The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 513 501 Evil Omen Ark (Part 9)

Chapter 513 501. Evil Omen Ark (IX)

The turmoil in the space station spread quickly because the demons were very fast. The servants of the God of Blood quickly rushed out of the processing plant and began to slaughter everything they saw.

Although many people in the space station knew that a war might happen and affect here, they did not expect it to happen so quickly and suddenly appear behind them. In their original idea, when the enemy arrived, they could quickly use the space elevator to transfer to the surface of the planet, but now this idea is no longer valid, and the battle has already happened here.

Those red-covered demons, who appeared like from ancient legends, roared as soon as they appeared, waving their flaming swords in their hands and slashing at innocent civilians. When some police officers on duty saw all this, they immediately took out their pistols to fight back, but the civilian bullets equipped in their pistols could not cause more damage to those demons.

Although the vampires are the most ordinary and lowest-level members of the Blood God's army, they cannot be killed by ordinary weapons. Their skin is very tough, even lasers can only barely penetrate it, and there is no way to achieve the effect of penetration. The demon swords they wield can easily pierce the fragile parts of the Space Marine power armor, and can split the carapace into pieces after multiple swings.

The bullets just now did not cause any damage to the demons, but it was obvious that they angered the bloodletters. The vampires increased their strength and waved their weapons. In just a few minutes, the whole street was bloody.

The first group to arrive here were the police and special police who received the report. These armed organizations immediately started to fight back after discovering these terrible demons. The military bullets, armor-piercing bullets and heavy laser guns in the hands of the special police can finally break through the defense of these damn bloodletters, but they can only penetrate them. If they can't hit the vital points, the demons will still not be expelled.

"These things are completely invincible!"

A special police officer shouted desperately when the enemy was getting closer and closer. He looked at the angry demons who were possessed by the true spirits, and an unimaginable fear came from his heart, making him feel that his hands holding the gun were shaking.

But some police officers burst out with stronger fighting power. They even leaned out of the bunker and screamed loudly until the ammunition ran out. And those police officers who had used up all the bullets in their hands did not even stop their speed. They directly drew out their daggers and wanted to fight with those demons in close combat. If it were not for their companions who were holding them tightly, more people would be sacrificed here.

The reason why different people reacted in this way was the blessing from the subspace. The blood god would make the brave braver and the cowardly more cowardly. He loved blood and loved blood. He didn't care where the blood came from. In order to thank those who gave him blood, he would bless them. For those who were extremely cowardly, the god of war would only express extreme disdain and let the strong kill them.

But no matter whether the police officers were cowardly or brave, whether they shot or chose to escape? They still had no way to stop the footsteps of those demons. Although more than a dozen demons had been returned to the subspace by Xu Zhu, more blasphemous things still existed.

There are more demons now, because the blood successfully makes the subspace react more, the original magic circle becomes stronger, and more and more demons begin to pour in.

The blood hounds charge forward frantically at the feet of the vampires. These vanguard troops in the Blood God Legion have been eager for a long time. Behind the infantry, there are blood crushing knights wearing steel armor forged from the subspace furnace, holding demon spears, and riding huge demon engines. They are the cavalry in the demon army. The weapons in their hands can easily pierce the front armor of the main battle tank.

Such a powerful team is enough to defeat thousands of troops, not to mention these special police forces. Just when they were about to be completely overwhelmed, the sound of fighter jets whizzing past their heads suddenly came. After seeing the terrifying demons on the street, the four patrol fighter planes that had just been urgently transferred back immediately used large-caliber lasers and plasma to clean the entire street in front of them, smashing those demons into pieces.

"Retreat immediately, repeat, retreat immediately!!"

In the earphones of the special police team, the superior's order has come, and these troops who have run out of ammunition and food immediately left the flesh and blood battlefield in front of them. The next thing will be left to the garrison troops and sailors.

In the western part of the entire space station, the demon troops are rushing around. The food processing plant where the demons first appeared has begun to twist, and the vicious spell of the subspace has attached to the steel. There, the subspace portal made of flesh and steel is slowly being built, and the demon engine and more advanced demon units are slowly walking out of the subspace gate. If they are allowed to continue to form here, it will be a huge trouble.

But at present, they no longer have more troops and energy to deal with these things, but the Tegris people don't need to worry about it, because Zeratul decided to practice in person.

After receiving the communication from Evelyne, Zeratul drove his Void Seeker to the space station. They landed directly on the battlefield. Because they had a pass air defense system, the air defense system did not stop them. The soldiers and officers on the battlefield were not in the mood to talk to them. After all, the monsters in front of them had broken through several lines of defense.

These monsters were too weird. Although they seemed to be naked like barbarians, they had powerful violent means and terrible strength. They could not be calculated by common sense at all.

After Zeratul got off the spaceship, he looked at the current situation and went straight up. For the Dark Priest, at present, he and his students can handle the number of demons of this scale.

A young dark templar looked at the surging demon tide in front of him and asked his teacher respectfully

"How should we get in? Teacher, should we kill or lurk?"

After hearing what the student next to him said, the dark priest replied

"For these demons, we can only solve them through killing. After all, against these servants of the God of Blood, conspiracy and trickery are not enough to make their leaders appear. Only blood can do it."

"Okay, I understand. Teacher, are you going to start now?"

Zeratul nodded after hearing it, and then walked straight forward. An officer next to him who was asking the soldiers to hold their positions saw Zeratul and others who walked out of the defense line, and hurriedly wanted to grab them, shouting loudly

"Did you take the wrong medicine?! Hurry up and give it to me..."

Before the officer finished speaking, the old man he wanted to hold had disappeared, and then there was a dazzling green light and flame, which came from where the old man was originally.

Metal scales and green flames combined, the ancient dragon as huge as a Titan has appeared on the battlefield. This time, Zeratul directly activated his fragmented form. He was ready to use a silly battle to inspire the leader of the demon army to fight with him.

Zeratul looked at the demons who braked in front of him. When the servants of the blood god saw such a terrifying thing suddenly appeared in front of them, their ferocious faces suddenly froze. Some demons subconsciously wanted to flee backwards, but the psychic flames contained in the mouth of the metal dragon burned directly at them.

The flesh and soul of the demon were completely burned under the flames, and the ugly thing that was just showing off its might instantly turned into charcoal on the ground. The dragon destroyed nearly hundreds of demons with just one ordinary attack. Under the shocked eyes of the Tegris people, the dragon did not stop here, flapping its huge wings and flying forward.

When such a powerful being appeared, it was impossible for the strong men who matched him not to be tempted, not to mention the bloody devil of the Blood God.

They were already ready to make a move.

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