The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 74 69 The Second Damocles Gulf Expedition

Chapter 74 69. The Second Expedition to the Gulf of Damocles


Twenty years after the disappearance of Blackstone Fortress, the Empire finally found the location of this huge fortress. Not long ago, the Demon Tribunal of the Tribunal successfully discovered the Blackstone Fortress on the edge of the Extreme Star Territory. It was judged that this Blackstone Fortress was the one lost in the Taiping Star Territory. But when the black ship arrived, they were surprised to find that the fortress had turned into a castle world of space dwarves. It was obvious that these sub-human relatives of space dwarves had completely controlled this huge fortress. However, Luckily they don't seem to know how this thing is supposed to work.

According to reports from the Inquisition's reconnaissance forces, the space dwarves completely modified the blackstone fortress to their own style and installed a large number of defensive cannons. What's even worse is that these space dwarves seem to have a lot of collusion with the alien forces at war with the Empire inside the Gulf of Damocles.

Then the Inquisition quickly mobilized its own fleet and demanded that the space dwarves hand over the Blackstone Fortress immediately. In the end, as can be imagined, the negotiation quickly turned into a conflict. The result was that the Inquisition's fleet was unable to defeat the enemy and was forced to withdraw. By the time the reinforcements arrived, the space dwarves' fortress and blackstone fortress had all disappeared and left here. According to the Inquisition's speculation, they had fled to the inside of Damocles.

This situation was unacceptable to the Inquisition, and they immediately reported it to the Supreme Council of Terra. After careful consideration after learning the news, Terra decided to completely eliminate this long-standing threat.

When people think about who is more suitable for this task, they naturally think of the Ultramarines Chapter Master Calgar.

But after Calgar, who had just finished the Sixth Burning Battle of the Word Bearers, heard the news, she felt exhausted both physically and mentally. To be honest, the great Ultramarines Chapter Leader really doesn't want to hold this honorable position, because Ultramar must recover after being severely attacked. If we still have to fight now, the Ultramarines really have no more information. capacity to carry out their reconstruction work.

Although Calgar and his heroic warriors were unable to fight, luckily there was still a founding group nearby.

The extreme star field, outside Damocles, the imperial ocean world Kelt.

In the orbit of this planet rich in seafood and salt mines, a warship from the Adeptus Astartes stopped on it.

The ancient black battleship is engraved with sacred scriptures, the emperor's icon and the face of the original body are engraved in the church murals, and specially decorated light spears and macro cannons are dotted on the bow and sides of the hull. The Adeptus Astartes to which it belongs can be seen on the outside of this battleship.

This is a Raven Guard strike cruiser, and not far from him, there are dozens of Imperial battleships and battleships from other chapters. Their purpose of coming here is to crusade inside the Gulf of Damocles. The damn alien.

Navarre Kairos, Master of the Crows, was walking in the clean but dark lower deck of the battleship. He came here to look for the Chapter Leader. Compared with other Astartes warships, the lower deck of the Raven Guard is much cleaner, and the quality of life of civilians is also much higher. After all, they are an existence that can build forests on the industrial world. Their level of care for the people can be said to be no less than that of Salamanders and Ultramarines.

Navarre walked through the aisles that were a bit crowded for him, trying to avoid the mortals who passed by. Only he knows where the Chapter Master is now. The current Chapter Master of the Raven Guard, Corwen Sevex, is a very eccentric person, but fortunately, he is just a very eccentric person. I don't have any special hobbies, I just don't like talking to others and like to be alone.

After wandering around the place several times, Navarre finally found the most likely place. He squeezed hard into the middle of the two pipes, listening to the friction between the pipes and the armor, and pushed forward hard. After nearly seven minutes of arduous walking, we finally reached the other end. He saw a very old but neat pressure door in front of him. He knocked on the door and waited for a response from the person inside.

Half a minute later, there was a slight "hmm" from inside and he pushed the door open. The appearance here is completely different from that outside. Although the outside is very simple and complete, it is even more beautiful here. Gothic architecture and carpets decorate the room. There are bookshelves on both sides of the wall. The emperor's holy paintings hang on the desk in front of him. The Chapter Master sits behind the desk and writes poetry silently.

Navarre couldn't help but laugh and said jokingly

"It seems I have found your secret base, Chapter Master."

The silent Chapter Master snorted, and Netate continued.

"Captain, the expedition is about to begin. You should go and give some encouraging words to our brothers."

Ke Wen was silent for several minutes before saying the first word after Netat's arrival.


Netat left the Chapter Master's secret space and returned to the upper deck. He will now lead his battle brothers in praying before the battle.

Although Calgar will not serve as an expeditionary force, nor will he let his Ultramarines participate in this war, he still pays attention to the trends in the empire. Angre, who lives in Macragge, brings news of the expeditionary force.

Calgar, wearing a wheat-colored linen robe inlaid with lapis lazuli and gold-threaded edges, looked at it carefully. This time, the human empire mobilized 12 heavy battleships, 34 small battleships and 23 supply fleets. The huge expeditionary fleet was divided into three parts, of which two Emperor-class battlecruisers and one Ironclad-class battleship were used as flagships of the three fleets. As for the economic warriors, the Raven Guard was fully dispatched, and more than half of the Fire Eagles also came. Other warbands stationed in the Ultramarine also sent a part of their people, a total of nearly three warbands.

This time their goal is mainly to recapture the Blackstone Fortress and to destroy and plunder the planets of the Protoss and the Space Dwarves close to the empire to the greatest extent, so that the other party will not be able to continue to threaten the empire for a long time.

After reading the battle plan carefully, Calgar nodded. The expeditionary force sent this time is larger and the goal is better than the unrealistic one last time. However, if this expedition fails or even the whole army is annihilated, it will be a fatal blow, because it means that more than half of the troops in the eastern territory of the Ultramarine have lost their combat capabilities.

At the same time, he is also very sure that the other side has been well prepared after the last war, so the next expeditionary force will undoubtedly face a terrible battle.

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