The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 70 65 Distribution after the war

Chapter 70 65. Distribution after the war

Zeratul released his fragmentation while panting and looked at the new god in front of him. Gray is now much taller than before, and with a powerful carrier, he can continue to absorb more psychic energy to strengthen himself. In other words, he has successfully updated a container that can absorb more spiritual power from believers.

Except for the space dwarves and the Protoss, everyone else was stunned to see Gray's current appearance. Gray slowly descended from the sky, staring at everyone with golden eyes and said

"Everyone, maybe you really want to know my identity. Now that things have come to this, I can also tell you. Do you want to hear it?"

Janus swallowed his saliva after hearing it. He wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say, because during the long time of wandering merchants, he realized that some things are better not to know. And Lisa and other Eldar constructs can feel the extremely friendly psychic power from this body, as if it was the power from their ancestors.

Lisa stared at the machine in front of her and began to think. She even began to doubt whether this was an Eldar god who had survived the Great Fall.

However, everyone has not really relaxed yet, because there is still an entire Imperial fleet waiting for them outside. After discovering that the Blackstone Fortress had stopped operating again, the Imperial fleet quickly called the other two fleets next to it to prepare to land on the Blackstone Fortress. Now that the interference object has finally disappeared, let the subspace tugboat tow the Blackstone Fortress back to the Empire.

"We must leave here immediately, otherwise the humans will kill us all!"

Phoenix said seriously after hearing the signal from the Tyrant-class cruiser outside. After hearing this, Vallat said reluctantly

"Then the Blackstone Fortress will be given to them?"

"It's better than falling into the hands of the Black Legion."

"Don't worry, I have a way."

Gray didn't want the Blackstone Fortress to fall into the hands of the human empire, otherwise who knows what tricks the High Lord Council will come up with, it's better to take it away directly.

"Vallat! Janus! I will start a warp storm later. Tell your ships not to leave. Let's go to a safe place first!"

Just when the fleet of the human empire was about to reach the distance where they could board, the astropath on the battleship found bad news.

"Mr. Admiral, Mr. Claire in the navigation room wants to talk to you!"

On the bridge of the fleet's flagship, an Emperor-class battlecruiser, the auspicious chief who found the problem urgently contacted his captain. After hearing his message, the captain immediately received the navigator's call channel.

"Grand Psychic Claire, I hope you can tell me what happened right away?"

The crazy and incomprehensible words of the psychic immediately appeared in the channel.

"I saw darkness and purple ripples! I saw the flood in the warp! The storm is coming!

We have to leave here quickly! Leave here!"

Although the other party's words were extremely obscure and difficult to understand, he still understood what the other party asked him to do. It is here that a warp storm is about to be set off!

The admiral's forehead was bulging with veins when he heard his words, and he shouted angrily

"What a joke? It's so hard to succeed, and you tell me there's such a trick?!"

But it was true. Soon the engine-type mechanical priest also sent a signal. The subspace content in this area has been rising sharply, and they must leave.

There was no way. Although a Blackstone Fortress was very valuable, his first priority was to protect his fleet, so he had to retreat first. When they retreated for nearly half an hour, a sudden purple subspace storm immediately enveloped the huge Blackstone Fortress, and then in just an hour, the Blackstone Fortress disappeared.

When everyone was caught in the subspace storm, they felt like they were driving a small wooden boat into the vast ocean, and it was extremely bumpy. After all, the huge Blackstone Fortress was indeed as small and helpless as a small wooden boat in the sea of ​​subspace souls.

But fortunately, this situation did not last long. Under Gray's protection, the creatures in the subspace did not dare to approach them at all, and the influence of the evil god was also blocked. In less than ten minutes, they had already reached the inner side of the Damocles Gulf.

"How long have we walked? Report the timeline."

Gray landed slowly, patted the non-existent dust on his lab robe and asked. Zeratul immediately began to adjust the time and said in surprise

"We have only passed an hour, sir."

After hearing this news, he nodded with satisfaction and turned to look at the equally shocked people and said

"Okay, now the entire Blackstone Fortress is our spoils, let's discuss how to divide it now."

The Protoss withdrew from the discussion at the beginning. For them, the Blackstone Fortress is not an advanced weapon, but it is still a Blackstone Fortress that has lost its engine. For them, successfully restoring some of their gods' strength is already the best reward.

The request made by Janus and others is very simple, just let them leave alive, but Gray decided to give him a gift considering his help.

"Are you sure you want to give this to me?!"

Janus almost thought there was something wrong with his ears when he heard Gray's words, because Gray actually wanted to give him the Tyrant-class cruiser. Gray shrugged his shoulders and explained

"That's right. For us, he said, the technological system is completely incompatible with ours, and the technological level is even more backward than ours. We will dismantle the weapons and equipment and the transmission system of the webway, but the subspace engine has been modified for you. But we have a request. You need to send us news within the galaxy within a period of time, so that we can better understand the situation in this universe."

Janus hesitated after hearing it, and it took a while to recover his language function.

"No problem, thank you..."

The Blackstone Fortress, which has lost its power system and weapon attack system, was handed over to the space dwarves. After all, this guy is now just a large iron bastard shell. But the space dwarves are also very happy to get such an empty shell. After all, their largest space fortress has been destroyed in the Battle of Eight Peaks. Now they are more excited to get such a better replacement, and their relationship with the entire Protoss Empire will be closer. In this dark galaxy, Gray needs a reliable and powerful ally

As for those underworld constructs, Gray asked Lisa to take them back to the Bjetan Ark. Although he hated the Eldar very much, Bjetan, as a powerful force that had been fighting Chaos for a long time, was still an object that could be won over or used. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or an object that can be used.

Just when everyone was about to leave Blackstone Fortress and go to their respective destinations, Iron Man UR-025 found Gray. As soon as he found him, he said directly

"I want to join your civilization."

Gray was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and asked back

"Why, I need a reason."

"Because the reason I came to Blackstone Fortress is to find a soul-like mechanical structure like me, and now I have found it."

"But, you know, I..."

"Although my mechanical processing speed is not as fast as yours, it can still process hundreds of trillions of times per second, and can manufacture and model high-precision nanomachines."

"Welcome to join."

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