The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 435 423 Bonebreaker's Plan

Chapter 435 423. Bone Crusher’s Plan

When the Orks finally broke through Hades's city wall, the good news immediately reached the ears of the Bonecrusher boss.

When Bonecrusher heard such good news, he excitedly kicked the fart who was playing next to him far away, and walked with his huge and cumbersome steps to the map that was drawn randomly by the Yi Zheng Orcs. Think about it carefully.

The current Bonecrusher is several times larger than he was in the warp. Backed by the powerful psychic stance of his brethren, the Bonecrushers grew stronger and more terrifying. The Orcs, a race created as a result of the war, possess a magical psychic power, also known as the "power of thinking." This power not only allows them to turn the rags on their hands into weapons, but also helps them make their leaders stronger, badder, and more cunning.

Now the Bonecrusher has become stronger and more terrifying with the blessing of his men. This barbaric warlord is considering further making himself stronger, but he is not trying to capture Hades to satisfy his ambitions.

For Bonecrusher, Hades and the entire Armageddon were just an appetizer. He was an orc boss with lofty ambitions. His goal was the entire galaxy, the entire universe! The reason why he came here was because of the advice of a well-informed technical master in the group.

Just when Bonecrusher was about to brag about his achievements, an orc shouted excitedly, "It's done!!" and ran over:

It was an orc who looked weird and unusual. He walked over from behind the wild and huge machine. He looked like a typical Ork orc engineer. But what's different is that he is twice as big as those ordinary orc boys, and what's even more weird is that his big green head actually has a helmet that only doctors can wear. He was wearing reflective sheets and was wearing a dirty white coat. This looks very funny, the orc Crazy Clothes (medic) holding a power claw:

Get Znik

If it weren't for the Unparalleled Bone Mag Uruk Salaka, Znik would have been dead. Vice versa, if it weren't for Znik, the Unparalleled Bone Mag Uruk Salaka would have been dead. I've long since belched my fart. Goznik is a famous (mad) doctor famous in the green world. He has no other ideas in his mind. He just wants to keep improving in surgery. There is no patient in the world that he dares not to treat or cannot die.

The most famous patient treated by this Orc doctor was the famous Bone Crusher. However, this does not mean how good his medical skills are. If you dare to go to him now, you will most likely be put to death. Of course, you may not necessarily die, but you may feel that you are no longer yourself...

In fact, Goznik is sometimes sober and rational. At this time, he is both a witty doctor and a wise consultant. He has saved Salaka's life more than once, and no matter how crazy he was just now, as long as Salaka is Raqqa had something really important to entrust to him, and Znik would instantly become sane.

Regarding this situation, some greenskins believe that this orc has successfully mastered the correct use of my thinking method: suppressing all wisdom until he needs it, and then really using it at other times, it will only go crazy. .

At the same time, this great orc doctor not only treats or kills patients, he is also an excellent engineer. Just now, he ran over from a huge instrument modified by another of Bonecrusher's cronies, Beast Chimede, wanting to be the first to report the good news to his boss.

In fact, compared to the main engineer Zumajimed, Goznik did not do as much as him, and even helped a little bit.

For one of the smartest orcs in the galaxy, building a huge mecha is just the smallest thing. The amount of technology in his head is simply staggering. And just now, he successfully completed an outstanding thing, which was to repair something left by the ancient orcs.

When Goznik was jumping up and down and trying to rush over, Beast Kimede kicked him directly from behind with a righteous flying kick. This fierce flying kick directly knocked the cheerful Goznik into the mud. He did not forget to step on the opponent's back when he fell, completely ignoring the fact that he was stepped on. The guy who screamed.

Beast Kimede, who was covered in stains and black engine oil, patted his chest and shouted loudly

"Boss, I've done it completely!"

After hearing what the other party said, Bonecrusher immediately put away his smile and glared at him fiercely. Then he turned to look at the stars in the sky. The human plane that appeared at some unknown time said fiercely.

"I hope what you said is done is really done."

In the sky, the human navy finally began its orbital bombardment and bomber attacks. As for why mankind has finally begun to fight back, it is because the planetary governor who can suppress it finally appears.

The symbols of golden blood drops and white wings can be clearly seen on the wings of those flying fighter jets and predator fighter jets. The Blood Angels have come to support, and they will never forgive or approve of the Planetary Governor's stupidity. Behavior. Although their treatment of the imperial nobles probably still needs to be approved by the Senate of Terra, in the face of death in a war environment, the angels can directly bypass the local governor and attack their planet.

The bomber's flames roared over immediately, white phosphorus, flame bombs, plasma bombs and hot melt bombs washed away the attacking orc troops. If nothing unexpected happened, the wall that the Orks had just obtained would probably be lost again because of this little thing, but there was no panic on the face of the Bone Crusher.

The tall orc engineer patted the things that were finally repaired beside him and said carelessly

"Boss, just rest assured! We dug this thing for several months and repaired it for several months. The quality is excellent, it will definitely work!"

"Then start it quickly, can't you see that the fighter planes of the shrimps are about to hit us?"

"Okay, you watch me!"

Accompanied by a strange laugh, a large number of fart spirits were directly stuffed into the instrument, accompanied by screams, and a large number of engineers operated it, and a powerful force broke through the original crust. Terrible energy surged out from the ground, quickly gathered in the atmosphere, then slowly solidified and descended, forming a huge protective shield that covered the entire Armageddon continent.

Artanis and others who successfully walked to the outer layer of the hive looked at this terrible iron curtain falling from the sky, and the electronic warfare Templar said in shock

"This is impossible, humans have not installed a corresponding planetary shield on this planet, there shouldn't be such a thing here!"

Artanis calmly looked at the huge passport and the human air force that was forced to turn around and leave in the distant sky, and said calmly and steadily

"That means the Orks have successfully found their former technology one step ahead of us. Keep working hard, Templars, we are already far behind!"

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