The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 454 442 The face was given to humans, and the substance was given to Kalai and Aida

Chapter 454 442. The face was given to humans, and the heart was given to Kalai and Ada

The Templars swung their attacks wildly among the orcs, just like those clowns of Ada waving their weapons wildly, dancing a beautiful and bloody dance of killing.

The pile of corpses of the Orcs piled higher and higher. When the head of the first corpse fell to the ground, his body was covered by the second corpse. In this way, more and more corpses were slowly laid around the Templars, forming walls on both sides of the road.

Facing such an enemy like a killing god, the Orks retreated. Although they were eager to fight, they were also afraid of death. They were afraid that they would die without any joy of fighting. If death did not bring more killing and happiness, then they would not be qualified to fight with their dead counterparts in the subspace in the barbaric domain of Goge and Maoge.

So, when the casualties reached a certain level, the Orks collapsed. They screamed and wailed and fled to the back, wanting to leave this place.

Even those blood axe boys who have professional military qualities and are more patient than other orcs are the same. They don't want to be slaughtered unilaterally by those terrible faceless paralysis.

After chopping off the head of the last orc who didn't have time to escape, the templars looked at everything around them breathlessly. In the previous battle, they were almost in a frenzy, and their bodies were full of the disgusting blood of Orcs.

And even some of the templars' eyes flashed some red light under the blue light, almost falling into a frenzy, and could only rely on their powerful psychic power to suppress the desire for killing in their hearts.

And the high-level templars heard a huge and unquestionable voice in their minds telling him. That was the call of the god of war Amon, who longed for these brave warriors to choose to leave the light of the ancient saints, come to his hands, and shed blood for the territory and glory of their race.

The high-ranking Templar tried hard not to think about those things. The creed of the Tal'darim was too extreme. He did not like the practice of using any means to gain power.

He declined the invitation of the God of War in his mind.

As if knowing that the powerful warrior in front of him was indifferent to power and power, the God of War snorted and pulled his voice out of his mind. Then, he was able to put his real attention back to the physical universe. He looked at his men and gave an order

"Put the bomb! Let's use magnetic bombs to blow this place to pieces!"

Magnetic bombs are a type of bomb that destroys mechanical structures. Compared with traditional electromagnetic pulses, this type of bomb can directly release gravity into a certain instrument, and then crush the mechanical parts through the compression of planetary gravity to achieve overload. This also successfully makes their size not too large. Each soldier can take about ten, and the damage to mechanical instruments is strong, which is the best choice for destruction behind enemy lines.

With the agile movements of the Templars, they quickly placed all the magnetic bombs they were carrying, and then set the time and left immediately. They returned to the surrounding area along the original route. There were only the remains of the Orcs. Even if some fart spirits wanted to come out to pick up the legacy of their former masters, the boys still screamed and cried when they saw the golden armor that looked like a killing god, and ran deep into the fortress.

Along the way, they almost didn't encounter any Orcs. Even if there were any, they would try to avoid them. In fact, there was another reason why they could leave so easily. In the Orcs of Gangqiao, there was an internal fight among the people. The orcs in their fortress, the boss, was unfortunately hit directly on the head by a golden beetle cannon and died on the spot.

After the boss died, the boys in the group of Orcs immediately had an internal fight. The strongest boys in each faction and clan thought that they should be the new boss of this place, and they fought directly at the bridge head. If it weren't for the observation of the reconnaissance troops, the troops who attracted the enemy's attention at the bridgehead would even suspect that these Orks had engaged in a battle with the troops that had sneaked in.

However, when the troops successfully stepped on the blood of the Orks and left the battlefield that was like purgatory, when they successfully shook hands with their brothers and let the blood of the cotton silk in their hands stain their brothers' hands, the fortress behind them just exploded.

The huge sparks swept the shock wave and quickly collapsed the damaged walls, and the range of this terrible explosion was beyond the expectations of the Templars. Along with the blue flames of the explosion, the rock walls fell off and stalactites fell. This cave could no longer withstand the tossing.

"Retreat quickly! This place is going to collapse!!"

Under the order of the high-level Templar, the less than 200 surviving members quickly withdrew to the webway gate and left the cave. Shortly after they left, this gate and the ancient fortress of the Orks were completely destroyed.

On the battlefield of Armageddon, with the disappearance of the Ork shield, the Empire's troops can march straight in. The Emperor's Iron Rain of Death and angels quickly descended from the sky to fight the Orks. However, it will take a long time for them to liberate Hades and Heris. They must first defeat the main force of the Orks on the main continent, but that is no longer a problem that the Khalai need help.

The Orks were defeated, and Artanis led his fleet out of this area. The Aidas who left before them began to count their gains.

In the Uswe Ark World, the largest Ark in the Adarin, the Eldars are happy about the gains brought by the prophet this time, but some groups are regretful and angry that they were not able to bring back all the knowledge.

However, the Great Prophet does not care about these. After all, their race is like this. There will always be many people who are dissatisfied with various things. It is an unimaginable organizational achievement to keep this race single-minded and even united.

Most of the artifacts brought back this time were from the things left by the gods who once existed in the warp. The Chaos gods' things were directly sealed up, or sent to the Dark City for their fallen compatriots to trade. Or a more daring trade was conducted with the human Inquisition, which they were happy to do.

The rest were the remains of some weak gods that had already been torn to pieces by the Chaos gods in the High Heaven. These Warp entities that might have good intentions did not succeed in becoming more powerful, and could only be killed and sacrificed by Chaos. Among these artifacts, even weapons and products of the gods of the ancient Eldar Empire were found.

This is of great help to this endangered race today.

Eldra was very satisfied with the harvest of this expedition, and in his opinion, this was a win-win situation for all three parties:

Kalai and Eldar successfully obtained the things that the ancient orcs looted from their various races, and humans successfully prevented the Orks from obtaining those things and continuing to harm their empire.

Is this a perfect ending...?

Early update in the evening. I have something to do tonight, so I updated it early.

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