The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 31 31 Eight Peaks Star in Danger

Chapter 31 31. The Eight Peaks Star is in emergency

On Gray's flagship, a short man followed closely behind the temple guard in front of him. After a while, he was about to see the great ancient saint and report to him news that might make him unhappy.

He was a mercenary, a mercenary of space dwarves, and his name was Ragnir. His bloodline is actually extremely precious. He was originally born in the Thunder Hammer Fortress of Varskav, the space dwarf's family world. However, on his 100th birthday, he had a conflict with his brother and was expelled from the fortress.

From that day on he wandered the galaxy offering his services to those willing to hire him. Now he served his distant cousin, the League of Wotan, on the edge of the Bend of Damocles, and ended up living here for a long time.

Here we must explain the social structure of space dwarves. The main society of space dwarves is located within the human empire and has a high degree of autonomy. Their status is higher than all other demihuman groups and can even stand shoulder to shoulder with the Mechanicus.

Space dwarves usually live on relatively harsh planets for mining, but their real homes are usually in orbit or in fortresses on the surface. However, not all space dwarves are like this. There are also a large number of space dwarves who do not want to live with their superstitious distant cousins ​​and become independent. For example, the Wotan Alliance has a lot of contacts with the Kalai Protoss Empire.

Regardless of whether they join the human empire or stand on their own, the space dwarves have a central world, which is the home of their souls. Legend has it that it was the place where the first space dwarves were born and where they first smelted the first alloy.

That place is the Eight Peaks Star.

And now due to the invasion of the Great Devourer from outside the galaxy, the entire Extreme Star Territory is in great crisis, and the Eight Peaks Star, the spiritual home of the dwarves, is also among them.

When the space dwarves turned their attention to the human empire that should have relied on themselves, the Imperial Navy collectively abandoned all less important planets, including the homes and fortresses of the space dwarves. This can only mean one thing. The empire has given up here and the space dwarf world that makes not only the High Lords of Terra but also the Mechanicus of Mars extremely angry.

Perhaps the homeworld of the Ultramarines is indeed in crisis, but it is more likely that this is intentional by the Terran government. A powerful space dwarf principality is only a hidden danger and burden to the central government.

Now the space dwarves can only rely on their weak space power to defend their homeland, but how can their fragile fleets and space fortresses be able to resist the terrifying Tyranids!

Every space dwarf in the galaxy feels doubly tormented, as if they have already seen that their hometown will become the next meal of the Great Devourer.

As a member of the space dwarves, the Wotan Alliance naturally does not want to see their hometown turn into a dead place, but their space power is only a drop in the bucket in the battle.

They must find a reliable ally.

But now that the Human Empire has no way to continue to rely on it, the anxious Wotan Alliance can only turn its attention to its long-term partner, the Kalai Protoss Empire.

Ragniel, who joined the war as a mercenary in the Defense of Daris, due to his outstanding military exploits, was naturally entrusted by the Wotan Alliance to meet with the Ancient Saint and request to send a fleet to support their hometown. .

Although Ragnir was expelled from his homeland, he did not want to see the dwarf's hometown turned into ruins. So he immediately followed this goal and prepared to go to meet the great ancient saint and persuade this ancient elder to go and support the space dwarves.

Ragnir thought hard to come up with some words to help him convince the elder he needed to see later, and thought about the questions he might ask and what he should answer. I felt that it reminded him of the scene when he was facing a tutor when he was a child. He stood at the door of the office and thought hard about the questions that the other party might ask, so as not to be slapped with multiple marks for not being able to answer. For this reason, he even divided it into several parts to carry out his own plan.

Just as he continued to think, the temple guard in front of him stopped, and then he realized that he had been taken to a huge scientific research room. The temple guard respectfully bent down slightly and stretched out one of his hands, making a "please" gesture. When Ragnier walked in carefully, the door of the laboratory closed with a sound, and then he dared to take a look at the appearance of the laboratory.

The appearance of the laboratory is similar to the decoration on the Protoss battleship. Gold and blue gems are dotted on the walls. There are a large number of beautiful pattern circles to gather. A large number of exploration robots carry instruments and items. The only difference is that here There seemed to be no one.

Just as Ragniel was looking for the owner of this laboratory, a voice came from behind him.

"Are you Ragnir? Ragnir of Valskaf?"

Hearing the voice, he immediately looked back and saw a child sitting on a golden chair wearing a navy blue robe looking at him. Although looking at a cute child in front of him does make people relax their vigilance, Ragniel knows very well that this gem-shaped cute child has lived longer than human civilization.

Ragnier quickly knelt down on one knee towards the person in front of him and shouted

"Please save the home of the dwarves! Great Old Saint!"

Gray, who was a little confused by this sudden scene, said in a daze

"No, what's the situation? Tell me the situation first!"

At this time, Ragnier suddenly realized that he seemed to have missed the first step of the plan, and hurriedly said what he wanted to say like pouring beans. After hearing this, Gray jumped down from the chair, letting his navy blue robe inlaid with gold threads drag on the ground, thinking about this problem.

Although he has been a Hammer friend for a long time, he really doesn't know much about the space dwarves, a race that has been missing for more than 20 years. Although he already knew that the space dwarves would be resurrected as the Wotan Alliance, he really didn't know much. He just vaguely remembered that the space dwarves' home planet and a large number of space fortresses became nutrients for Behemoth during the period from the Damocles Bay Expedition to the Defense of Macragge.

As for whether to save them... they still have to be saved. After all, the craftsmanship of these space dwarves is really good, which even the phase technicians have to admit. After all, their traditional mechanical craftsmanship is not inferior to the psychic craftsmanship of the phase technicians.

And more importantly, it is necessary to stop the Tyranids for a while and let them eat less. After all, the three companies of the Smurfs and a large number of imperial troops have been beaten half-crippled in the Damocles Bay. In this case, whether they can defend Makragg is a problem.

Although the two sides fought to the death before, if the human race really failed to stop the Tyranids, then the Protoss’s manpower and troops would definitely be eaten by the Tyranids without leaving any residue. The human empire must maintain its strong strength to provide sufficient protection for the Karai Protoss.

And more importantly, after the 13th Black Crusade in the future, Grandpa Smurf must wake up, otherwise he will really become Aos, like Warhammer, or even worse. If the world is destroyed directly, Gray himself and all the Protoss will become a big meal for the Chaos God (it is also possible that he will become a long-term toy of Sister S because of his appearance).

Moreover, there are a large number of space dwarves as workers and engineers in the Protoss society, and the personal feelings of these classes must be considered, right?

So, it is reasonable and reasonable for Gray to help the Eight Peaks Star!

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