The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 189 The causes and consequences of the 177 Great Vortex Problem

Chapter 189 177. The causes of the Great Vortex Problem

Despite many inadaptations, such a contradictory coalition fleet still set out. They passed through the webway entrance of the fortress world and began to move towards the Great Vortex area.

Now there is about a month before the coalition forces go to the Great Vortex area. During the boring webway trip, we can first understand the little things in the Great Vortex area:

First of all, what is the Great Vortex?

The Great Vortex area is a subspace rift located in the center of the Milky Way, located in the Extreme Star Region. Compared with the Eye of Terror that popped up due to the Eldar Eldar, this subspace rift is purely naturally formed, because its history is much older than that of the gods.

Although the history is long enough, it does not prevent the physical universe and the soul sea barrier here from being very fragile, so that the subspace creation can survive here for a longer time than other physical universes.

So since the beginning of the Great Crusade, this broken place has never really stopped. Heretics, alien pirates, and those desperate criminals regard this place as their lair, ready to backstab merchant ships and even naval warships passing through here.

But there is no way to give up the Maelstrom region. It is too close to the center of the galaxy, with a large amount of precious metals and valuable merchant shipping routes, so the Empire cannot give up its rule here.

So, in the 587th year of the 41st millennium, the Taida Nursing Homes decided to establish the Astartes organization, the Guardians of the Maelstrom, in order to stabilize the situation here. A total of four Astartes warbands joined this organization to defend the stability and security of the Maelstrom.

The four warbands are the Lamenters, the Grave Guardians, the Mantis Warriors, and the Claws of the Sky. The first two are the descendants of the Blood Angels, the Mantis Warriors are the descendants of the White Scars' Despoiler Warband, and the Claws of the Sky are 100% Guilliman's son, that is, the descendant of the Ultramarines.

Originally, these four warbands successfully stabilized the situation in the Great Whirlpool area, and once entered the Great Whirlpool, clearing out a large number of traitors who had been entrenched for thousands of years.

Just when the situation was getting better, the High Lord of Terra was not sure what was wrong with him. For some reason, he transferred the Tomb Guards from the Great Whirlpool area, causing the military strength of the Great Whirlpool area to lose balance instantly. In less than 20 years, the Great Whirlpool Alliance lost almost all the land that they had previously recovered with blood and tears.

What's more infuriating is that the High Lord of Taida ignored the requests for help sent by the Great Whirlpool Guards several times.

The result was that the Great Whirlpool Guards suffered heavy losses. The home planet of the Star Claws, Badab, was directly burned by the Orc Pirates, and the leader also died tragically there.

In anger and confusion, the Star Claws endured it, rebuilt their homeland based on their inner impulse, and chose Luft Xiuren as the new warband leader.

As an outstanding space warrior, Xiulun is also an excellent politician and economist. While restoring the chapter, he also actively participated in the diplomatic process, which is to say how to effectively and happily eliminate the mortals who hinder the chapter's continuous progress.

Obviously, the chapter leader has a lot of experience in this. In just a few years, his reputation spread throughout the Great Whirlpool region. Xiulun was also given the title of tyrant, and the chapter leader of the Star Claws completely replaced the mortal governor and gained the entire galaxy.

In terms of combat, he will not be soft-hearted to the enemies of the empire. In his hands, countless planets were executed with extermination orders, and countless people were wiped out, but the entire Great Whirlpool region was completely stabilized due to his iron fist.

In order to expand his own troops, he ordered the elimination of all pirates and their warships and people were assigned to his name. At the same time, they hired and trained a mortal auxiliary army called the Tyrant Legion, and secretly created more Space Marines. By M41.904, it was initially estimated that the Star Claws had at least 3,000 Space Marines, which was equivalent to half of the soldiers in the peak era of the Thousand Sons, that is, the Great Crusade.

Of course, after doing so much, Xiulun was obviously a little arrogant, and he dared to ask the Gaolingism Society if he could exempt the taxation of the entire Maelstrom area.

Good guy, the nursing home is mainly because you have done a good job before, taking so many black industries and killing so many people, so they just turned a blind eye to it. Now you are ready to set up your own business.

However, the High Lords' Council did not do things to death at the beginning, but just rejected his request.

Then what did Xiulun, the fool, do? The other party did not give him, so he directly blocked the entire Maelstrom area and prohibited the imperial merchant ships and black ships from entering the Maelstrom. But Xiulun was not crazy enough, and found an excuse to show that Yunqing was clearing the Chaos Cult, temporarily blocking it, and releasing it appropriately according to the situation.

But at this time, another even more stupid person appeared. Yes, it was the Fire Eagles.

What stupid thing did the Fire Eagles do?

Let’s put it this way. The original direction of the two sides was probably to stalemate each other and wait for one side to back down. After hearing what the mortal officials of Badab said, the Fire Eagles responded directly and came to the Star Claws to discuss the matter with their own family assets. The reason was that there were some disputes and hatreds with the Star Claws before.

What was the dispute and hatred? Because in an expedition led by the Great Whirlpool Guardians, the Star Claws took the overall command, which made the Fire Eagles very unhappy. They thought it was an insult to their honor, and then they hated the Star Claws very much.

This reason is quite speechless.

Then, the incident rushed in an irreversible direction.

When the Fire Eagles arrived at the Great Whirlpool, they were quickly blocked by the Mantis Warriors. The Fire Eagles cruiser "Red Messenger" directly ignored the warnings of the Mantis Warriors and wanted to force the attack. As a result, the Fire Eagle cruiser "Red Messenger" was directly hit by the opponent, and the engine and energy were paralyzed and captured, and the group of irritable brothers on it were all controlled and became prisoners of war.

After hearing this, the Fire Eagle Chapter Captain Razzak was furious. Fortunately, the Star Claws troops and the Chapter Captain rushed over at this time, and Fang negotiated with Galen first (to be honest, Master Xulun has done a good job in this matter. If it was the Iron Hands or Space Wolves, they would have been beaten back if they came to challenge like this.)

And at this time, the negotiation scene suddenly changed dramatically. One warship suddenly attacked another warship. With the commanders of both sides looking confused, the war broke out (are you familiar with the plot? I guess everyone knows who did it).

So the two sides fought each other. Now all the assets of the Fire Eagle Chapter have been put on the line. At the same time, they also called the Ranger Knights to come to support. The whole battle is expanding rapidly.

In this environment full of gunpowder and almost on the eve of the storm, the joint forces of the Tal'darim and the Khalai Protoss successfully arrived.

The storm of the Great Vortex is destined to intensify...

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