The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 34 34 Space Front (I)

Chapter 34 34. Space Front (I)

It was not only the Protoss Fleet that had the psykers in pain, but the problem was even more serious among the space dwarves. Most of the psykers who did not have strong enough mental control were directly torn to pieces by the terrible energy of the hive consciousness while screaming, and some of the worse ones even suffered psychic explosions, resulting in a large number of casualties.

Just when the land and space were already in a panic, the spokesperson of the Great Devourer, the hive fleet, arrived.

The first to enter the battlefield was the warp navigation ship called the narwhal. This kind of warship is a must-have for every Tyranid Hive Fleet, because without this special biological warship, the Tyranids cannot carry out long-term warp navigation. If the entire fleet is compared to a warship, then the narwhal is the jump engine of this warship.

Unlike the space engines used by the human empire and other races, the Tyranids' narwhal biological ships have a more powerful side effect, that is, when they make space jumps, they will connect to the hive mind and cause terrible local warp storms to destroy the local warp signals and the sanity of weak psykers. This was not understood by people in the future because the Tyranids did not use the warp channel, but a slow jump measure. As for how they contacted the warp, no one knew.

This had a terrible impact on the entire planet, because now the space dwarves had no way to contact the human empire for the slightest possible support. But it did not have much impact on the Kalai Protoss, because they used the webway system.

Although some Odessa fell to the ground because they were too fragile, most people were still saved from death under the excellent medical system, but some people were forced to undergo psychic removal surgery to survive, and psychic energy was forcibly deprived from his body through the consciousness centrifuge.

This process was very painful, and in most cases it was used as torture, but now it had to be used as a way to save lives. Compared with their partners, the Kalai Protoss and the Dark Templar were much better. The protection of the Old Saints and the Xel'Naga since ancient times allowed them to resist the harm of the hive consciousness.

When several narwhals began to appear here, Zeratul immediately ordered to prepare for the attack. Since most of the dwarf fortresses and warships around them did not have time to react, they could only rely on themselves to destroy these damn subspace transmission facilities and try to slow down the speed of the enemy's deployment of troops.

Thousands of ship-borne drones quickly took off from the nine aircraft carriers and flew towards more than a dozen narwhals. Although the narwhals as warships have relatively poor defense capabilities, they still carry a large number of biological carrier-based aircraft.

A large number of Siren fighters came out in droves and launched an attack on the drone group. These Tyran aircraft, which rely on sharp teeth to attack, were hit head-on by the laser beams fired by the drones. The powerful photon energy easily penetrated the outer carapace of the Siren and burned the internal organs of those pathetic creatures.

For drones, it is extremely simple to fight against the Siren fighters of the Tyranid Zerg, because their mobility is not excellent, and most of them only have melee attack capabilities. The sulfuric acid weapons used by a small number of Banshees with long-range attack capabilities are also difficult to play a big role in the energy shield. If fighting against human fighters before was like using 4th generation fighters against 2nd generation fighters, then fighting against these Siren fighters is like using 4th generation fighters against fighters in World War II.

Although the Tyranids' air force is not excellent, they have completed their mission, relying on their strong numbers to entangle the enemy's attack and prevent a large number of narwhals from being disturbed. Although they completely annihilated thousands of Siren fighters after losing dozens of drones, the narwhals have already started their work.

With the flash of purple light, the main fleet of the Great Devourer still came here. When they appeared, even the well-informed Zeratul was shocked by their terrible number.

Thousands of dark purple biological warships floated in the void, tens of thousands of Kraken Siren and escort bee fighters swarmed towards the golden and purple warships in front of them, and behind these terrible biological warships, there were a large number of Tyranid cruisers slowly swimming towards here, swallowing their huge tongues and stirring their two huge fangs.

In the center of their terrifying fleet of creatures was a Tyranid Hive Mothership that was tens of kilometers long, where the Queen of Behemoth was quietly commanding her children.

Zeratul looked at this scene with a horrified expression for the first time. The last time he showed this expression was when he was talking to that crazy man. But as an experienced warrior, Zeratul quickly ordered.

"Keep our warships away! Don't fight them at close range, and ask the dwarf fleet when they can come to support!"

When the Hive Fleet began to slowly advance towards the direction of the Eight Peaks Star, the plasma and energy cannons on the Protoss warships also began to roar. A large amount of energy hit the cruiser and bursts of blue light burst out, and the fleet of the Great Devourer also began to attack the Protoss.

First, the infected Devourer cruisers, these terrible cruisers began to show their sides, using several biological cannons to fire acid shells and biological plasma at the distant warships, consuming the energy of the warships. The Kalai Protoss would not sit still and wait for death. They used terrible plasma weapons and photon weapons to fiercely bombard the enemies in front of them, and used super-heavy railguns to hit the opponent's high-value attack targets with high-speed accelerated ion shells.

Although dozens of biological warships have become a wreckage in the sky, the warships behind them are still launching attacks continuously. What shocked people was that those intact warships actually began to devour those damaged warships and began to strengthen their shells. Some warships can even withstand the plasma bombardment.

Seeing the enemy getting closer and closer, Zeratul continued to give orders

"Let all motherships use purification rays to aim at the enemy! Turn those damn guys into crystals!!"

After the order, the six main motherships in the team immediately began to aim their bellies at the enemy, revealing huge crystals. The crew members who were still fixed in place by artificial gravity began to manipulate the huge psychic technology system to inject energy into the crystals.

When the mothership began to inject energy, the hive will LAN of this fleet actually showed fear and anxiety, and began to urge its warships to keep getting closer. After feeling this weak signal in the subspace, the Shadow Master also realized that this terrible creature actually had emotions.

"What an interesting discovery."

Zeratul said lightly, he looked out the window searching for the void, and picked up the intercom

"All motherships, fire."

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