The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 288 276 New Plasma Weapons

Chapter 288 276. New plasma weapons

The Angels of Vengeance have been sailing in the warp for more than two months, and their journey has not been smooth during this long period of time.

First, two navigators on the flagship died at once during this voyage, and they were forced to change two leaders before they could continue to move forward. Then, when the timeline of the physical universe reached the first month and a half, the Geller positions of the two frigates were shattered for some unknown reason, and everyone could only watch the two naval frigates being swallowed by the waves of the warp, and they didn't know where they were blown into time and space.

Just when Nigesius was discussing with the naval commander, a rebellion suddenly broke out on the other side's warship. After losing nearly 10,000 sailors, it was suppressed. After all, those sailors were frightened by the terrible warp storm and thought it was the Emperor's punishment for them.

Nigesius really wanted to slap the person who came up with this reason lightly, so that his head would be broken. How stupid can one be to come up with such a bad excuse? !

But after going through so many hardships, they have finally reached the alien territory. The real battle is about to begin, and they must make all plans.

"Contact the Vice Admiral, we hope his fleet can enter in the first batch. The first honor of this expedition, the Angels of Vengeance, is willing to let the Imperial Navy, who have made great sacrifices for this expedition, accept it."

After the messenger ship told the Vice Admiral what the Chapter Leader said, the other party fell into silence. This is indeed an honor, but it is also a huge risk. No one knows what is waiting for them on the other side. If the other side has already learned about their situation, it is very likely that they will make arrangements to welcome them.

But this is an honor given to them by the proud Dark Angels, which means that the other side is likely to have recognized him.

Everything is rare and valuable. The recognition of the Dark Angels is undoubtedly the most precious in the entire galaxy, because these weird and arrogant knights have always liked to be alone and worship honor. Arriving at the enemy's territory as the first step of the expedition is usually not an honor that Astartes will easily give to others, and if the angels do this, you'd better accept it.

Especially the dark angels with strict hierarchy and eccentric personality, as a small vice admiral, he doesn't want to be bullied by others. Even if he knows that the other party is likely to use him as cannon fodder because of this matter, the vice admiral can only accept the other party's request.

The navy soldiers stepped into the Mandeville point of this galaxy with glory, and when they left the subspace, powerful energy also appeared in the real universe. Dozens of observers deployed here immediately detected the arrival of the other party, making those long-awaited warships smell blood.

The small fleet that had been ready to go quickly captured this signal, and they immediately activated all the mines. Hundreds of mines that had been waiting for a long time finally exploded several months after they were deployed.

When the ignorant imperial army entered the real universe, they were immediately covered by these detonated mines. The poor imperial navy was used as cannon fodder by the ruthless angels, and they quickly suffered a devastating attack.

Two naval frigates, a destroyer and a moon-class cruiser were torn to pieces. These shields that could resist whirlwind torpedoes had no way to fight against mines with huge equivalents. In the face of absolute equivalents, their shields could no longer save their lives.

"Why are these mines so powerful?"

The major general looked at the scene next to him and couldn't help but roared and asked. He was also kicked out by his superiors to explore the way first. In the strict navy, if you dare to disobey military orders, it will not be as simple as being worn shoes. The six-shot 12.7mm caliber grenade gun in the hands of the naval political commissar will give you the last loyalty.

Although the major general considered that there would be a possible attack on Mandeville Point, after all, this is a common thing, he did not expect that the opponent's mines would be so powerful and successfully sank so many ships in the first round of attack.

You know, when we read those stories, although it seems that every warship of the Imperial Navy was shot down like a firecracker, especially those frigates and destroyers, which seemed to be fragile and shattered at the touch, but in fact, the shields of the frigates were ridiculously thick. The cyclone torpedoes that could be used as a substitute for the extinction order could not be broken unless more than six of them hit the void shield at the same time.

So when the mines destroyed so many ships at once, you can imagine the surprise and disbelief of the other party.

However, they didn't have much time to be surprised, because soon a new fleet arrived. The fleet that had been waiting for a long time rushed over like a hound. The commander saw that the Empire had only sent such a small fleet and had already destroyed one ship, and he could no longer hold back the heart that had been suppressed for several months.

The cruiser led his troops to rush out like a hound. They quickly used the front heavy rail guns and plasma guns of their moon-type battleships to fire at the disrupted Imperial battleships.

The Imperial Fleet, which had not yet reacted, was quickly attacked and fell into a small-scale chaos. This small fleet of three cruisers was already extremely weak after being suddenly attacked by mines, and now they had to withstand a large amount of artillery bombardment.

Electromagnetic cannons and plasma liquid quickly overloaded the void shield. After destroying the shield, these powerful energy weapons and kinetic weapons quickly hit the hull. Although the Imperial warships have always prioritized structural toughness, they encountered some minor troubles this time.

On the edge of the warship, some sailors who were repairing saw some scenes that surprised them. The plasma did not completely disappear after burning, but continued to corrode for nearly half a minute before it was completely over.

This plasma is a new toy of the Navy, and the mines just now were filled with this latest plasma.

Because the Gauss weapons of the Necrons attracted the interest of those scientists in the previous battle on the border of the Empire, Gray gave them a little help after learning about it and stopped caring about it. After all, he really didn't have much hope for this kind of thing.

But he didn't expect those technicians to get the right product so quickly and successfully apply the atomic splitting technology to the energy body, and this energy body is the final version of this plasma solution.

Unfortunately, the technology of the space undead is not so easy to fully understand. If they could do the same as their own tribe, the ancient saints would not have fought so badly in the battle of heaven. After finding the direction, Gray decided to give them a little more help, such as giving them a small part of some books about past historical technology, so that they can continue to move forward in this direction.

As for why Gray didn't give them advanced things? Guess why there are a lot of technologies under the palace of Holy Terra that are tens of thousands of years ahead of human beings now, but they haven't taken them out? Before morality catches up with technology, Gray doesn't want technology to run too far. If this technology runs too fast, it will have very tragic consequences in the end.

Gray has also tried to make some people understand this kind of philosophy, but most of the results are that those who know it are shut up forever before they want to reveal it all.

Only Aldaris is an exception. He follows everything Gray said in a way that almost loses rational thinking, and follows all the knowledge said by his "master". Because past history and his experience tell him that the "master" will not make mistakes, just do what he says.

Well, after saying so much, let's get back to the point. At least after obtaining the small part of knowledge given by Gray, scientists still successfully developed a newer plasma weapon. However, the fuel of this plasma weapon must be stored separately, and it can only be used for weapon launch. If this fuel is installed in the engine, the fuel will quickly destroy the engine structure and paralyze the entire spacecraft. This also leads to a very limited number of such ammunition installed on the cruiser, usually after two bases.

But these thousands of shells are enough, enough to tear open the hull of the enemy warship on the seemingly solid hull, and then let other weapons smash its internal organs.

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