The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 38 37 Bad news from Eight Peaks Star.

Chapter 38 37. Bad news about the Eight Peaks Star.

Gray continued to walk forward, and he came to the relatively complete radio station. This building was relatively intact because it was used as a landmark to determine the bombing direction when the enemy attacked. And here Gray will also convey the holy words of the ancient saints to the residents of this devastated planet.

Gray looked at the bullet holes on the wall outside the signal tower and the traces of shell shrapnel. Even without using psychic retrieval, he could feel the tragedy of the time. But now the suffering of the past is about to become a thing of the past, and the hope of the future will be sown in this land of suffering.

The soldiers and TV station personnel who were repairing the place and trying to restore it to its original condition saw Yuan Yuan and saluted him one after another. At the same time, they also saluted like a high-ranking Templar warrior wearing a black and purple robe disguised as an "Old Saint". But the real Gray still looked the same, and he followed everyone into the studio without being suspected by anyone.

When they arrived at the quiet studio, the radio staff quickly left at Yuan Yuan's request. The high-level templar warrior also quickly took off his disguise and respectfully gave up his position to Gray.

Gray sat on the somewhat unstable chair, thinking about what he should say. After thinking about it, I said

"To all the people of Dar'is who are still working and rebuilding their homes, I am your leader, Gray."

As the heavy sound echoed in every corner of the planet, everyone looked up at the speaker that made the sound and the radio next to them. In order to prevent others from hearing any clues, all the frequency bands here have been carefully adjusted to ensure the greatest difference with Gray's voice.

"As you know, I have been sleeping for tens of thousands of years. When I wake up, the Milky Way is no longer what it was back then. But I am very happy that our government is still upholding the things we and the Xel'Naga entrusted to them. Watch and protect, reason and kindness. In this dark galaxy, I am happy to see the perfect objects carved by me and my kind tens of thousands of years ago still shining brightly.

But the Milky Way will not stop its cruel pace because of our beauty and purity. The Imperium of Man's attack may be just the beginning. Our protection from the Gulf of Damocles will begin to weaken, and the beings of the galaxy will understand that the Old Ones and his children have returned to the galaxy. We are likely to be the target of public criticism, but I believe that under the leadership of the Imperial Council and the protection of the Alliance military, we will eventually survive and win each battle, just like what happened here today.

I know that many people have lost their relatives and friends in this cruel war. I mourn for them. Their souls will undergo a soul cycle, rebirth, reincarnation, and turn to every faith and us under my protection. Enter the Descendants of Philosophical Men. "

Just like the Eldar Gods of the past and the Emperor of Mankind today, it is also the responsibility of the Old Ones to ensure that the souls of their people can be protected from being devoured by evil gods in the warp, and eventually reincarnate again. World.

This is the most basic difference between evil gods and ordinary gods in the Warhammer universe. While both are mostly warp beings, ordinary gods, such as the Eldar Gods and the Emperor, are powered by brainwaves emanating from the prayers of the common people. The source of the evil god's power is not only the prayers of believers and the brain waves of living things, but also the souls of the life forms that eat the material universe.

Both options have their own benefits for downspace creatures. Although the former's own power collection will be very slow, he has a lot of power in the material universe to fight. The latter is that the power available in the material universe is relatively fragile, but the subspace energy is very powerful.

Therefore, the best way to harm a God of Order in the Warhammer universe is to slaughter his followers in the material universe, such as the Great Fall of the Eldar, and the best way to harm a Chaos God is to cause terrible damage to him in the subspace, such as Say Guilliman sets fire to the Garden of Father Nurgle.

If you are irresponsible, being a God of Chaos is definitely much more comfortable than being a God of Order. There are not so many rules and moral laws restricting you, but what about the consequences... just look at the mental state of the four vendors.

Just when Gray was about to continue speaking, he suddenly received a very strong subspace signal. It was a powerful psychic signal sent by Zeratul's battleship, the Void Seeker, using ancient technology.

"Great Ancient Sage!! Please open the entrance to the webway on the Eight Peaks Star! Please!!"

Gray didn't know what was going on over there, but he knew that Zeratul must be very anxious now. Once, while speaking into the microphone, he began to operate the webway portal built above Darius using the power of the Supreme Sky.

The land portal that was being repaired suddenly shone brightly. Before the construction team nearby and the soldiers stationed there could react, a scarred purple spaceship flew out of it dragging an emerald-green tail flame. It came out, hit the ground hard, and overturned a generator car parked there.

In full view, more and more people ran out of it. There were scarred dwarf soldiers, iron soldiers with a broken arm, and heavy armored vehicles and trains covering the rear.

The officer stationed at the construction site saw this scene and immediately rushed to the front of the spacecraft. Before he could think of a way to open it, the hatch at the back had automatically popped up, and an old Dark Templar warrior emerged from inside. Jump down.

The difference is that Zeratul can now see faint flowing golden stripes on his face, and his skin is also obviously leathery. This is because in the recent battle, in order to defeat a powerful enemy, he used He became his own incarnation of the ancient saint.

Although most of the Old Saints have died, their remains are still protecting their eldest sons. The lives of a few protoss or Old Saints of other faiths will be selected by the soul fragments remaining on a piece of wreckage and inherit the ancient times for a period of time. The Elders are part of the powerful force that clears the way for their race and empire.

Zeratul once discovered the remains of an ancient saint during an archaeological excavation. In the following years, he was slowly accepted by the soul fragment of this ancient saint and became his spokesperson in the mortal world.

Zeratul looked at the shocked officer in front of him and said sternly.

"I am Dark Hierarch Zeratul. I now request that you and your army be mobilized immediately to support and cover the withdrawal of our main force!! At the same time, please contact Commander Farsight immediately and ask him to convey my message to the Ancient Saint. The Eight Peaks Star has been lost!"

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