The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 51 Battle of 48 Space Fleets

Chapter 51 48. Battle of the Space Fleet

Vorazun led everyone through a dense steel forest. The exaggerated number of defense facilities here made Tassadar even think that he had returned to his place in El B Nest, which is the defense nest in Nest 26, where there are also terrible defense facilities like here.

"As a fortress world, it can be said that this place cannot be more strict. It seems that our arrival is indeed the icing on the cake."

After hearing his words, Volazun replied

"Because we need to protect the entire empire's territory, we must arm ourselves to the teeth so that we can fulfill our mission perfectly. Just like the fourth planet in this galaxy, who would have thought that such a beautiful paradise world is actually a fortress world without any intelligence? Everything is to protect this place and what he is guarding behind him."

After that, everyone came to the elevator entrance of this huge building. They will take the elevator to leave here first, and then take a special light rail network to the 12th military node, which is the passage to the entire underground world. Tassadar took the huge elevator to the underground, and the scene below shocked him again.

As long as someone saw the scene below, they would no longer doubt whether this fortress world was qualified enough, because even if they did not see those terrible defensive artillery and missiles, just watching the production workshops of those war weapons was unimaginable.

A large number of immortals and other heavy war machines were slowly produced on the assembly line. The Qilin tanks and infantry fighting vehicles belonging to the auxiliary army were also tested not far away. The flying robots were like birds in this underground metal system, constantly flying and transmitting information and resources. The originally dark underground cave was completely filled with golden and orange light, and the sun here was the super-heavy heavy fusion power station hanging high above the rock wall. The powerful energy not only provided lighting, but also provided countless energy to this huge workshop.

In the distance, Tassadar could see that the lens of this huge space was a series of iron walls, and behind the iron walls could see the rear facilities of a large number of armed firepower platforms.

"This is..."

After hearing his words, Volazun explained

"In order to better defend the entire fortress, in addition to the anti-aircraft firepower and shield measures spread across the entire surface of the planet, the remaining main counterattack weapons are all densely distributed in the artificial Grand Canyon across the entire orbit of the planet. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 200 million anti-aircraft artillery alone, not to mention other weapons and equipment.

However, these are still far from the real weapons and equipment of this fortress world."

After hearing this, Tassadar said "Oh" with great interest, and Volazun continued to introduce

"You probably already know that the interior of our planet is hollow, and our ultimate weapon is an ancient technological product that serves as the core of an artificial sun. If a unit similar to a super aircraft carrier arrives, the energy can be directly transmitted to the giant counterattack artillery of the Arctic Fortress to attack the enemy. Even a large Eldar aircraft carrier over 100 kilometers long cannot withstand this terrible attack, and this is also the most powerful weapon in the entire Mordor Fortress world."

"Command People are amazed! But to drive such a terrible weapon, it must require powerful energy, right? "

Tassadar raised a question while praising, and Vorazun frowned after hearing it, but continued to say

"Yes, so its energy source is also very special, because the energy stone ammunition that drives the cannon to fire is solar fragments. In other words, it is the excrement of bacteria that rely on stellar energy as food or even themselves, so that the cannon can get the strongest power and the longest service life. But since the Unification War, the original production of the ancient saints has become less and less, and there are even fewer that meet the requirements of the giant cannon. And our own imitations are too wrong, so our cannon can actually only fire less than ten times. "

"However, the next battle does not need such a cannon to appear, and you don’t even need to appear. I will lead the space fleet to completely wipe out those daring chaos forces from here. "

Vorazun didn’t say anything after hearing it, but just nodded.

Tassadar looked at the steel forest below, and slowly looked up at the void above, where his soul fleet was waiting for him.

The tracks of the Chaos Fleet were too easy to find. Their backward subspace navigation technology made it easy for the Old One to find them. Tassadar relied on this to catch the expeditionary army off guard during the Damocles War.

But now he was not going to repeat the same trick, because he did not want to waste his time and energy facing an enemy that was far less in number than him.

When the Chaos Fleet, with two heavy cruisers as the main battleships, arrived in this galaxy, what appeared in front of him were the gold and purple battleships that filled the entire observation window.

Algeri, who was originally sitting cross-legged on his throne, was stunned when he saw this scene, and a sentence flashed briefly in his heart

"It's over."

Tassadar looked at the Chaos Fleet in front of him as if he was looking at a dead person. He had already issued a verdict in the Kara

"Open fire."

In the face of absolute firepower, all monsters are useless.

At least that's the case now, because under the terrible volley of battleships, the Black Legion was like a small paper boat drifting in the sea.

On the Tyrant-class heavy cruiser, Stolud tried hard to keep his body steady to avoid being knocked to the ground by the shock wave of the explosion. The slaves, crew members and even Space Marines around him were not so lucky. A slave stumbled and knocked down a sailor. Before the sailor could take out his gun and shoot him, the Space Marines who were not standing firmly behind him suddenly fell to the ground and crushed the two of them into meat patties.

Stolud tried hard to regain his sanity and shouted loudly

"Waste! Waste! Start the engine quickly and we have to leave here, quick! Quick! Quick!"

But no matter what, the enemy's plasma weapons and photon beams were still hitting them hard. Several armed freighters and frigates next to them had lost power or even been blown up. Stolud himself was also in a bad situation. Their left side had completely lost the ability to counterattack, and the light spear system had completely lost its offensive ability due to damage to the energy supply system.

The other heavy cruiser was not much better, but it was better than them. Under Algeri's crazy prayers and the slaves sacrificed on the ship, the four gods temporarily glanced at him so that he could luckily walk to the Mandela point to jump and escape to this hell.

Strude looked at his colleagues who had escaped and said in impotent fury

"Algeri!!! You damn coward!!!!"

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