The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 42 40 Hive Tyrant

Chapter 42 40. Hive Tyrant


Dozens of knife worms roared fiercely and charged towards an Immortal in front of them. The golden quadruped tank in front of them slowly turned around the turret under the control of the driver and immediately opened fire with two heavy plasma cannons.

The azure plasma gas quickly swept over the knife worms. The knife worm standing in the front was evaporated before it even had time to scream. Most of the remaining monsters were also blown to pieces. But the Tyranids did not know what fear was. Under the command of the hive will, they were always on the road of charging like biological robots.

When the Immortal successfully eliminated this batch, more knife worms and sulfuric acid gun worms also rushed up, but the Immortal had no intention of retreating. On the one hand, it was because he had enough confidence in the structure of his armor and the strong shield, and on the other hand, he was not fighting alone.

The fanatics and apostles who had been squatting nearby quickly rushed up to prevent being attacked when the Immortal's artillery was cooling down. The fanatics were frantically harvesting their lives with the psychic concentrators in their hands at a speed that was difficult for the knife worms to predict.

When the Tyranids holding acid rifles wanted to hurt them with their biological weapons, they were surprised to find that these creatures were equipped with shields, which made it difficult for their acid rifles to penetrate the armor of these terrible warriors. After five or six seconds, the main guns of the Immortals opened fire again to clear the obstacles in front of them. The fanatics and apostles also took a short break when the enemy rushed up again, and then started a new round of cycles.

With such close cooperation, the defense line of the Protoss was extremely stable, so when the space dwarves began to retreat under the enemy's powerful firepower, they could still stand firm. Even when low-end node creatures appeared, the final outcome was that they were evaporated by the Immortals' artillery, or died under the attack of multiple fanatics and apostles. In a short period of time. The Tyranids had already left a large number of corpses here, while the Protoss suffered minimal losses.

Although the Kalai Protoss have a great advantage on the surface, in fact, the troops that appear now are all low-level biological combat units, and the real tough guys have not yet appeared.

After this insect tide lasted for nearly 20 minutes, an Immortal was suddenly enveloped by a powerful explosion, and the terrible plasma gas instantly overloaded his shield. The main force of the Tyranids has arrived.

The one who just launched an attack on the Immortals was their terrible biological tank "Bishop" and had arrived on the battlefield. This terrible creature is as big as a Leman Russ and a little taller than the Immortal. The most terrifying thing is the biological plasma cannon on his back, which only needs two shots to completely destroy an Immortal.

Before the Protoss troops could react, the position under their feet suddenly began to loosen, and then snake-like biochemical weapons sprang out. These terrible and weird monsters are the good assistants of the Tyranids in breaking through the enemy's position, the sand python. These terrible snake-like creatures are more deadly and have more thick biological shells. They have three pairs of terrifying biological blades that can easily cut through the weak armor of the Space Marines, making them the most difficult opponents in positional warfare.

But if the Tyranids hope to defeat the Templars in this way, then they are too naive. When the defense line formed by the Immortals began to waver, the Dragon Knights who had been acting as artillery in the rear began to take the front line and quickly strangled the monsters on the position and the swarming enemies with photon artillery and a large number of laser turrets. The crawling artillery vehicles called "Scarabs" also fired at the opponent's heavy biological war vehicles. The chaos was suppressed in less than a minute, and Kalai's defense line was still unbreakable.

As the battle escalated, the Tyranids found that the opponents in front of them were becoming more and more difficult to defeat. They not only had terrible combat power in positional warfare, but also had terrible and powerful infiltration capabilities. Dozens of Dark Templars, through their dark stealth, were unimpeded in the huge swarm of insects, and successfully came to the side of those node creatures and cut off their heads, which greatly caused chaos in the Tyranid army. What made the Hive Mind feel even more helpless was that these damn creatures could not be devoured at all. Due to their special physiological structure, once the Protoss was killed, they would immediately abandon their bodies and use them as a ferry for their souls and disappear completely. This also made it impossible for the Tyranids to obtain genetic combinations and new energy by devouring their enemies.

In short, if they only attacked this weak position, it would undoubtedly be a loss for the Hive Mind. But the dwarves in the cities behind them were delicious delicacies, so the Hive Mind decided to grit its teeth and conquer this troublesome fortress.

Seeing that the second batch of attacks was about to fail, the Hive immediately sent out its third batch of troops, and this time even transferred the air force that was fighting against the dwarf fighters.

A large number of Tyranid witches descended from the sky like dark clouds. These monsters, which looked very much like Tzeentch fish, could glide and flap in the atmosphere through their ingenious aerodynamic structure. Their main weapon was the saliva cannon in their mouths. The terrible acid bile fell from the sky along with the dark clouds. Some immortals who had lost their shields were terribly corroded, and some directly lost their ability to move and were forced to become fixed turrets.

On land, the even larger "Poison Woman" super-heavy biological tank slowly walked towards here with its huge shell limbs. Now the dragon knight finally had an opponent. The same large number of insect seas surged here, trying to completely engulf this "reef" that was independent of the Tyranid biota.

Seeing that the enemy's large force was about to launch another attack, the archon on the position immediately asked all the troops to retreat back to the fortress, abandon the outer positions, and rely on the solid city walls for new defense.

When the fourth round of insect tide offensive came, all the troops had retreated back to the fortress and relied on it for a more resolute defense. If Tyran had continued to follow this scale, they could have held out for half a year.

But the Hive Will could no longer hold out, it was too hungry now.

The Archon who was commanding on the tower suddenly found that the Zerg troops on the opposite side seemed to have slowly stopped, waiting for something. When he saw the monster slowly revealing its huge body from the opposite hillside, he instantly felt a sense of fear.

Because the monster was so big that even the Dragon Knight was not half as tall as him, with red skin and towering stratum corneum, four thick arms holding four bright red giant blades, and yellow shining eyes that seemed to be able to see the other party's soul. This terrible ultimate creature could make people feel afraid no matter what.

The most perfect warrior of the Great Devourer, the Hive Tyrant, came to the battlefield. His arrival immediately caused the Zerg to cheer. The Zerg, who were originally fearless, became more excited now, scrambling to rush up, which suddenly increased the difficulty of defense.

Of course, these were nothing. The most serious problem was the terrifying monster. The Archon could tell with certainty from his psychic power that once the monster launched an attack, the fortress would not last more than 10 minutes.

Now the only thing they could do was to use these precious 10 minutes to kill more insects.

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