The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 270 258 Gaining the upper hand

Chapter 270 258. Get the upper hand

The past memories merged into Marcus' mind like a slide show in the flames of the warp. The memories, experiences, pain, and joy of the past were like forcibly merging another aging soul with Marcus's fragile and pure soul now.

The zero energy caused by the terrible fusion broke through the entire void, and the scorching flames burned Perturabo's hands directly. The demon primarch couldn't help but let out a miserable cry, and quickly let go of the girl, but the terrible flames were still burning its body corrupted by the warp.

That pure flame awakened the primarch's dusty memories. In pain, the Lord of the 14th Legion roared loudly.

"Such a pure flame!! Such a pure power!! It's you!! Father!!

Woo, not you!! No! It's also you! This is not you at that time!!

Not just him!! But also you!! Alien!! Who are you???!!!!!!!"

Tasada looked at Perturabo in front of him in shock, struggling and roaring in pain in the flames, while shouting some half-understood words, madly firing all the weapons in his hands into the void in front of him, as if fighting with an object that does not exist.

Although he didn't know why the other party was like this, Tasada knew very well that this was the last chance, the last chance to defeat him!

Opportunity is not to be missed, time will never come again! The huge golden armored warrior quickly jumped up from the ground, holding the broken spear in his hand tightly and charging forward, with the flames of the ancient saint gathered on the spear head. The executive jumped high up, staring at the spear, and the sharp spear head was inserted straight into Perturabo's heart!


The moment Perturabo was hit, the flames on his hands suddenly gathered in his chest, burning his organs. Perturabo's two iron fists swung wildly, and one of them even hit Tassadar.

Tassadar endured the pain but still did not let go, because he knew that this last blow was extremely important and there could be no mistakes. After holding on for more than 13 seconds, Perturabo finally hit him and the spear in his hand with a heavy punch.

This time, Tassadar fell harder than the last time he was hit by Perturabo, and his ancient saint form was almost shattered. In order not to be torn to pieces by the manic energy in his heart, the executor quickly restored himself to normal, but he was also seriously injured.

After the executor's guard was assigned to protect the person who was seriously injured, he quickly walked over and formed a guard to protect Tassadar. Fortunately, the terminators of the Iron Warriors were forced to retreat because their gene primarchs were seriously injured.

Even a strong Primarch could not bear such terrible damage, because one of his hearts was pierced through by the spear containing the power of the Old Ones. Although the Primarch was born with two hearts and he had successfully become a demon, he still could not bear such terrible damage.

Perturabo held his chest tightly with one hand, and dirty blood was flowing out of it. The Primarch suddenly pulled off his steel mask and breathed in the air. At this moment, people could finally see his face corrupted by the warp. To be honest, compared with his pitiful brothers, Perturabo looked more normal. Although there was some obvious nail formation on his forehead, he could still look like a human being. His eyes still kept the same as before, at least he was not like some of his brothers, who had become terrible monsters.

The Primarch breathed in the air, and sweat quickly flowed into the wound, successfully disinfecting the wound and stopping the bleeding. Staring fiercely at Tassadar in front of him, although he was very unwilling, he still gritted his teeth and said with difficulty


Tassadar looked at the retreating Iron Warriors, endured the pain and said to his guards

"Order the Dragon Knights and Stalkers to immediately pursue and kill as many enemy soldiers as possible! This battle must make the Iron Warriors pay the price!"

"Also, save the Messenger of God!!"

Under the irrefutable order of the Executor, the Templars began to act. They quickly launched a charge. Under the fire of the Scarabs and the cover of the Dragon Knights, the Iron Warriors collapsed.

The Primarch had already failed, and it was obvious that continuing to fight the other side was not a wise choice. Especially the golden armored giant, although he suffered terrible injuries, he still insisted on standing up. As long as this guy still exists, it will be difficult to end the war, or it will be difficult to win.

The Iron Warriors began to try to maintain their formation and retreat back to their battleships. But under the bombardment of the golden beetles, it was difficult for them to maintain their formation intact.

At this time, Perturabo's last trump card, the Iron Ring Robot, came to the battlefield.

These machines are the descendants of the metal rebels in the distant Iron Man Rebellion. During the Great Crusade, Perturabo obtained their STCs and then mass-produced them as his own personal guards. Even at that time, the Primarch obviously regarded the Crimson Protocol as a toilet paper, otherwise he would definitely not have created such an intelligent thing.

The five or six-meter-tall Iron Ring Terminators appeared on the battlefield, which did bring a lot of pressure at first, but fortunately, these robots were just for show. The heavy main guns of the Dragon Knights easily caused damage to them. Later, three Dragon Knights destroyed four Iron Ring Terminators.

Although the Iron Ring Terminator troops were attacked fiercely, the mission of these robots had been completed. A large number of Astartes successfully evacuated to the rear and left the dangerous and deadly battlefield.

That was enough. The Iron Ring Terminators covered each other and left the battlefield that was like hell.

On the other side, Tassadar also found Marcus. He hurriedly changed to his original state, but found that the girl in front of him was very different from the original. Although her appearance and soul were the same as before, the feeling she gave him was completely different. The expression in her eyes had changed from the original immaturity to maturity, as if she had suddenly grown a lot. Only the little hesitation on her body still represented that her soul was still the same as before.

Marcus looked at Tassadar in front of him and didn't know what to say. At this moment, Tassadar suddenly received a message. When this message reached his mind, his whole body froze and the blood coagulated in his veins.

"Executive Officer! Our reconnaissance team discovered another Chaos fleet at Mandeville Point!"

"The leader is the Glorious Queen-class battleship, the Vengeful Spirit... It is Abaddon's flagship! The Black Legion is coming!!!"

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