The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 245 The 233 Dynasty's catastrophe

Chapter 245 233. The dynasty's catastrophe

The executive officer's order was quickly transmitted to the ears of every operator along with the electric current. Who dared to neglect the order? Everyone transmitted the far-sighted order to every warship and every cabin.

The earth-penetrating missiles as high as tens of meters were loaded into the gun barrel. These heavy missiles driven by liquid fuel will penetrate the earth's crust hundreds of kilometers deep and explode in the shallow layer of the tomb of the space undead. And such a huge missile launcher, each warship has at least 60, and each launcher can launch three missiles.

Anlaqir commanded his army to move forward, not knowing what was happening above his head. He watched his troops move forward, chasing the enemies in front of him, watching the enemies who were beaten into powder and the heavy tanks abandoned on the side, and a feeling of satisfaction slowly rose in his heart.

As a technician, he is not an excellent general, so when he thinks he has won, he naturally becomes a little arrogant. Perhaps the enemy's ability will stop here, and he will create a new era of great victory!

The current Overlord can already see the panic of the enemy and their soldiers being slaughtered. Those fragile alien races can only be forced to leave the former territory of the Space Undead, watching the warships equipped with advanced positions controlling all the planets.

There is no doubt that under the crushing of such advanced weapons, he has seen that he will become a Fahuang!

Just as he was sitting in his daydreaming, a tomb technician in front of him suddenly stopped his actions, and such a small action naturally could not be hidden from the eyes of the Overlord. The Lord of the Space Undead looked at the tomb technician and asked puzzledly

"What happened, my respected Chief Technician."

The tomb technician did not speak. She looked at the Overlord in shock with her only eye. After a long time, she just made a move. Anraqir immediately understood what the engineer meant, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. He hurried to the control panel, and just happened to see his general's anxious voice.

"Dear Overlord, there are no enemy troops on the surface! According to the time magician's reconnaissance, the enemy may have withdrawn five hours ago. All the main forces that just fought with us may be their only soldiers left on the planet!"

"What... Retreat immediately, let all my troops retreat!!"

The advanced computer in Anraqir's brain quickly calculated, and he immediately understood the enemy's purpose. What those guys were going to do, he shouted hurriedly without caring about any image, but everything was too late.

The first missile fell quickly, and the dust raised on the surface of the planet was enough to park a frigate. This was only the first missile. Then the second, third, tenth, and hundredth missiles fell to the earth like stars, bringing endless destruction and torture.

Well, maybe the word torture is not quite correct, because there is nothing on the ground that can move except the space undead. And the space undead will not have the idea of ​​torture.

The terrible attacks were all concentrated on several large counterattack points of the Necrons. The missiles, like meteorites, easily destroyed the Necrons outside and on the surface of Nano.

Anraqir almost fainted after seeing at least 60% of his troops disappear in an instant, and his computer hard drive almost short-circuited. When he just felt better, he saw that only 17% of his troops were left, and he was so angry that he almost used his weapons to cut the Tomb Technicians in front of him into three pieces.

Anlaqir took two deep breaths and said with difficulty

"How many troops do we have left?!"

The Tomb Technician looked at the extremely angry Overlord and said tremblingly

"There are less than 30,000 troops that can still fight, but we still have tens of millions of people in a sleeping state, and most of the defense systems and two frigates on the Death Satellite can still be used..."

"Let the two frigates and orbital defense systems on the Death Satellite immediately harass and attack the enemy warships! Use the program to overwrite the self-consciousness of all the soldiers there, and let them stand to the last man!

You immediately let the remaining soldiers go to carry the sleeping people, carry as many as you can, and carry them all to the ship! At the same time, ask the troops on the aging star again, when can they be completed?! When can we collect the star energy we need?!"

Listening to the Overlord's answer like a chain gun, the Tomb Technician could only nod and agree, and then quickly put into work, assigning those complicated languages ​​to various systems in the dynasty.

Soon, the Necrons who received the order quickly began to act. First, the troops that had been kept as the last resort on the Death Satellite finally came into use. The two frigates and the previously hidden orbital system quickly launched an attack on the enemy, trying to slow down their landing operation.

But the executive officer had already thought of this dying counterattack. As a warrior who had experienced many battles, Farsighted must have understood that the other party would fight desperately after being fooled. Some warships have been on alert. After the two frigates successfully took off, although they destroyed an armed cargo ship, they were quickly surrounded by drones and light cruisers, and there was no way to threaten the landing force.

The only trouble was the orbital defense system. Their large-caliber main guns were still a threat to the landing capsule, but as for the others, there was really nothing, because the range of those coastal defense artillery was too short. Obviously, the death satellite did not even use Gaussian lightning, only traditional ray artillery, or even plasma artillery, although it was very powerful, but far inferior to the spark tower on the surface of the planet.

The battlecruiser took some effort to fight with them. This little bit of time did hinder the landing operation, but it only hindered it for a while.

Soon, when the crystal appeared on the ground again, a huge army came here to fight again, and this time, they saw only loose soil and shattered rocks, as well as living metal fragments mixed with inorganic matter and the completely blown tomb door.

Now, Anraqir is only one step away from being finished. In any case, he has lost almost all methods and completely lost this planet.

Now for Farsight, the only problem is the fleet that is still erratic. As long as those damn fleets are dealt with and the damned positions are dismantled, then he will have more time to prepare to deal with more enemies coming here.

Anraqir is running out of time.

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