The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 539 527 Barbecue Party

Chapter 539 527. Barbecue Party

"We have reached the target, Marines, good luck to you."

In the cabin of Kunpeng gunship, the first batch of airborne troops are ready. And the Odessas are wearing light armor, ready to come to their own battlefield. They will use gravity parachutes and jetpacks to jump out of the Kunpeng cabin directly, and then use their weapons to clear a suitable landing site.

Of course, the fire bats will also help them to fight, after all, the heavy armor and flamethrowers they wear are for this purpose.

Compared to those Odessas, the fire bat soldiers wearing heavier and advanced armor descend faster. They have rocket boosters installed on their shoulders. When they are only three or four meters from the ground, the fuel of the flame booster will be completely used up, and then the recoil device will be turned on to slow them down.

When these heavily armored soldiers successfully came to the ground, they immediately became the attacks of the demonic creatures. These infected spore creatures have become very powerful now, not only those monsters in the form of ordinary people, but also those giants covered with spikes, emitting sick dark green all over their bodies, and wearing weird smiles.

It is obvious that the kind father in the subspace has given his gifts to these fungi, giving them many abilities and powerful strength. Some monsters even have the evil symbols in the subspace appearing on their chests, indicating that they have already belonged to Chaos.

Now these terrible fungal monsters surrounded the 12 heavy armored soldiers who had just landed, and were staggering towards them quickly. The captain of this unit took a look at those disgusting things, then blew a brisk whistle, and then said to his brothers in his channel

"Let's turn these filthy things into charcoal!"

After that, the 12 heavy armored soldiers pressed the flamethrower switches in their hands, and the scorching fire immediately gushed out, fiercely washing all the filthy things in front of them.

In the Milky Way, the most effective way to remove the voodoo of the subspace from the physical universe is to use the scorching flames, because this holy energy can cleanse the virus and destroy the magic circle of witchcraft.

The fungi screamed under the flamethrower, but even though they were in great pain, they couldn't wail. In the ears of the fire bat pilots, they were still making weird, disgusting and sticky laughter when they were burned.

Although there were only 12 members in the first landing, they successfully cleared thousands of square meters of landing cabins with the terrible fire and burned all the hyphae and fungal attachments on the ground.

"It's time to execute the second stage!"

After hearing the news from these heavily armored soldiers, the first Kunpeng transport plane slowly landed at the first landing field, and the fire bat soldiers who had just completed their tasks in other corners of the city were also waiting for their Kunpeng transport planes to land.

When the Kunpeng gunboat came to a distance of only a dozen meters from the ground, it immediately activated all its firepower. Medium Gatling guns, plasma missiles, hot melt guns, and napalm bombs were all poured down on the monsters below, instantly clearing the entire street and the chaos fungi attached to the upper floors that wanted to continue to develop towards the top.

Finally, Kunpeng Paotimen carried out airborne operations at a distance of one or two meters from the ground. It is also relatively simple to transport heavy armored vehicles, because there are two hydraulic take-off and landing platforms in the middle of the Kunpeng transport aircraft, which are used to transport these armored vehicles. As for infantry and power symbols, it is even simpler. The infantry only needs a rope to slide down, and the power suit can jump directly.

Once the Xv 88 artillery armored suit comes down, it means that another large firepower for the infantry in street fighting is ready. The armored firepower concept of the Titanium Clan has greatly influenced the combat concept of Odessa, especially its unique power service system, which also gives commanders better choices besides tanks and armored vehicles.

Except for some troops specifically responsible for guerrilla warfare, most commanders still choose the trinity of armored vehicles, tanks, and power suits. In other words, the power suits have replaced light armed helicopters in a sense.

The moment the bombardment combat suits landed with full load, they began to take over the heavy power armor soldiers that the fuel monsters were about to ask for. The flamethrowers they carried were more powerful, with a wider range and longer time, and would be responsible for the subsequent cleaning work.

When the power suits and flamethrower armored vehicles successfully landed on the ground, the outcome was basically determined. After all, these fungi are not demons from the subspace, but just some more weird cultists. Their threat is just to control the systems of some cities and fight back, otherwise there would not be so many troubles at the beginning.

Although some of the mutated fungal creatures among these monsters have grown very large, even as tall as four or five meters, with sharp teeth all over their bodies and swinging their tentacles, and some have reached the standards of chaos magic, these things are ultimately unable to withstand a shell from an ultra-heavy caliber orbital tank gun. Only one shell is needed to blow them into flying ink particles, which can then be cleaned up by the flames of the soldiers wearing the system.

The Odessa exoskeleton is a good thing. It does not require soldiers to be completely exposed to the environment polluted by the warp. Because the systematic research of the Kalais on the warp allows them to install a more rigorous three-defense system on the armor of their assistants. Some are so luxurious that they can use materials mixed with black stone powder for protection, while some are not so outstanding, but they are enough to defend against general warp corrosion.

Speaking of this, we have to compare it with the treatment measures of the human empire. After all, the method used by these old Terra to solve the warp pollution is very simple, which is commonly known as burning twice. The first time, the polluted land is burned first, and the second time, the second batch of soldiers who arrived will burn the first batch of soldiers who dealt with the pollution.

Although this sentence is more like a joke, after all, the empire does not really treat the people as unimportant, but when encountering extreme situations, such as suicidal behavior caused by excessive pollution, then this treatment method is not a joke. In the eyes of the High Lords Council, instead of spending a lot of money to equip the soldiers with a complete set of armor, it is better to use cheaper flames to solve this problem. Anyway, human life is not expensive in the eyes of those corrupt bureaucrats.

Of course, that was the Empire's business, not Odessa's business. Now in this mechanical city, everything was going so smoothly for these soldiers.

In the soldiers' view, the war had stopped since the moment they landed, and now it was a happy barbecue party.

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