but began to deploy subspace barriers at the Lagrange nodes outside the planet, leaving only a channel guarded by them. But after they arranged all this, they did not start the attack immediately.

Vision said in some confusion after receiving this news.

"What do these guys want to do? They won't trap us here first, right? Isn't that too naive?"

Indeed, if Calga really wanted to do this, then it is estimated that before the people on the planet could no longer pass through, Kalai's reinforcement fleet would arrive.

It was not until another week and a half later that their purpose officially surfaced. The warships that had been sailing in the orbit of the planet suddenly found that something was not normal today. The fleet commander of the merchant fleet looked at the surrounding space and said depressedly.

"Is it my illusion? Why are there more and more meteorites next to me every day?"

After a few hours, he finally understood what was wrong.

Because now, a large group of asteroids is rushing towards the surface of the planet! ! !

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