The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 258 Street Fighting in Battleship 246 (IV)

Chapter 258 246. Street Fighting in the Battleship (IV)

The soldier who came out of the elevator quickly pushed the twin machine gun to the gap left by the bulletproof plate. Two loaders struggled to stuff the magazines that were almost half the size of their bodies into the loading port.

The machine gunner then loaded the bullets, opened the monomolecular sight, put the huge bodies of the Astartes close to the crosshairs, and then fired.


The sound of the shells being fired resounded throughout the corridor, and the Astartes were quickly attacked by shells like hail. An Iron Warrior who was unable to dodge was hit by these attacks like a wooden stake hit by a stone, and then fell to the ground.

The Iron Warrior looked at his twisted power armor and a hand that had been dislocated by the powerful impact, and quickly pulled out a plasma pistol from his waist and fired.

The plasma gas mass passed through the array of shells and then hit the bulletproof plate fiercely. It was several dozen centimeters short, but it successfully created a flaw on a steel plate. However, the next steel plate was quickly added, and once again formed an airtight iron wall.

The 20mm caliber machine guns continued to shoot at their enemies, and the gunners and co-operators shot at the guys in the target who had no cover. Under the effect of the advanced leveler, the powerful twin machine guns had almost no recoil.

Although those electromagnetic cannons could hardly cause damage even if they directly hit most of the Astartes, they could knock them to the ground and there was no way to aim and counterattack. Although each Astartes was like a tank, their power system had been damaged, and the grenade launchers in their hands could not be aimed. It was even difficult for them to stand up.

Negev felt like a prisoner, being hit by huge stones and being stripped of his power armor. He was now in pain all over, his head was buzzing from the shells, as if someone was chopping with an axe, and his joints were difficult to lift because of the damage and pain of the automatic system, as if a demon had suddenly inserted his fibrous and thin hands into the gaps between his bones, making him feel unbearable.

He wanted to raise his grenade launcher to attack, but put it down again, because he and his battle brothers had just tried to stand up from the hail, but ended up with a big hole in his chest. Negev found that the pursuers behind him had also successfully caught up, and a huge humanoid mecha stood in the middle of them. The heavy rail sniper rifle held by the machine, which was nearly three or four meters tall, was the culprit for the damage just now.

After seeing this scene, Negev looked at his comrades next to him, and he was shocked to find that several of his comrades had been killed in this way. He also saw their leader, the war blacksmith, most of his head had been cut off at some point, and the remaining half of his face was still staring, with blood and a pile of dirt covering his last remaining face.

Negev coughed violently, and he felt that his three lungs were burning painfully. His past memories still existed, so he didn't want to die. He was not like those iron warriors who were cruelly trained and brainwashed and had no emotions. He was still a person, he would feel fear, he would feel scared, and he was not like those iron souls who said that he was made of steel inside and out.

I must pretend to be dead!

Thinking of this, Negev immediately lay down and turned off his power armor display device to keep the engine in the lowest state of motion. The comrades around him were still fighting back, but their lives were also rapidly shortened because of such behavior. The bullets and plasma of the electromagnetic rifle shot them into sieves. Negev quietly listened to such sounds and the screams of his comrades until one of the sounds disappeared first.

The voices of the comrades slowly disappeared, and then the enemy's gunfire slowly stopped. Negev opened his eyes wide and pressed tightly against the floor. He could hear his own breathing and the sound of the opponent's shoes stepping on the floor.

He heard the voices of the aliens and caught a glimpse of them out of the corner of his eye. Those guys were still moving forward cautiously, their weapons pointed at the corpses on the ground, fearing that one of them would jump up and shoot them.

The sailor officer still did not let down his guard after seeing that the terrible Astartes seemed to be dead. He looked at the scene around him carefully and immediately ordered his men to say,

"Everyone, shoot two more shots at their hearts. Even if one of them is still alive and standing up, we estimate that at least 10 to 20 people will die."

After hearing the captain's words, everyone immediately fired two shots at the corpses on the ground with their weapons. A soldier loaded his rifle and looked at the huge giant on the ground. He dared to guarantee that if this guy stood up, he would not even reach the other's thigh.

Through the mask that looked like ancient medieval armor, he saw the man's face, and the man was actually looking at him. He was really looking at him, and the guy even blinked. Although a huge deep hole had been made on the left side of his upper body by the plasma and his right leg was missing, he was indeed still alive.

But he could only live for a while. When the timid soldier saw that this man was still alive, he was frightened and shot quickly. The hot metal bullet penetrated the cracked armor and shot through the heart of the Iron Warrior, bringing pain to the warrior. Comes the final death.

When Negev saw it, he immediately understood that the opponent was going to hit the target, and now he had to find a way to escape quickly, otherwise he would be dead.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye again and saw an alien officer next to him. This was an excellent opportunity.

He suddenly jumped up and threw away another soldier standing next to him. He took out the dagger on his thigh and grabbed the alien officer with his other hand, holding him in front of his chest with his dagger. The sailors were shocked by this sudden change. More than 100 guns were instantly aimed at the guy in front of them, but they did not dare to act rashly. The navy lieutenant was obviously severely frightened. He shouted and kicked his legs in panic, trying to escape from the clutches of this monster.

Negev successfully broke through the exoskeleton with a single effort, and the blue blood flowed slowly, causing the officer to finally shut up. He looked at the giant in front of him in horror, unable to say anything. The Iron Warrior calmly looked at the enemy in front of him and roared loudly.

"Get out of my way, if you don't want him to die, make way for me!"

Looking at the Astartes wielding a dagger in front of them, no one dared to rush forward and could only be forced to retreat. A spearman behind saw this and hurriedly stuffed an electromagnetic interference bomb into the chamber of his gun, and then aimed at Astarte's back. If it can successfully hit, it can theoretically paralyze its power armor for about half a minute.


The shooter's pillow was good, and the bullet hit the opponent's power backpack intact. After a burst of electric sparks flashed, Negev felt that he suddenly lost power and the gravity suddenly became unbalanced. He felt that the slightly loosened officer tried his best and actually managed to run out, rolling and crawling towards his own people. Run in the direction.

Looking at the hostage running away, before Negev could react, the soldiers next to him had already reacted. Dozens of soldiers rushed forward quickly and used their hands and feet to throw the nearly 2.7-meter-seven giant back to the ground. He was frantically trying to control him.

Some soldiers used electromagnetic rifles to fire wildly at the engine on his back, and some people didn't know where they got the electromagnetic gravity lock used to secure cargo and began to put it on the opponent's body. By the time the cabinet minister began to regain some strength, his body had been covered with a whole layer of gravity locks so densely that he couldn't even bend his fingers.

Looking at the terrified aliens, Negev finally thought of how to describe his current environment:

He is a prisoner.

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