The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 221 209 The Shadow of the Castle of Thorns

Chapter 221 209. The shadow of Thorn Castle

More than 40 people are advancing rapidly through the cracks between the physical universe. They must attack before their energy is exhausted, and it is best to have extra energy, because they may encounter more enemies next. I don’t know if the backup energy of the two batteries is enough.

Although Artanis knew that the other party could not see him, he still moved forward cautiously while running. After running forward for a while, he looked up and found an Asta less than half a meter away.

Such a close distance was enough for him to see the face of the Astartes who was sitting on the edge of the sewer and loading bullets for his rifle. He could see the star blood sprayed on his armor, even through the red. The eyepiece saw Astartes' somewhat tired eyes.

Just as he was observing carefully, the Astartes suddenly raised his head and looked at him sharply.

This feeling made Artanis stop thinking at that moment. It seemed that he was facing a terrifying beast at that moment, and he was in the opponent's prey field, waiting for the opponent to kill.

This kind of fear is really unbearable, but it is limited to "people".

"Do it!!"

Following Zeratul's orders in the communicator, more than 40 soldiers suddenly appeared extremely close to the Gates of Astartes. Zeratul quickly returned to the physical universe from mid-air. In front of him was a Space Marine who was guarding the rear and did not react at all.


The psionic blade gracefully drew an arc in mid-air, and finally swept across the Astartes' head, cutting off 1/3 of his head.

With an unwilling roar, Astartes fell down abruptly after reacting. When the surrounding man-eating shark warriors saw their battle brothers fall, they immediately raised their guns, but before they could fire any shot, the rest of the warriors were already dispatched.

Three or four people are responsible for one Astartes. Even the Astartes veterans wearing Terminator heavy armor will definitely be killed, let alone these ordinary Astartes wearing ordinary Mark 5 power armor. Tater.

Artanis rushed over quickly the moment the order was given. His distance was so close that when his psychic light blade successfully penetrated the warrior's left ear, his brain was shattered. The man still did not react and remained silent before death. The action of pressing the bullet.

The other two high-level templars who were preparing to cooperate were a little surprised by the decisiveness and quickness of this young junior. Although Artanis is over 200 years old, there are relatively few opportunities for actual combat. A novice can do this. To such an extent, it can indeed be surprising.

All the Astartes were dispatched without a single shot being fired. Alarak slowly placed an Astartes who had a big hole in his chest on the ground. He raised his head and clicked on the holographic map on his armor, looked at it and said

"Okay, cousins, it's about 100 meters before we can get to the ape's palace."

"It's best to hurry up. I don't want to stay in this smelly ditch for a second."

Tassada put away his psychic aggregator again and continued to lead the team forward.

After a few more minutes, they could more and more clearly feel the vibration of the shells above their heads hitting the ground, as well as the footsteps of the soldiers walking into the pit. But all of this happened thousands of meters above their heads. The reason why they were able to be strong was only because they used spiritual energy to strengthen some of their organs when they entered.

However, randomly strengthening a certain organ can also cause problems in some organs. When they successfully arrived at their location and quickly released their psychic powers, the speed of the coalition soldiers became as flexible as usual.

Finally, when they were far away from the hustle and bustle, a huge ventilation fan appeared in front of them. The diameter of this ventilation fan is at least 20 meters, but it still cannot stop a dry ice electromagnetic bomb.

The icy air quickly froze the circuit, and the solidified carbon dioxide quickly froze the super-large fan made of fine gold until it was as crispy as potato chips. Tassada successfully removed the nearly four-meter-long blade in just two turns, and everyone began to enter the interior through this entrance.

The underground space of Thorn Castle is a very huge space. According to some internal information from Tyrant Legion soldiers, this underground space is at least three square kilometers and is divided into 12 floors. According to the predicted height and the spacing of each floor, Tassada Quickly calculate through the computer that they should be on the seventh layer now, and where the crucial stc template is, some special methods are needed.

If you want to find such an important and confidential military-industrial facility, you definitely can't break into the enemy's interior and then randomly find a drawing such as a floor plan of a building and then follow it into that space. Therefore, the coalition forces already know where they should go from the beginning. .

"This is absolutely the craziest plan."

Although he already knew what he was going to do next, Tassada couldn't help but complain. The plan is that Zeratul and Tassadar will use shadow jumps to the Star Claw Chapter Master Huron's throne in the hall and Huron's bedroom to try to obtain relevant information.

Although their intelligence network here has been very good after several years of development, it is obvious that it is not good enough to bribe an Astartes. After thinking for a long time, they can only think of the most old-fashioned and stupid way, to go to the tyrant's private area to collect this intelligence.

According to Huron's character, although he has great talents, he is actually very narrow-minded. He will not easily trust anyone, especially such a precious STC. He will not tell others where it is, even his confidants.

So the only way is to search his throne and bedroom to see if he can find some clues.

When the two masters are searching, the others will not be able to hide from the eyes, and will gather on the third underground floor. During this period, if any abnormality is found, it should be reported in time. There are more ancient items and scientific and technological materials worth collecting, as well as internal documents of the war group, which can also be collected.

This is an extremely risky operation. Let's not talk about how to avoid the sight of more than 3,000 Astartes and hundreds of thousands of soldiers, how to take the items out in a short time and successfully dismantle the STC template, and also find a way to avoid the failure of the mission due to the time difference.

Compared with this, the problem of escape is even simpler. After all, as long as they succeed in getting it, they can immediately call the amphibious landing ship above their heads. This terrible warship will directly teleport them back from a long distance, and then blow up this damn planet.

Although the road ahead is dangerous, they have no way out now...

"All obey the meeting decision and implement the plan!"


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