The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 55 51 The battle ends

Chapter 55 51. The end of the battle

Storud was killed by Tassadar with a sword, and his heavy body fell to the ground. However, the battle between Artanis and other fanatics was not over.

After seeing their leader die, the fanatical Space Marines did not stop their attacks, but became more crazy and swift.

That was because these servants of the Blood God were very eager to prove that they were stronger than the loser Storud by defeating the alien leader and obtaining his blood. Therefore, their attacks on Artanis and others became more fierce and desperate. Even if they were cut several times on their bodies, they continued to spit and wave their weapons.

Looking at the Space Marines in front of him who looked like mad dogs, Artanis' heart was full of disgust. He really couldn't associate the appearance of these monsters with the noble and brave warriors in Tassadar's mouth. Perhaps the result of turning them into this was caused by the chaos that Tassadar had been reminding him to pay attention to!

The mortal servants followed their Chaos masters and charged, just like a hunter driving his hounds, but soon these seemingly terrible hounds were killed by psychic blades. The bullets they fired hit the psychic shields just like hitting the Space Marines' power armor, and they were useless. Only the Space Marines could fight against them.

The Space Marines who surrendered to the Blood God are indeed the most powerful believers. Although they are corrupt and terrible, they still cannot change their superhuman bodies. After the close combat, the fanatics suffered casualties.

Although the fanatics are veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles, they are still a little less powerful than the Astartes in terms of physical strength. Four fanatics have died under their terrible and swift attacks. But the Templars are not incompetent. When these brave warriors died, the Templars had killed three Astartes and nearly hundreds of sailors who surged up like a tide.

After dealing with Stolud, Tassadar saw the scene behind him, and his eyes once again emitted blue light. He floated slightly, and then a terrible psychic lightning swept the corridor in front of him. The sailors who were just roaring forward turned into ashes in an instant, and the Space Marines also roared in pain and fell to the ground.

The Space Marine who fell in the front tried to raise his head, staring at the alien wizard, panting and said

"Despicable... Alien..."

Tassadar glanced at him with contempt, and then said

"All these Space Marines will be executed! No one will be left alive!"

Artanis nodded after hearing this, and then asked the remaining fanatics to finish off the immobile Space Marines on the ground. In the previous battle, Artanis had already understood that people who believed in Chaos could not be viewed from the perspective of normal intelligent creatures. Keeping them would only cause endless suffering and terrible disasters.

Tassadar turned on his communicator and contacted Vorazun.

"It's over, Miss, but there are a lot of looted slaves in this warship. Call a medical ship to prepare for treatment, and then you can deal with this warship."

Vorazun quickly dispatched troops to the ship. After losing the leadership of the Chaos Master, the sailors on the ship immediately fell into a state of morale collapse, and had no energy to care about the invaders who boarded the ship. Under the command of the internal personnel, Vorazun quickly found the location of the iron cages, and the accompanying personnel also began to rescue people. At the same time, they also found that there was more than one slave room, a total of three slave rooms, and the total number of these slaves exceeded 10,000, and their total living space did not exceed 3,000 square meters. When the rescue team arrived, many people had already lost their lives.

After rescuing more than 9,000 survivors, they left the battleship, and a special gas transport ship began to emit toxic anesthetic gas to the air circulation system of the battleship to clean up the personnel. All mutants and sailors who remained here would die in their sleep and eventually be completely decomposed by the residual chemicals in the gas.

After the work was completed, the special subspace cleaning personnel would remove the blasphemous symbols and the marks of the evil gods on it and make some simple repairs, and drag it to the asteroid belt as a fixed turret and torpedo launch base.

With this, the Chaos invasion incident came to an end for the time being, but Tassadar still had something to ask.

Four days later, Tassadar, who stayed on the surface of the planet, finally waited for a good news.

Local officials finally found the refugees of Lilasus among the refugees. At first, the Odessa officials did not notice it when they were looking for it because these Eldar all covered their features with hats, and at the same time, they slightly modified their appearance with you, so ordinary people really couldn't see it for a while. But yesterday, two high-ranking Templars went there and found them easily.

Now they are in Hospital B26 for rehabilitation treatment. Tassadar decided to ask what was on that virgin world that was worth Chaos's fuss.

In the hospital ward, the four surviving Eldar were now sitting restlessly. A young woman with long red hair bit her fingers anxiously and said painfully

"We are still discovered. How will they deal with us? Will they tie us to stakes and burn us with psychic flames?"

Another man who was sitting on the hospital bed nearby and receiving an intravenous drip was startled when he heard what he said and said uneasily.

"Probably not. The sons of the Ancient Saints shouldn't be as barbaric as the apes...right, Lord Priest?"

The priest of Isha, the Eldar god next to him, lamented after hearing his words and said

"This possibility is not completely impossible. After all, we betrayed their father."

"Ah! I don't want to die! I'm still young!"

Seeing the desperate male surname in front of him, the priest said that he hates the iron.

"Calm down, Goldri! Think about your identity! You are an excellent Assault Scorpion! Don't show such a fearful look, you will bring insult to Kane's name!"

After hearing the priest's reproach, the Assault Scorpion stopped wailing, but the howling banshee next to it didn't feel any better. After a minute or two of silence, she looked at another young woman who was still in a mild coma on the hospital bed and said worriedly

"When can adults wake up? It's really...hey, I hope Isa will protect her."

Just as she was praying for this woman in her heart, the automatic door was opened, and the person who could finally decide their fate had arrived.

Tassada looked at the three people who had woken up and one person who was unconscious sitting on the hospital bed, staring at them with twinkling eyes, and said slowly

"Survivors of Lirasus, I am Executor Tassadar. When I come here, I will ask you some questions, and you must answer them. Do you understand?"

The priest looked at the tall humanoid creature in front of him, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said

"Understood, respected eldest son."

"Then, let's get started."

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