The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 57 53 Usvi Ark

Chapter 57 53. Uthwe Ark

The world of death, Lirasus.

The once beautiful green ocean planet has now become a living hell. Continental plates were destroyed by orbital bombardment, magma flowed freely through cracks in the ground, oceans were evaporated, and the entire atmosphere turned a sickly orange color. The most terrifying thing is that the Black Legion sacrificed all life in this entire world to the Chaos Evil God, and now it is developing into a demonic world.

The damaged webway portals floated in the broken space, as if unable to tell what had happened, crying out for their destruction.

Although the virgin world of Lirasus has been destroyed, the fate of this webway portal is not yet over. With the blue light flashing and the gathering of psychic power, the Webway portal lit up again, and a huge ark passed through the portal, followed by a large number of Eldar cruisers.

Uthwe Ark has become one of the largest gathering places for the space refugee Eldar tribe. As the first to receive Lirasus's distress signal, they rushed here day and night, but they only saw a piece of scorched earth.

The Ark is the only safe gathering place for the Eldar in the galaxy. Although the virgin world is very beautiful, it is also as easy to break as crystal.

The huge Ark warship was a long-distance colonial ship used by the Eldar before the Great Fall. It could carry an entire family and transport large amounts of goods and troops. These people may only return to the Ada Empire a few times in the course of thousands of years, which also allows them to more intuitively feel the continuous degradation of their own race. Over time, they gradually understood that their race had now entered a hopeless situation.

So a few weeks before the Great Fall broke out, almost all the Aeldari Arks immediately took their compatriots who were still conscious and fled the empire. Of course, some Arks may have limited numbers and speeds to prevent them from running away. Being pulled too far back into the Eye of Fear brings disaster and misfortune.

Now, the Ark is the only place other than the Maiden World that can provide a safe haven for the mentally sane Ada, where they also create a culture that is completely different from the decadent style of the Eldar Empire. The ascetic-like culture that advocates discipline and patience puts everyone on the path and is so immersed in their work that they are unable to think about more complicated things.

Although Ada Ark successfully led their lucky people to escape from being eaten alive by Slaanesh, the Lady of Thirst was completely bound to the souls of all nations at the moment of her birth, so they will still be reduced to Prince of Joy's delicious soul salad. But fortunately, the Tears of Lilith, the Soul Stone, can protect their souls, thus preventing them from dying in pain.

In the glass-domed cab hall, Phoenix Lord Jaen Zar felt the waves turbulent as she watched the once beautiful world in front of her turn into a sea of ​​fire. She could only work hard to suppress her emotions so that she would not let out painful screams. look.

The Great Prophet of Uthwe, Eldrad Uthlan, also felt sad after seeing such a scene. The old man who had lived for tens of thousands of years said sadly when he saw this scene

"Another virgin world is destroyed, its people howling as they are devoured by the thirsty lady."

After hearing this, Jian Zar finally showed her anger, she gritted her teeth and said

"Those apes who believe in Chaos must pay the price!"

Uslan ignored the Phoenix Lord's angry words. He turned to look at a crew member next to him and asked softly.

"Are there any life signals from survivors on the planet's surface?"

After carefully observing it several times, the crew member shook his head regretfully.

"Sorry, there is no life signal on the Great Prophet. It is estimated that there are no survivors."

At this moment, the web portal behind him suddenly flickered again. The great prophet Uslan was the first to discover this. The Phoenix Lord next to him said casually after discovering it.

"It's probably the other Arks that received the signal! It might be Bietan, after all, they have an armed contract with Lirasus."

But Uslan shook his head, stared at the portal closely and said

"These are not our compatriots..."

In the blue ripples, golden battleships leaped out one after another. A formation consisting of aircraft carriers several thousand meters long, mother ships over ten kilometers long, as well as a large number of void storm ships and reconnaissance ships appeared here. Eldrad Uslan's pupils narrowed when he saw this scene, and he said in surprise

"Sons of the Ancient Saint?! Why are they here?!"

Phoenix Lord felt a little confused after hearing his words, and she asked in confusion

"Son of what?"

Uslan glanced at her helplessly and sighed.

"Dear Phoenix Lord, I suggest you read some books in your free time on the road!"

"Do you think I'm a fool? Great Prophet!"

Hearing Phoenix Lord's dissatisfaction, Uslan glanced at the signal sent by the other party and said quickly

"In a way, yes, but that's not important. I want to make contact now. Phoenix Lord, please don't say a word."

The very dissatisfied Phoenix Lord snorted but said nothing. Uslan then opened the communication, and Tassada's face immediately appeared on the huge screen.

"Salute to you, the great eldest son of the ancient saint."

Tassadar snorted at the subtle noise and said

"May the Old Ones mercifully forgive you, Ada."

Eldrad Uslan looked up at the executive in front of him and sighed.

"Ah! I thought Mr. Zeratul would come here."

"He's not here for the time being."

"Then may I ask your name?"


After hearing the name, Jaen Zar thought for a moment and felt a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember it. The great prophet looked at the executive in front of him and asked

"Eldest Son Clan, can we ask why you are here?"

After Tassada heard this, he thought for a moment and replied:

"We destroyed a Chaos fleet at the edge of the border and rescued the slaves on it. Among them were our merchant crew and the refugees on Lirasus. Then we learned what happened here and rushed here."

Eldrad Uslan sighed after hearing this and said

"Unfortunately, sir, there is nothing left here. As you can see, there is only scorched earth left here."

Tassada stared at the Eldar in front of him and suddenly said

"The key to the fortress was taken away by the big plunderer."

After hearing his words, Uslan, who was still calm at first, finally showed a shocked expression, and he yelled out of control.

"Impossible!! They shouldn't know the key to Vaal's Lock is here!"

"But they did know."

After a long silence, Tassadar continued

"There are still four surviving refugees on board my battleship. I will send a transport ship to pick them up on your ark later."

Jain Zar suddenly asked

"Are you coming to help us?"

Tassadar shook his head when he heard this.

"In the distant past, the Ancient Sage once handed over the entire galaxy to you, but you have made this galaxy become so dark and desperate. This is your own fault. Your ancestors have caused such trouble to you today. Suffering, and the ultimate consequences can only be borne by you.”

"Let's go, son of betrayal! We will crystallize this planet later. I can already feel the fluctuations of subspace energy above. It must be cleaned up as soon as possible."

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