The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 549 537 A war of honor and hope

Chapter 549 537. A war of honor and hope

Ultima Star Region, Macragge.

This Ultramarines’ homeland has stood on the eastern border of the entire empire for tens of thousands of years, guarding the eastern border of the human empire.

This area has been invaded by various enemies in the past hundreds of years, from the cruel Tyranids to the blasphemous Word Bearers Rebellion Legion, or the attacks of the Night Lords Warband. This area has endured chaos and war that have not been seen in the past thousands of years.

However, the war did not make this most shining pearl of the human empire dim. On the contrary, after every war that almost destroyed other worlds dozens of times, Macragge can still shine again.

The reason for such an achievement is not only because of the Ultramarines’ business activities in the past thousands of years, but also because of the outstanding behavior of the current Ultramarines Chapter Master Calgar.

It is precisely because of the outstanding political ability and diplomatic means of Chapter Master Calgar that the last principality of the Ultramarines has been able to maintain its original independence and prosperity, just as if the original body was still walking among them ten thousand years ago.

But now, Captain Calgar has to face a very serious problem, or it can be said that it is an honor given to him by the Elderly Lord Council, that is, to let the Ultramarines lead an Imperial expeditionary force that has already been formed to support the Jericho expedition, and further consolidate and expand the results of this expedition.

Although the words of the High Lord Council are very nice, all the middle and high-level officials in the empire understand that the current Jericho expedition is a mess that cannot be explained.

Since the 700th year, until now, the expedition has been going on, and the expedition has not brought any benefits to the empire at all, but has been bleeding continuously. But the empire has no way to give up there, because if it gives up, it means that the more than a dozen important planets obtained there through a lot of blood will be completely lost, and at the same time, the Death Watch Fortress stationed there will also be difficult to monitor the movements of the Tyranids, so this is a wound that must be left for the empire.

But Calgar does not understand that now, the empire should retain those important planets in the Jericho area, and the monitoring function of the Death Watch has reached its limit, so why should it continue to move forward? Besides, they still need their own Ultramarines to move forward together.

After thinking and looking up a lot of information on the bookshelf and the information available on the data board in his room, Captain Calgar finally thought of several reasons.

The first reason is as expressed by the High Lords' Ceremonial Council. They want to consolidate the results of the past expedition there and redevelop Jericho. Your abundant resources and valuable strategic location do make many empires, nobles and officials salivate. It is understandable to send a Space Marine regiment to protect the nobles and the interests of the empire there.

But this situation is very small and unnecessary. If the results have been consolidated, it can be continued by relying on the Death Watch Fortress there and recruiting some mortal troops. There is no need to let the Astartes come and let the regiments come here, because for those imperial nobles, it is just adding another eater to the big cake that has already been made in Jericho.

The second possibility is that although the Empire has achieved some success there, it has not been completely consolidated and there is still a risk of being pushed back. In order to protect the interests they have finally obtained, the officials there have no way to request the Astartes.

The third possibility is a very intriguing way, which is the usual method of the High Lords Council, weakening the old Astartes through war, and even destroying some Astartes that are difficult to control, and then fostering new chapters to safely obey the orders of the High Lords Council. For example, chapters such as the Red Hunters and the Minotaur.

This kind of thing is already everywhere. A large number of old Astartes chapters have been destroyed or ruined in this way. For example, Astartes chapters such as the Lions of Heaven have been punished and slandered for defying the requests of the Inquisition and are on the verge of extinction.

Or like the Astral Knights, they spontaneously fought a decisive battle with a powerful enemy. In the end, although they succeeded, they ended up being wiped out. The gene seed tax originally paid was not used by the High Lord Council to rebuild the war group, but was used to build a war group that was more obedient to the orders of the High Lord Council.

Or like the Raven Guards in the past, they were tricked into attacking a powerful enemy, and eventually even their own war group leader died in battle, and the mother group suffered a fatal blow.

There are so many such examples that Calgar had to think about whether there was such a factor.

But this was an order and request issued by the High Lord, but he had to refuse it. And soon after Calgar received this message, he received a request from the Ministry of the Interior of the Ultramarine, hoping that the war group leader could immediately go to lead the expeditionary force, because the front line was now extremely urgent.

Calgar did not have many choices, but it was not that there was no way to defend the territory and glory of the Ultramarine.

Although Calgar had no way to refuse this request, he was able to bring in enough allies to make the expedition more "safe".

Thinking of this, Calga got up and left his bedroom. With the help of his servants, he put on his own set of Terminator power armor, and then came to the prayer room of the Chapter monastery. Here, the scattered servants of the Chapter are sorting out the precious knowledge of the past. Since it is not the time for daily prayer, most of the soldiers are still training outside. There are only Chapter Chaplains and Think Tank Leaders here.

Calgar looked at the brothers in front of him, and the priest and think tank leader also paid tribute to their chapter leader. Calga looked at the priest and think tank director in front of him and said

"My brothers, I need you to contact our friends."

Think tank director Diglis asked after hearing this

"Did something happen? Chapter leader."

Calgar nodded after hearing this, and told the High Collarists that they were going to participate in the Jericho expedition. The director of the think tank sighed slightly after hearing this and said

"This is not surprising. No matter what the reason is, the place has indeed been corrupted to a certain extent, but as you think, chapter leader, we must have extra back-ups."

Calgar raised his head and glanced at the hundreds of square meters of colored mosaic glass in front of him, on which were written the great achievements of their genetic father, and he stared at the figure of Robert Guilliman. Then, looking at his two brothers, he said

"Then prepare our friends for a magnificent expedition! I hope the High Lords Council and the enemies of the Empire will not be surprised by this."

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