The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 558 528 Armored Vehicle Pursuit

Chapter 558 528. Armored vehicle pursuit battle

Maria looked at the behemoth behind her. The barrel of the steel behemoth was right above her head, and the hateful officer's face was only a few meters away from her.

The angry Battalion Commander Sintila saw the person in front of him, and what surprised him even more was that this was just a little girl who looked no more than 20 years old. But soon, this shock was replaced by anger and shame, because he never dreamed that such a young child could successfully break into his military camp and turn his men into such ghosts. It looked like it even blew up a small armored vehicle!

This revenge must be avenged, but it must be avenged in a noble way!

"Target that girl, but don't kill her! I'm going to capture this little beast alive!"

Under the orders of their superiors, the servants operating the armored vehicles could only find ways to get close to the girl. After all, his master has given a death order, and the heavy explosive bomb on the front of their car, no matter which method they use to shoot the girl in front of them, will only make a bloody hole in the little girl, or... Exploded to pieces.

If they could not follow the words of those noble soldiers and instead fired forcefully, then the next ones to be blown to pieces would probably be their servants.

Maria looked at the heavy explosive bomb in despair. The heavy explosive bomb was only less than half a meter away from her head, and it was facing her forehead. Now, as long as the other party wanted to, her short time in the physical universe would be destroyed. Life can be over.

But unexpectedly, those proud nobles did not relieve themselves of their lives so easily and happily. Instead, they saw several servants holding an electromagnetic net gun used by slave traders to capture slaves, and slowly came out from the upper hood. These people all wear fully protective carapace armor, which can easily deflect automatic pistol attacks and protect their bodies.

The other party obviously wanted to capture him alive. Maria thought this immediately, and then started her own resistance. All she could do now was to desperately evade and find a way to get rid of the armored vehicle.

But the armored vehicle was following closely behind him as if it was installed, and the men in armor were also ready. The first was the man on the left, who was holding the gun barrel with his hand. , aimed his right hand at the girl in front of him, and then launched the net,

The net with the generator hit the girl in front of her on the back. After seeing this, Maria quickly activated the oil on her back, moved forward quickly to avoid the net, then took out her automatic pistol from her waist and fired in the back.

The bullet hit the enemy and made a nice and crisp sound, but it could only have this effect. After all, the armor on these people was indeed very powerful. Its only use was to make the person shake backwards. Twice, then restored it to the original state again, and installed a new power grid on myself in an orderly manner.

"A bunch of scum wearing thick armor!"

Maria couldn't help but cursed, and then dodged the power grid launched by another person. The battalion commander stood on top of his command tower, looking at the struggling Maria with a mocking expression, Like a young deer struggling in a hunter's trap.

"Put some pressure on, pilot."

After the driver heard this, he immediately turned on his full power and hit the motorcycle in front of him hard, causing Maria to stumble while loading a magazine. What was even worse was that the motorcycle she had just hit was full of ammunition. The magazine fell directly.

Now, she only had the last magazine, but the girl who once lived at the bottom of the city would not give up. After looking back again, she discovered the opponent's weakness.

Indeed, these people are all heavily armored warriors, but their legs have no defense at all. Leg armor is something that few people wear. If the whole body is covered in heavy armor, it will be too slow, let alone on a shaking armored vehicle.

After quickly changing a magazine here, Maria fired directly at the leg of one of the opponent's servants. This man had just aimed at himself, and before his legs could be shot out, he was hit instantly and his flesh and blood flew everywhere. But with a burst of screams, the man fell out of the armored vehicle. Before the layer next to him could react, he was shot in the left leg and screamed, falling into the armored vehicle.

The battalion commander, who was frightened by the opponent's sudden attack, quickly shrank his head and dodged a few stray bullet fragments. Although he was almost injured, this also further stimulated the hunting ambition of this noble blood. . That girl was undoubtedly a perfect prey, worthy of being hunted by him.

"Go ahead and knock this girl down!"

After hearing this, the driver increased his power and hit the car harder than the last time. Now Maria really couldn't stand it anymore. Not only was the impact painful all over her body, but the motorcycle's oil had run out, and now Maria had to find a place to stop.

But it would definitely not work in this wheat field. She had to find a place with people so that she could fish in troubled waters. She looked around anxiously, and half a minute later, she finally spotted the lights flickering in the gaps in the wheat fields in the distance.

Although there should be no one there in my memory, the best way now is to rush over, otherwise there will only be a dead end if you stay in the wheat field!

Thinking of this, Maria made the last effort to send all the last bit of oil on the motorcycle, and accelerated to open up the distance between the armored vehicle. The battalion commander seemed to have noticed the dying struggle of the prey, and his eyes were stained with blood because of excitement. He shouted loudly

"Follow! Follow!"

But after hearing it, the driver hesitated for a moment, and asked carefully

"But the front is..."

"I said! Go! Don't forget that I am your master!!!"

After hearing the other party's roar, the driver could only grit his teeth and start charging, and Maria looked at the lunatics getting closer and closer behind, and could only rush forward with the family Mary. Fortunately, the motorcycle was very powerful, and she finally rushed out of the wheat field and flew towards a low-lying area in the distance.

But when Maria saw what was behind the wheat field, her originally excited heart instantly fell to the bottom, and her whole body was cold.

Because behind the wheat field were rows of soldiers wearing standard Imperial Guard uniforms, pointing laser guns at here.

It turned out that she successfully broke into a Star Army camp. The soldiers here were awakened by the explosion just now when they were half asleep. They were asked by their officers and political commissars to organize a defensive position and be careful of possible heretic attacks.

When all the soldiers saw the possible enemy appear, they immediately raised their laser guns and prepared to shoot, but before the first high-energy ray was fired from the coil of the laser gun, the armored vehicle rushed out closely.

This time, everyone had no desire to fight. The soldiers and political commissars could only make way quickly. After all, the weapons in their hands could not deal with the Chimera armored vehicle.

Maria was thrown out the moment the motorcycle touched the ground and crashed into a tent. The battalion commander's armored vehicle knocked over a tent in the camp, causing the entire armored vehicle to turn over and stir up a large amount of dust.

At the moment she was thrown out, Maria felt that she had experienced the effect of gravity in the book, and then she was slapped hard on the canvas. Her back was as painful as being hammered hard by the mutant's fist.

When she tried to open her eyes, there were five or six guns pointed at her.

Maria felt that she was completely finished.

"Who broke into our barracks? Who broke into the Dragoon's camp?! Making such a big noise!!"

With a furious roar, Maria saw a middle-aged man in a colonel's uniform roaring out of the tent behind her, holding his laser pistol high and roaring.

And that man was the commander of the 17th Questo Dragoon Regiment, Goliath Leto.

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