The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 60 56 Blackstone Fortress

Chapter 60 56. Blackstone Fortress

On the edge of the Pacific Star Territory, Garosetti, Blackstone Fortress.

The Blackstone Fortress first appeared on the sight of the Human Empire in the 33rd millennium. The imperial explorers at that time were deeply shocked by these terrifying ancient creations as soon as they discovered them. Because of such a huge size, only the Phalanx in the empire could compare in beauty.

Subsequently, with the efforts of the Mechanicus, humans slowly learned how to use some of the surface functions of the Blackstone Fortress, and even equipped them with special tugboats before they could move these behemoths. However, there is still a big question mark as to what these terrifying creatures are doing.

It was not until the first half of the 41st Millennium, with the 12th Black Crusade launched by Abaddon, that people were horrified to discover that the Blackstone Fortress was actually a terrifying military weapon. With the help of the unknown prophet, Abaddon understood how to use the Blackstone Fortress and used it to launch the 12th Black Crusade that swept across the Gothic Sector.

When the 12th Black Crusade ended with Abaddon losing a Blackstone Fortress, no one would ignore such a behemoth anymore. So when such a terrifying behemoth was discovered on the edge of the Taiping Star Territory, almost all the forces in the galaxy surrounded it, wanting to get a share of the pie.

This has also become the most dangerous place in this area.

When the Avengers-class heavy cruiser left the net and arrived in the real universe, the first thing it saw was the huge and terrifying Blackstone Fortress, followed by a large number of battleship wreckage floating around the Blackstone Fortress like a belt. Gray could roughly tell that there were some from the Empire, some from the Eldar, some from Chaos, and even some biological battleships from the Dwarves and Tyranids.

Now all the prominent forces in the galaxy have noticed this behemoth. They may want to obtain it, they may want to destroy it, or they may want to use this thing to do other things. In short, this place has become a battlefield.

Zeratul looked at the huge black stone fortress in front of him, turned his head and said

"There is no way for a warship to enter the Blackstone Fortress with such huge ruins and under the eyes and ears of so many people. We need to send a transport plane to transport the crystal tower for teleportation."

After hearing this, Gray waved his hand and said

"I will go in first and set up the beacon and crystal tower inside. I will wait for you in front then."

Phoenix next to him heard this and took a step forward.

"My lord, please let us come with you!"

But Gray waved his hand and declined his kindness. He slowly levitated and gathered powerful subspace energy. When he opened his eyes again, the original golden pupils were emitting dazzling light.

"Through the mask made of metal and flesh, the essence of my race is the warp. For me, the warp is like home, and the webway is like the road we travel. Although today's houses are dilapidated , full of dust, but as the owner, I still have the key to open the door!”

Hearing this, Zeratul shouted in horror.


But it was too late. Dazzling golden light flashed from Gray's metal body, and the powerful light stung the senses of everyone present. After the slight sting passed, Gray had already left here.

And deep in the Blackstone Fortress, a huge golden ball of light emerged in mid-air, and then fell down in a very ungraceful posture.

While teleporting through subspace, he suddenly remembered something: Blackstone seems to be able to isolate subspace teleportation...

So his journey just now was like a 100-meter sprint and then hitting a glass wall hard. Fortunately, Gray reacted quickly and flashed back to the webway, and when he came out again, he was here.

"You can't stay in the laboratory every day, you have to go out and walk more often..."

Gray dusted off the dust on his robe and looked speechlessly into the dark and silent space. There is no way to set up a crystal tower in such a ghost place. The suppression of spiritual energy here is very serious. Even if it can be transmitted, the transmission efficiency will be very low and very unstable.

But the restriction on himself is not too serious. After all, Black Stone's suppression still has a certain limit. Although his power has been greatly weakened, he still has no problem tearing apart one or two big demons with his hands.

"Anyway, let's move forward!"

Gray thought and moved forward. The scenes I saw along the way could not be said to be unsightly, but they could only be said to be very appetizing. From time to time, there are various biological remains and bones piled up on the side. The scars on them and the weapons scattered nearby can fully tell others how these guys died.

Gray looked at the scene around him and decided to take a shuriken gun from the long-dead Ada next to him. Although his strength does not require this kind of weapon at all, he does not want to expose his strength so early, so as to avoid more targets, not only those in the Blackstone Fortress, but also those in the Supreme Sky.

Otherwise, if I use it casually, I might encounter a big demon while walking, a group of black cans covered with fire, or a group of harlequin troupes who are watching eagerly.

Haha, the interpersonal relationships between everyone in the supreme heaven are really good.

Gray continued to move in an unknown direction, and after walking for nearly half an hour, he finally found traces of living people.

If those guys are considered alive.

A group of beastmen wearing tattered equipment were cleaning the battlefield just now, and from the equipment and clothing of the dead people on the ground, they could barely be recognized as a group of Imperial Guards. These mutants who believed in Chaos were ordered by their masters to come here for reconnaissance. Gray, who was holding a gun, immediately identified which camp these people belonged to from their shoulder armor.

It has a black background with a golden eight-pointed star engraved on it.

It's the Black Legion!

Sure enough, the black legion who obtained the key to the Lock of Vaal immediately came here non-stop, preparing to activate this black stone fortress.

Just when Gray was about to leave here, he suddenly felt a slight breathing sound coming from behind him. He immediately turned his head and wanted to point his rifle at the uninvited guest in front of him, but his lack of proficiency in firearms caused him to be a step slower.

Not yet, when she saw the figure in front of her clearly, a big green hand with raised skin quickly snatched the gun from his hand, and the other hand immediately covered his mouth.

Only then did Gray realize that a Kroot man was squatting behind him. The Kroot man was carrying an old Kroot spear on his back and spoke in Karai like a whisper.

"Don't talk, kid, or we will all die..."

The man held Gray's mouth for a while, then let go when the other person seemed to be more honest. He slowly took off the spear from his back and pointed it at a beastman who was picking up trophies.

Freed again, Gray carefully observed his surroundings, and his keen vision helped him quickly detect other people around him.

On a bulge above the Blackstone Fortress, two short snipers were aiming at the people below. An Eldar ranger was hiding in the shadows and hiding very close, holding the dagger and pistol in his hands tightly. Two psykers were standing opposite him, preparing powerful psychic attacks in their hands.

The most striking thing is another combination. A man in a blue robe is huddled behind a stone. Next to him is a young woman who is aiming a heavy explosive bomb. Behind them, a huge creation is raised. He pointed the Gatling cannon in his hand at the ignorant beastmen in front of him.

There is no doubt that soon, this place will turn into a bloody battlefield...

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