The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 480 468 Blacksmith

Chapter 480 468. Blacksmith

When Erda came to the bottom of the ark, the huge warship had been preserved in a pit tens of meters deep, but despite this, most of the huge hull structure was still exposed.

Unfortunately, this ship is not allowed to be visited. You can only observe from the outside of the hull, and Erda came too late. With the setting of the sun, the warship was no longer open.

She walked in the square under the warship, looking at the huge warship with a complicated mentality. At that time, Erda just wanted humans to be able to go to areas outside the Milky Way, even when the so-called end of the gods came, humans could successfully reproduce.

This was Erda's hope all along. She never believed in those gods, never believed in those so-called benevolence. She never thought that her husband's plan could succeed. Victory and tyranny exchanged for blood and massacre would not succeed, and the facts were indeed so.

It was for this reason that she scattered her children all over the galaxy, hoping that the Chaos gods and her husband would not find them, would not find those small gods, so that they could lead some people to leave this ghost place.

But the Chaos gods would not agree, the Emperor would not agree, the gods were unwilling to give up their bargaining chips, and the Emperor was unwilling to give up all humans. But it was also because of this that Erda did not choose to betray humans, and fortunately when she was stabbed to death by Erebus with a Chaos artifact, a wisp of her soul was saved by the Emperor.

However, this situation did not change Erda's mind, and it was obvious that this attempt was also successful. The Emperor's idea was very simple, and the idea of ​​Chaos was also very simple. In this war where all mankind faces chaos, deserters are not allowed, and no one is allowed to take actions that violate the rules. Before the threat of chaos is completely driven out of the physical universe, humans are destined to be unable to leave this small roulette galaxy.

Erda turned and left. She did not wait until the moon rose, and she did not want to return to her room in the hotel. She just wanted to walk around here.

In the night on the planet Tegris, there used to be a lot of nightlife, but due to the sudden explosion of the Western Governor's Fleet this afternoon, the local residents were uneasy. Many shops closed early, and there were no pedestrians on the street. Only some stubborn snack stalls and diners were still moving forward here. Of course, there are also those police who maintain the entire social order, and the army who have just been asked to patrol the streets.

Because of the mark worn by Erda, no one asked the messenger, and the old and young machine just moved forward on this road.

On this beautiful street, the lantern-like lights illuminated everything, illuminating the shops on the street. Erda walked along the sidewalk, looking at those shops, wanting to walk more here and relax.

But at this moment, he felt a hint of coolness, a hint of subspace coolness, which made the messenger react immediately, and vigilantly touched the sharp blade worn on his waist. The power of the big space appearing here is not good news. The power of the Supreme Heaven has always been dangerous and unreasonable.

She looked vigilantly in the direction of the power eruption, which came from a clean alley. Erda lowered her steps and walked up carefully, wanting to see what was there. What was surprising was that in that kind of alley, she could actually hear the sound of iron forging.

Erda walked away, looked up and found a store in the alley. This alley was a small street and shop. There were some vendors here, but more were the gates of the residence. After some thought, Erda still walked in.

As soon as she entered the gate, she could find that the store was a sunken building. Walking down four wooden stairs, she could see a small room of dozens of square meters. A large number of smelting tools and daily necessities were hung around the room. These things were arranged neatly without any mess. A recliner can be seen on the right side of the left furnace, and the tea on the right armrest was still steaming. There was another door directly opposite the gate, which was probably leading to the residence behind.

The owner of this shop stood in front of the anvil next to the furnace, silently hammering a tool. The blacksmith seemed to be a Pereman, wearing only an ordinary linen garment, with a cane on his left, and it seemed that his left leg was a little lame.

When the blacksmith heard someone coming in, he did not look up, but just said indifferently

"Are you a guest who came to see the progress?"

The lame blacksmith said so, and Erda said very bluntly

"I am just a passerby who was attracted here, not a guest who came to see the progress."

"Then let's go, it's closed today."

But Erda did not leave him, just stood there watching the blacksmith who continued to hammer the object in his hand, and whispered

"I want to see what kind of tools you are making."

The blacksmith sighed after hearing it, without looking up, but still answered the woman's question

"A sword."

Erda raised his eyebrows under the mask after hearing it, looked around, and said calmly

"But there are a lot of farm tools and daily necessities hanging next to you."

"Nowadays, civilization needs more blades to smash demons, not tools to benefit the people."

The blacksmith lifted the sword blank and dipped it into the cold water, listening to the burning of iron and water. Erda looked at the slowly cooling sword blank and asked another question

"Who is this sword made for?"

"Someone who can truly lead us out of this old city night, away from the people ruled by tyrants, someone who can lead all of us to that almost impossible future."

After the blacksmith finished speaking, the person behind him laughed softly and asked in a skeptical tone

"Do you really believe he can do it?"

"Do I have more choices? Regardless of whether he was a slave owner, I have no better choice."

After being asked back, Erda was speechless. She looked up at the flickering light above her head and closed her eyes

"I hope the legends of the past are true, I hope the strings of fate have not deceived all of us, I hope we can really reach the impossible shore together again."

The blacksmith took the cooled sword blank out of the still clear and cold water again, and continued to hammer it on the hot anvil. Erda watched the hot metal hammering against the other person's hand, and quietly left the small blacksmith shop.

She returned to the street and walked towards the moon.

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