The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 20 Battle of Dares (Part 2)

Chapter 20 20. Battle of Daris (2)

Xia Situng looked at the falling iron rain from the sky. It was the traces of asteroid fragments and the remains of warships in orbit falling into the atmosphere and causing friction.

Shasi Tungsten is a Tau and an Odessa soldier. He didn't feel there was anything bad about the name. After all, these were just problems with the name. He had a protoss friend from his days at the War Academy, as well as a Kroot and another Tau. He thought they were quite friendly together.

Now he is wearing a type of armor developed by dwarf technicians and Earth caste engineers. This exoskeleton armor can give races that are not good at fighting a chance to join the army.

He is holding the three-eye electromagnetic gun in his hand. This weapon is a magnetic rail semi-automatic rifle modified by Protoss Technology. The three barrels can fire nine rounds of bullets in ten seconds, and each round can penetrate 4.5 inches. Steel plate is an extremely powerful weapon.

A Groot companion next to him looked at the falling iron rain from the sky and said very worriedly.

"Xia Situng, look at those terrifying meteors in the sky. Could it be that the navy is completely ruined?"

After hearing this, Xia Situng rolled his eyes at him unceremoniously and said

"Believe in the orders from above, soldiers. The navy has only temporarily evacuated. Our battle is not over yet."

While they were talking, another soldier looked up at the sky and said

"Well, Major, look at the sky. Is that a shooting star or something?"

After hearing this, Xia Situng looked up and saw some "ruins" dragging tail flames rapidly towards the ground.

"That thing is..."

Xia Situngsten used an electronic telescope to magnify the "fragments" and discovered that they were not space junk at all, but airborne pods! !

"Everyone look for cover!! Those are enemy airborne troops!!"

After everyone found a safe place, Xia Situng boldly continued to measure the distance with the electronic telescope. After a while, he shouted into the radio communication system

"According to measurements, there are two airborne pods that will land 1,700 meters to 6,000 meters east of us, and another one is on the only way we patrol. According to our current distance, it is about four thousand meters, and it happens to be right on our patrol. Right in the middle of the route.”

The engineer captain next to him stamped his feet after hearing this and said

"Hell, I can't even run away."

"Speaking of Gurney, do you want to have a word with your fellows and see if they will listen to you and not shoot at us?"

"Fuck you, shut your mouth! Calder, my family has been here from the other side of the harbor for nearly 6,000 years!! According to my eldest father's words, I will only be regarded as a so-called Heretics should be shot!"

The engineer captain complained angrily after hearing this. He was holding a personal plasma weapon with a butt that could be transformed into a hoe. He cursed at a snickering Kroot soldier next to him, but the Kroot took off his helmet and made a face at him.

Because Gurney is a human, Groot's comrades, who are a little bit shy when the war breaks out, always like to make some jokes about him.

As mentioned before, there were some old nights and after countless wars that took place within the empire, there would always be desperate refugees trying to cross the huge Gulf of Damocles in their crude spaceships hoping to find a place to live. A home that can provide shelter. Although most of their ships have been destroyed in the dangerous warp voyage, a few are lucky enough to reach the borders of the Protoss Empire.

However, the crisis is still not over when the refugees arrive here. If they do not encounter the patrol boats patrolling the border in time, or worse, encounter the slave fleets of Orcs and Tal'darin, then the end will be even more tragic. . But in general, there have been some humans living inside the Gulf of Damocles for a long time.

Xia Situng coughed twice on the communication channel to end the endless quarrel, and he continued

"Okay, stop arguing. It doesn't matter whether our kind will appear in their ranks now or in the future, but we just need to know that if they shoot at us, they are our enemies. Calder, as the scout captain "When you and your team see them, you will use lasers to mark those soldiers. Photon cannons and plasma cannons will help us clear the obstacles."


"Gerny, you lead the engineering team to the rear, and after we leave, lay mines in the direction where the enemy may come."

After the "iron rain" in the sky seemed to have subsided for a while, Xia Situng waved to his team members and led a dozen soldiers towards the distant fortress.

After the soldiers advanced for nearly half an hour, they suddenly heard a buzzing sound coming from above. When they looked up, they saw dozens of Phoenix fighter jets and dozens of drones whizzing past overhead, and the planes were flying The direction is the direction of their destination fortress.

A timid Nikasa psyker mentioned his psychic blaster and said timidly

"Uh, Xia Situng, do we still want to move towards the fortress? I don't think this is a rational decision."

"We are warriors, Paltel. The duty of a warrior is to fight in the most dangerous places. I know that your race does not like war, but since you have joined the army, you should understand that this day will come."

Palt heard what Xia Siwu said and murmured in a depressed tone

"But the direction we are heading is indeed quite dangerous..."

Just as they were talking intermittently, the voice of the reconnaissance captain Calder suddenly came from the communication device

"Major, I don't think we need to go to the fortress anymore. You are almost completely occupied by the human Aastartes now."

After hearing this, Xia Siwu paused and stood there for several seconds before giving another order

"Then let's leave here and go to Bastion No. 672."

"Yes, sir... Wait, it's the Astra Militarum! Everyone fire! Fire!... Ah, damn it!! Major, I'm going to hang up first. We'll meet on the No. 2 backup reconnaissance route."

"Hello, do you need help?! Hello?!"

After Xia Siwu shouted several times into the intercom and got no response, he sighed, thought for a while, and said

"Watt, you take 16 people to support, and the others follow me to the No. 2 backup route. Let's go!"

The patrol team began to move towards the fortress. Above them, the Imperial Navy's interceptors and fighter-bombers were engaging the planet's native forces. The Imperial Air Force had to ensure that these damn alien air forces would not obstruct their second landing plan.

In orbit, the Imperial Navy, which had completely gained air superiority, began to airdrop battle fortresses. This time, they were not going to send Astartes and ordinary Astra Militarum soldiers like last time, but armored troops and Titan Legions.

A fierce battle was about to begin.

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