The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 249 237 Request for Help

Chapter 249 237. Seeking Help

Tassadar is an outstanding military strategist, which is a well-known name in the entire empire and even in the galaxy, but please don't forget that he is also an excellent politician.

Compared with most of the imperial generals who became knives in the hands of politicians, Tassadar is first a politician, and secondly he is an excellent commander.

If separated, the panel value of Tassadar's record over the past hundreds of years is definitely not good. Because compared with the ever-victorious general Zeratul and the foresight of the battlefield rookie, when people mention him, although his name is well-known, what they can think of is that he is an experienced old general, and as for those particularly outstanding records, it seems that there are really not too many.

So in theory, it is difficult for him to gain more paths in the future, but in fact he successfully commanded one of the three major fleets of the Kalai Protoss, and he is also the leader of the military faction in the entire country.

That's because he is a politician, and his political ally Aldaris has always been favored by the elders in the entire parliament. Of course, the elders don't see the so-called status and power, he values ​​ability more, and Tassadar has such ability.

Although Tassadar does not have a very good combat power, his popularity and respect are what the ancient saints need. Gray does not need a strong and fierce general, he needs a gentle commander with wisdom, kindness and ability to distinguish details.

So when Al knew Tassadar's problem and his plan, Gray immediately agreed.

Tassadar's idea is very simple, he needs a relatively close support force, and the relatively close one is the territory of the space dwarves. He must obtain such a support force and then wait for the reinforcements to counterattack.

The territory of the space dwarves is located in the northwest of the empire, very close to the war zone. During this period of time, the space dwarves have also conducted reconnaissance activities, but they do not intend to join this battle, because they think that the Karai Protoss can deal with the original Tyranid invasion by themselves.

But now, Tassadar wants to tell them that a fleet alone cannot suppress so many monsters, and he needs some help from the space dwarves.

In the new home of the space dwarves, the space dwarves' warships quickly discovered the Kalai Protoss warships. Due to the good relationship with the other party before, although the other party showed surprise, they did not make much hostile behavior. When the patrol fleet learned that the person who came here was Tassadar, they showed a surprised expression.

Then in the residential area of ​​the huge industrial structure of Ironforge Star, in the huge castle, the current leader of the space dwarves met with this highly respected person among the Kalai Protoss.

Under the guidance of the envoy, the two sides exchanged their names with each other. After learning the intention of the other party's arrival, the Supreme King agreed without any hesitation.

Those envoys who had prepared a lot of words, before they said anything, heard the other party's promise and felt as powerless as punching cotton, but they were also glad that the other party did not open their mouths. Only Tassadar kept his original expression, because all this was within his expectations.

Among all the races in the galaxy, the character of the space dwarves is very stubborn. We must understand that no race is more stubborn than the space dwarves.

They will hold grudges against others for very small things. Many people will attribute this situation to the stinginess of the dwarves, because their excellent mining skills and superb craftsmanship can help them obtain a large amount of high-quality metals and minerals to forge more wealth.

An ordinary leader of the Space Dwarf Alliance is much richer than a high leader of the High Lord Council. This may also be the reason why the human empire waited and watched when the Tyranid swarm invaded. The greed of those powerful people wanted to obtain the wealth of their own subhumans in the distance and take them all for themselves.

But this is actually caused by the nature of the dwarves. As for how the space dwarves mutated from humans to subhumans, the space dwarves themselves did not remember it very clearly. In the end, it can only be attributed to the subspace mutation and proximity. The radiation caused by the center of the galaxy made them like this.

In this regard, Gray has a high probability of believing that it was because they were too close to the weak areas of the physical universe in the galaxy at that time that the merchant tradition believed in their society at that time, that is, focusing on interests and reputation, was integrated into their genes.

Therefore, in the society of space dwarves, wealth is fluid and may leave at any time, only integrity and reputation will accompany them forever.

Therefore, space dwarves will do their best to help and repay their friends. Even at the cost of their lives, they are unwilling to treat those who are honest with them badly. This is not because of their noble morality, but a reaction to their extreme personality.

For space dwarves, it is intolerable to endure insults, and any offense is unforgivable. For example, retreat and escape. Of course, for them, the biggest insult is that the promise to others cannot be fulfilled, and they cannot go to help the benefactors who have repaid them when they need help.

And now, the Kalai Protoss, who are their biggest benefactors, have been invaded by Chaos. Although these aliens look different from them, they are truly trustworthy partners compared to the distant relatives who make them completely disappointed.

Distant relatives are not as good as friendly neighbors, and the truth has never changed.

The dwarves living deep underground and among meteorites don't mind losing their lives to help the Khalai Protoss beat Chaos. This is a good opportunity for them to repay a small part of their huge promise.

The High King and the Alliance Parliament quickly agreed to Tassadar's request for support and said that soon a fleet of no less than hundreds of warships will be assembled within a month, and then attack Chaos, and said that they can help them defeat the Undead together.

After thanking them for their kindness, Tassadar didn't stay too long. He had more things to do. When he returned to the Golden Fleet, his confidant also brought good news. Zeratul quickly sent a request to the Chieftain of the Dark Templar, hoping that the people under the Purple Star could launch a new expedition to protect the territory of the Empire.

You know, this time Tassadar doesn't need Zeratul's fleet. He needs to find a way to let his old friend convince the entire Dark Templar high-level to let those guys make some efforts.

As mentioned before, the Dark Templar has extremely high autonomy within the Empire. These Templars have a lot of technology from the ancient Empire, which also gives them their own autonomy. In fact, apart from the orders of the Imperial Parliament and the Ancient Saints, there is nothing else that allows them to go out.

Tassadar knew the thoughts of the Ancient Saints, so he did not bother and used his connections to persuade the Dark Templar.

Fortunately, the Dark Templars were persuaded, and a new reinforcement fleet was also on the way.

After quickly counting the upcoming fleet and the fleet he had at hand, Tassadar made an allocation and prepared to form a large fleet in the future to attack the Iron Warriors.

Looking at the statistical data, Tassadar's face improved for the first time after a few gloomy days. Now he has enough advantages to fight against the Iron Warriors Legion.

The only thing missing is time.

Regarding the issue of space dwarves, I can only say that because GW, a small Nottingham workshop, backstabs every day, I directly choose to use the old version of the story and the mixture of the setting of the Middle Ages Son of the Mountains.

Since I spent too much time looking up information today, I will try my best to update the second article tonight. If I can't update it, I will find a way to make it up. I hope you can forgive me.

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