The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 419 407 Above the Earth

Chapter 419 407. Above the Earth

When Aldaris' information reached Artanis' office through the vast network system, the Archon was still training in the psychic chamber.

The psychic room is a very interesting place. In the human empire, usually for soldiers, it is a place where they can become familiar with their enemies. The psyker will directly restore the familiarity of certain enemies in the soldiers' minds, and then let the soldiers fight them again here, just like a kind of training, where the enemy is likely to They can hurt you, but you can also stop them before they hurt you, like a puppet on a string.

It was here that Artanis trained his abilities.

Although Artanis is now sitting in an oval room, closing his eyes, as if he is meditating, in fact, his soul has already entered a battle.

On the ground covered with blood, Artanis calmly looked at the huge demon engine in front of him. The Kaeda Destroyer breathes flames from hell and makes a low roar. The terrifying Demon Engine is a creation of the Chaos Dwarves. This terrifying monster not only has powerful melee capabilities, but it can also emit deadly lasers from its eyes, which can be killed directly through the decomposing blades on its two huge front claws. The big devil was cut into two pieces.

The Kaeda Destroyer is undoubtedly a powerful machine prepared by the Chaos Dwarves to deal with the messengers of other gods when they survived in the warp. Artanis fought against this terrifying machine many times on the battlefield and destroyed several of them. However, he felt that what he did might not be too perfect and excellent, so he decided to try a few more times.

At the beginning of the battle, Artanis moved forward quickly. Keda destroyed the huge body. Looking at the small executive in front of him, he immediately lowered his head, opened his mouth full of flames, and sprayed out the flames of destruction. . The scorching fire, accompanied by inhuman screams, smeared on the cracked land.

It was Artanis who carried out psychic teleportation at the moment when the opponent spewed out flames. The Executor directly entered the psychic network, and then folded out again. Before the Keda Destroyer could react, Artanis had successfully arrived under his belly, and then immediately stretched out his left hand. The energy on the psychic aggregator reached its highest peak, nearly six meters. The long blade then came out and cut hard towards the weak point in the opponent's abdomen.

Accompanied by the sound of metal being torn apart by powerful force, hot subspace lava flowed out from inside. The demon in the Kaeda Destroyer let out a wail of pain, and then angrily swept its tail at its feet. When Atalis saw the flexible iron whip coming towards him, he quickly lowered his head to avoid it, and then wanted to cut off the tail with his own weapon.

However, the strength of the tail of the Keda Destroyer is indeed very good. Altanis's light blade seemed to be a physical weapon. It stuck to it when it was cut halfway, and the terrifying demon engine worked hard to lift the tail. He drew it out again, and threw Artanis into the air before he could pull out the weapon.

After being thrown into the air, Artanis quickly returned to calm, and then performed psychic excellence again, but the Keda Destroyer struggled to raise his stupid head, trying to find the damn existence. , but felt a chill on his forehead. When the condensed double ice shattered, Atalis appeared again.

His hands condensed powerful spiritual energy, and the sword penetrated directly into the opponent's head. The Destroyer wailed in pain, but it was of no avail. As the Executor closed his hands, a head as big as a tank fell to the ground. Magma spurted out from the broken neck, and the arrogant destroyer fell to the ground like this, twitching and dying.

Artanis took a gentle breath, recorded his fighting movements, and then counted how many Kaeda Destroyers he had killed in this space.

At this time, he suddenly heard a female voice calling him outside, and exited his own space. When he opened his eyes, he found that his adjutant was already standing beside him. Thrandis looked at the executive officer in front of him and said in a very calm and beautiful voice.

"Artanis, a message from the Supreme Chancellor The Elder has a task for you, and he is waiting for you on the channel now."

After hearing what the other party said, Artanis did not dare to delay at all and quickly returned to the headquarters. In the fortress in the orbit of the planet, Artanis saw Gray, whom he had not seen for hundreds of years, in his office.

The executive officer and his adjutant knelt down on one knee. When Gray's figure wearing a pure white robe appeared, they said

"Let me pay my respects, great elder."

Gray heard and nodded slightly, then said

"Get up, kids."

When the two stood up again, Gray also began to explain to them what they were going to do. The Kedarin fleet needs to cross half of the galaxy to reach Armageddon in the Segmentum Sol.

And Gray also told them the situation there very clearly. In short, the imperial governor was trying to bring down the empire on a daily basis, and it was very likely that he would suffer a disastrous defeat.

But this shouldn't be a big deal for Kale. The real problem is that once the orcs dig up the things under the world called Armageddon, or Ullanor, it will be a real trouble. This is something that all races and forces in the galaxy don't want to see. After all, in this already chaotic chess game, no one wants the other side to have more powerful strength.

Especially a group of war maniacs who can't communicate.

After hearing the request of the ancient saints, Artanis immediately accepted his mission. There is no doubt that a glorious expedition is waiting for him. The victory of this war will be related to the future of two civilizations and even the entire galaxy. And according to the news of the ancient saints, Aida may also participate in this matter. Try not to conflict and interact with the other party unless it is necessary.

After understanding his mission and the difficulties he might face, Artanis respectfully welcomed the departure of the Ancient Saint, and then immediately began his own actions:

The soldiers who were gathered on the surface of the planet for vacation and travel were urgently recalled, and the local planet immediately required the activation of the prepared war reserve resources for on-site supply, and pulled out nearly half of the war reserve materials that were reserved at 2% of the income every year, and immediately prepared the entire crystal fleet for battle.

The perfect industrial system gave Kalemen the ability to mobilize quickly. It only took two days for the fleet that was still in rest to be ready immediately.

Now everything is ready, and the war is about to begin.

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