The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 510 498 Evil Omen Ark (VII)

Chapter 510 498. The Ark of Evil Omen (VII)

When we look at it from an astronomical perspective, it suddenly feels a little funny when those huge warships attack.

Because when you put your perspective on the entire universe, those huge warships that are thousands of meters long or even more than ten kilometers long are as small as leaves in the lake. The lasers and plasmas designed between them look extremely slow, light, and soft, as if they have no power.

This may be the battle of mortals from the perspective of the gods. Those shells and plasma solutions that can destroy mountains and cities are just like dust floating on the water.

But the two sides of the war are not the so-called gods, nor are they the commanders who sit in front of the command desk and regard the army as a simple superposition of numbers, because the soldiers are facing the most terrifying scene in the world.

The huge shells hit the ships of both sides fiercely, and the energy shields and void shields trembled and broke under the attack, and then more shells rushed in, smashed on the hull, and let the fragments of those ships scatter in the cold void. At the same time, the frightened and terrified crew members inside were thrown out along with the steel behemoth. They were like discarded fragments of the ship, left in the cold void.

And every ship that was attacked would make a wailing sound, which was the silent cry of the warship losing pressure in the void, the silent wail of the boiler explosion, and the silent struggle when the artillery went out.

The crews of both sides were bloodthirsty. Although the Dark Prince had more advanced warships, the determination of the people of Teclis to defend their homeland could not be ignored. When the mothership successfully reached the shooting range, the polluted crystal released the enchanting purple subspace energy. This extremely concentrated energy directly penetrated a destroyer and then hit a cruiser behind it.

The poor destroyer was directly damaged by this attack. You know, weapons in the space age are not shells, and they will produce over-penetration effects. Those energy beams with heat burn everything they pass through, including the entire cabin.

The destroyer was completely paralyzed, and the crew inside could only evacuate desperately. Before they had time to evacuate 1/4 of the crew, the entire destroyer exploded. The shield of the cruiser that was hit also trembled, and its deck was directly vibrated by the recoil generated by the energy.

The Tegris fleet also began to fire volleys, and a large number of plasma and cation weapons hit the enemies in front of them. Those Chaos enemies killed the Western Governor, killed their commanders, and invaded their territory. These energy weapons, which were very backward in the eyes of Orega, successfully made the mothership and aircraft carrier tremble.

When a storm assault ship tried to approach the formation and attack with its friendly ships, it was hit by a battleship's cation cannon and penetrated the huge energy inside, and exploded directly in the center of the battleship group, producing a violent explosion, and even directly damaged the power system of another storm battleship.

The damaged storm warship was destroyed by the guarding frigates before it could be repaired. The destroyer fleet once again achieved its own victory.

The warships and warships were like giants, hitting each other with their fists. Their current situation is not optimistic. The Tegris people did not expect Chaos to have such a strong force, and Orega did not expect those backward primitive people to have such strong resilience.

The enemy's tenacity and stubbornness annoyed the Dark Prince, and the Demon Prince felt a little angry, because his main fleet has not yet destroyed or broken through the enemy's defense line. In this way, there are fewer highlights in the war, and there is no way to deter his arrogant and stupid counterparts, and make his men like Abaddon.

Speaking of Abaddon, the arrogant human, the arrogant person, the shameless human who called himself the Warmaster of Chaos, and his so-called title of standing up was just elected by those inferior races. That warmaster is not Orega's warmaster, and he doesn't want that primitive and ridiculous title. He is always his own master and the servant of the gods, not the so-called warmaster's subordinate.

In the Eye of Terror, the Demon Prince even plundered the supplies of the Black Legion more than once, because in his arrogant eyes, those low-level creatures were not worthy of such rich supplies.

Of course, no matter what the results of the people on those warships were, in the eyes of the Demon Prince, victory was already a foregone conclusion, because even the most powerful warships of the other side could not defeat the magical things he brought from the warp forge.

"It's almost time, prepare to set sail, let's give those primitives the last blow."

Orega planned to take a two-pronged approach. First, the puppet gates arranged in that space station needed to perform a summoning ceremony, so that the demon legions led by the two Khorne demons just now appeared behind the enemy's naval base, and directly beheaded or disrupted the enemy's formation through a terrible fight.

And when their good news comes, the huge ark under his command can be put into the battlefield to harvest the enemy's chaotic fleet. Then, after dealing with the enemy's troops, he will directly attack the planet and turn the entire planet into pieces.

The demon prince did not intend to conquer this planet, not even in the mood to rob it. Because Chaos does not want to conquer Chaos, nor does it want benefits. Chaos only wants destruction and blood. Those humans do not understand the will of the gods. They will only be blinded by everything in front of them and are not worthy of serving the gods. He, Orega, will fully implement the will of the gods.

Inside the space station, the two puppets passed through the ventilation duct and finally arrived at their destination, a meat processing plant. This meat processing plant will uniformly process the livestock meat produced on the planet.

The meat on Tegris is the meat of a reptile. This giant creature, which is 20 to 30 meters tall, is raised on a vast plain and gnaws the trees of the sky. What is inconsistent with their huge bodies is their gentle character and strong breeding ability. Such a situation is naturally chosen to be the most important livestock.

Rows of huge steaks were carried on the track by mechanical arms. A large number of machines roared to cut, package and classify the meat, and finally sent it to supermarkets on the surface of each planet and the space station. Although this is the largest meat processing plant in the entire space station, the sanitary environment here is indeed a bit worrying. The two puppets walked here, but only saw a fat rat running over after three or four minutes.

Obviously, the production environment here is not as clean as he advertised, but it is indeed much better than the factories in the empire, and the food processed in the food processing plants on the very few planets in the empire is not livestock...

The two puppets walked on the machine aisle originally used for maintenance personnel to walk, but there has been no maintenance personnel passing by here for at least two months, but now someone has walked on it.

The two puppets moved forward. They had received news from their master that the contact object was in front. As long as the magic circle was completed, their final mission would be completed.

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