The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 40 39 Protruding Defense Line

Chapter 40 39. Protruding defense line

Kirsty looked at the old but tall alien in front of him, and took two deep puffs of the cigar hanging on his lips to give himself courage. After all, facing an old man with a weird appearance, purple skin, and tattered clothes is indeed a bit scary.

Before the dwarf lord in front of him spoke, Zeratul first leaned forward slightly, scaring Kirsty to take two steps back

"Ah, you are Commander Kirsty? I am the Dark Archbishop Zeratul. You should have known our mission from Mr. Vallat, right?"

Kirsty was completely scared now. After all, if you are a dwarf who is only 1.4 meters tall, facing a tall man who is nearly 2.3 meters tall, and this tall man has two eyes that emit strange green light and stare at you, and the tone of his speech is like the abyss is talking to you, you will definitely be scared and turn your head and run away.

Kirsty took a long time to slow down before nodding blankly. However, Zeratul did not notice that his actions frightened the other party, because he thought he had spoken in a relatively gentle manner.

However, Zeratul did not intend to take everyone with him. He left behind some of the Templars who volunteered to stay, including some Immortals, Stalkers and even Dragon Riders.

The Immortal is a powerful tank-type unit, and its driver is a traumatized veteran. Although it has powerful and excellent functions and protects the safety of soldiers, some Templars will be physically disabled after the war. At this time, they will consider entering those war weapons specially prepared for them to return to the battlefield. Immortal is one of them.

The Immortal has 4 huge mechanical claws to support its structure, and it has two heavy plasma cannons that can easily tear off the armor of enemy tanks. Whether it is the Nimanrus tank of the Human Empire or the Burning Crystal Suspension Tank of the Eldar, their armor will be completely evaporated with just one shot in front of this artillery. When this 5-meter-high heavy armored weapon with its thick nano shield appeared on the battlefield, what awaited his opponent was only ruthless death and painful wails.

The same is true for the other two heavy armored vehicles. They were all heroes who decided to go to the battlefield again in order to return to the battlefield to guard the Damocles Gulf. However, the positioning of the Stalker and the Dragon Knight is somewhat different from that of the Immortal. The Stalker is more like a harassment unit equipped with two tearing cannons that can penetrate the enemy's medium and light armored units, while the Dragon Knight is more like the Emperor's poison blade super-heavy tank equipped in the Empire. Each Dragon Knight is a terrible battalion-level army.

In fact, there are many different opinions among Imperial scholars about why the heavy armored units of the Templars are so different from the armored units equipped by other species in the galaxy. But the Karai Protoss themselves understand the reason, because it is the superiority of the Templars that makes them unable to bear or believe the reality that they can no longer fight, so they will try their best to continue fighting even after they have completely lost their combat effectiveness or even their bodies.

So they not only have more advanced unmanned weapon operation platforms, such as worm-like predators, but also use the immortal will of the dead warriors as the driving force of the Pure Legion.

After the space dwarfs' positions are supported by such a group of powerful armored forces, they may be able to hold on for a while.

After the dwarves completely arranged the defense line, the attack of the Great Devourer came within an hour. When they began to attack, everyone on the planet found that the sky began to slowly change from the original light blue to a mixture of purple and red, and the hive will began to slowly change the environment of the planet.

Soon, the airdropped biological warehouses that covered the sky began to hit the ground fiercely, and the space dwarves began to use all the anti-aircraft firepower at hand to fire at each other. Trillions of airdrop capsules were smashed into pieces by anti-aircraft firepower, but more airdrop capsules survived the fierce artillery fire and hit their targets.

Some airdrop capsules directly hit the dwarf's anti-aircraft positions. By the time the bearded man on the position reacted, the terrible enemy had already broken out of their capsules.

The first to appear were low-level creatures called knife worms. Although they were very low in the hive consciousness, they were deadly to the dwarves. Whenever they used the two huge blades at the front of their heads to slash at the dwarves, only the dwarves wearing external power armor could barely withstand it, and the others were all killed. There were also some Tyranids holding acid rifles in their hands. The Zerg sprayed deadly strong acid at the bewildered anti-aircraft artillery crew members, causing a large number of casualties and also destroying a lot of anti-aircraft firepower.

Although this wave of attacks had a serious impact on the dwarf positions, it still could not change the fragile life structure of these creatures. Lasers and live ammunition weapons can still kill them easily. After the initial chaos, the dwarves reacted quickly. But it was because of this short period of chaos that gave the hive will a new opportunity.

The first batch of node creatures quickly filled in when there was a gap in anti-aircraft firepower. Low-end node creatures called warrior worms came here. The arrival of the warrior worm not only brought a group of more powerful warriors, but also had a huge impact on the entire battle situation.

If the knife worms and acid rifle worms were just a group of scattered soldiers, then when the node creatures descended, they were assigned low-level officers, and the original beasts were instantly organized and turned into a well-trained legion.

Soon, the swarm of insects that were originally beasts quickly gathered together and turned into a terrible army. The situation on the front line suddenly escalated, and each position was attacked on average. What is even more worrying is that a kind of camouflaged damn insects mixed into the city at some point, and the front and rear of the battlefield became extremely chaotic in an instant.

But in this desperate and chaotic battlefield, there are still people who continue to fight. When the entire space dwarf position was retreating, there was still a fortress that was still holding on, that is, the Holstein Fortress defended by the Kalai Protoss.

The Zerg Hive Army has noticed this salient, and a large number of Tyranid war beasts are rushing here. And the Protoss Guardians will never retreat, they will crush the attack of the Great Devourer here.

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