The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 7 Gray's Headache

Chapter 7 7. Gray has a headache

After entering the warp tunnel, Rashagal finally got rid of Talalin's pursuit, and now they can finally go to Aiur safely.

When the Kalai protoss saw their cousins ​​arriving here with wounds, they all showed surprised expressions. When they learned that the Tal'darin fleet actually dared to stop them from sending items that could resurrect the Old Saint. Everyone here showed extreme anger and dissatisfaction. They really did not expect that their fallen compatriots would be so bold. But what worries the senior leaders of Kalai Star Spirit even more is what they have done in the Human Empire. do.

After hearing Rashagar's personal answer, Aldaris looked at Gray in front of him with deep worry and said humbly.

"I'm sorry, great ancient saint, Gray. Your prediction may really come true. The Tal'darin foolishly plundered the human empire. Maybe your prediction may really become a reality in the future."

Gray, who was suspended on a platform, felt ashamed after hearing this. It seemed that even without Titanium Le's trouble, this was what he deserved.

As for why he was placed on a metal platform now, it was because he wanted to let the protoss collect some data while he was still in the soul state to facilitate future research on the soul state. As a result, the scene that followed was out of control, as if the Mechanicum was repairing Titan. An engineer actually set up an incense burner in the corner of the research room, burning incense while studying.

However, even the protoss who are proficient in soul technology still find it difficult to figure out the soul structure of the ancient saint. Scientists before them tried to understand the remaining components of the ancient saint's remains but all failed. In the end, they could only be turned into a form of idols and tools to be worshiped and used by people.

Gray looked at Aldaris kneeling on the ground and sighed.

"This is fate! The tide of subspace is fooling us. Whether it is chaos or order, we will inevitably blindly follow fate. Even if we know our own destiny in advance, we may still follow the same path."

"But I believe there will eventually be results that will change our destiny, because the races that can truly survive are the races that are willing to fight against fate."

Tassada, the consul in charge of managing the military, asked after listening to Gray's philosophical speech.

"Should we strike first?"

After hearing this, Gray slowly shook his head.

"Taking the first move will only anger that terrible monster. Even though he is old and decayed, he is still a monster. We need to make this huge monster feel pain, but we cannot let him feel that we are a real threat. He. What we need to do now is prepare ourselves and increase our vigilance.”

"Does the public need to know about this?"

Tassada thought for a while and then said something. Gray immediately rejected it after hearing it.

"Not many people need to know about this, I don't want to panic the masses."

After hearing what Gray said, Aldaris immediately understood what it meant. He looked at the engineers and ordered

"Does everyone understand? If anyone dares to talk nonsense outside, there will be consequences at their own risk!"

After taking a look at the shocked scientists, Aldaris nodded with satisfaction. Gray looked at the large box of nanomachine liquid that had been pushed in. He looked at the people next to him and said

"You'd better give in, I'm going to start absorbing these things to create a new body."

When everyone stood further away, Gray began to slowly use his spiritual power to stretch out more than a dozen blue-rayed silk threads and insert them into the liquid metal. The liquid metal began to flow as if it was suddenly given life, and slowly possessed the soul along the psychic tentacles. Soon, the nanomachines were quickly absorbed, and the soul in front of him turned into a huge silver drop-shaped object. Aldaris looked at the water droplets floating in the air and became impatient. He asked carefully.

"My lord, are you there?"

Suddenly, the water droplets began to change rapidly, began to split, combine, and take shape. Finally, a human-like upper body was formed, but his lower body was still not fully formed. It was only blocked by some metal visors and was empty. Gone with the wind, his upper body looked like a warrior wearing ancient armor and clothes, quietly looking at the people in front of him.

Tassada was a little confused when he saw this scene. Why did the ancient saint look like this? But this looks too much like a human or an Eldar race, right?

Gray also noticed Tassada's doubts and explained

"You should have heard of the meaning of upgrading, right? Different beings will undergo so-called ascension when their psychic abilities and genes reach a certain level, that is, they will completely become psychic species. The Ancient Saints and Xel'Naga you know are This kind of collective name, strictly speaking, these two should be the name of a regime, not the name of a species. After all, I don’t want to become a toad or octopus anymore, I still prefer my original self.”

Hearing this, Tassada accepted this statement. After all, many different gene combinations could indeed be found in the large number of ancient saint remains collected. And they still don’t have a definition of what race the protoss themselves belong to. According to biologists, their biological relatives are most likely coelenterates...

Compared to Tassada, who is more cautious, Aldaris, as the speaker of the parliament, has obviously been carried away by fanatical religion. She looked at the broken god in front of her that contained huge spiritual energy and said excitedly

"My Lord Gray! Your people are waiting for you! The protoss need a new leader!"

It turns out that the Protoss Empire has always been ruled by the Ancient Saints and Xel'Naga, so when they left, the Protoss only established their own parliament to exercise certain rights on their behalf, but the main legal framework and political structure remained. It is carried out according to the teachings of the ancient saints tens of millions of years ago.

Gray had a headache after hearing this, because the most he had managed before was a class of 43 people. Besides, it was a bit too early for him to lead a civilization in a cheating universe like Warhammer 40k. Gray shook his head thinking about that statement and said

"I may be a qualified god, but I am definitely not a qualified leader like my peers, so I can appear in front of the people and inspire them, but the main political issues still need to be discussed by you. , I will only express my own thoughts and final decisions on key issues.”

Aldaris was a little disappointed after hearing this, but he could understand it. After all, the current Ancient Saint was only in a broken state, and it might take a long time for him to officially recover. And the current empire must be protected by loyal servants like them. Perhaps this is also a test of their race by the ancient saints?

Thinking of this, Aldaris suddenly aroused a fighting spirit, and a powerful spiritual energy radiated from his body, and said with great determination

"We will definitely live up to the name of the eldest son of God! Praise the ancient saint!"

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